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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 229 Space Channel

“Shi Lan?”

Seeing Shi Lan come in, Wu Lingkong looked a little excited and struggled to get up, but as soon as he stood up, his hands softened and he lay back down again.

“How could it be so badly injured?”

Shi Lan took one step to the bedside, held Wu Lingkong’s wrist, helped her sit up on the pillow, injected a ray of true energy into her body, and began to check her injuries.

As the true energy circulated, Shi Lan’s eyebrows furrowed even more tightly. Wu Lingkong’s injuries were too serious, the true energy was exhausted, and the energy and blood were almost exhausted.

“If you don’t die, your fate is already high.”

Wu Lingkong shook his head, pulled out his wrist, turned sideways and hugged Shi Lan, rubbed his cheek on her neck, and sighed:

“I knew you were a lucky person and would definitely come back safely.”

Shi Lan was silent. In her impression, Wu Lingkong was always full of energy and had never been so weak.

“Let me see your wound.”

Shi Lan caught a glimpse of the gauze wrapped around Wu Lingkong’s collar, supported her to lie down, untied her top, and removed the gauze layer by layer.

A horrific scar nearly an inch deep started from under Wu Lingkong’s neck, across his chest, to his lower abdomen, almost breaking through his Dantian.

The scar had stopped bleeding, but it was still far from healing.

“This was an injury sustained while slaying a Tiangang-level green-scaled python.”

Cold sweat broke out on Wu Lingkong’s forehead, and she said with some difficulty:

“When the green-scaled python was about to fight back, it used an innate magical power…the scales on its body rose up and killed many sisters. I only managed to survive with the help of the talisman you gave me.”

“Why don’t you take the elixir?”

“There is a dire shortage of elixirs in the camp now, and there are too many injured. They are all taking whatever they can. The healing herbs should be reserved for those who cannot hold on, as long as they can save their lives.”

Shi Lan nodded, turned over his hand and took out a blue Ganoderma lucidum from the Qiankun Bracelet, held it in his hand, and squeezed out several drops of crystal clear spiritual liquid from it.

In her hands now, there are very few spiritual materials below the fourth grade. What Cang Yue sent with Yue Jiqun that time were mostly precious medicines.

This water lingbaozhi is also among them.

The power of the fourth-grade medicine is so powerful. A few drops of spiritual liquid dripped into the wound, and the wound immediately began to squirm. Almost in a moment, pink granules sprouted and began to heal.

Shi Lan put Shuiling Baozhi aside, wrapped the gauze again, helped Wu Lingkong sit up, put his hands on her shoulders, and the blood began to boil, and the pure blood flowed into Wu Lingkong in an endless stream. Ayakora’s body.

“Shi Lan, you…”

Wu Lingkong’s expression changed slightly. How important blood energy is to a warrior. People like Shi Lan who use their original blood energy to heal people’s injuries would suffer too much loss. If it were more serious, it would shake the foundation of their cultivation.

“No problem.”

Shi Lan shook her head. To her, this little bit of blood was just a drop in the bucket. She could replenish it with a snap of her fingers by killing two monsters.

Wu Lingkong’s pale cheeks turned a layer of blood, his breath gradually became calmer, and the look in his eyes also gained a bit of vitality.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Shi Lan withdrew his hand, helped Wu Lingkong lie down, and said, “Relax in peace, and the most important thing is to take good care of your body as soon as possible.”

“Is the situation bad?”

Wu Lingkong noticed something and frowned.

“The war is right around the corner, coming soon.”

Shi Lan nodded slightly. She had a hunch that the journey along the way was just the calm before the storm.

If Wu Lingkong cannot recover quickly, he will most likely die in the subsequent battle.

Wu Lingkong took a deep breath, said no more, closed his eyes, and began to digest the medicinal power of Shui Ling Baozhi.

Shi Lan did not stay in the tent for long and left soon.

After leaving the camp, Shi Lan noticed that the atmosphere in the camp was a bit solemn. Generals above ten thousand captains were walking around, arranging the sergeants to form formations in specific directions.

There are several figures standing high in the sky, with purple demon-suppressing orders hanging on their waists. They are all demon-suppressing commanders, headed by a burly man eight feet in length.

Shi Lan didn’t recognize many demon-suppressing commanders, but the burly man headed by Zhong Zhong was one of them, because he was so famous.

This person’s name is Qi Ruiyu, a member of the Imperial Court, who has been guarding the border for more than two thousand years, has reached the ninth level of heaven and human realm, and is a well-known peak powerhouse.

Although he had never asked specifically about it, after joining the Demon Suppression Army for so long, Shi Lan also knew a lot of hidden secrets about the Demon Suppression Army.

After millions of years of development, the Demon Suppression Army has become a world of difference from when it was first established.

Although the demon-suppressing army is a whole, it is still divided into three factions: the imperial court, the aristocratic family, and ordinary warriors.

Among these three factions, the Imperial Court is the strongest, followed by the aristocratic families, and ordinary warriors are the weakest.

But compared to the loose relationship between aristocratic families, the relationship between ordinary warriors is closer, perhaps because they all climbed up from the bottom and understand each other better.

Most of the people in the aristocratic family are unruly and do not look down upon most ordinary warriors. When they get along day and night, conflicts will inevitably arise sometimes.

If there weren’t people from the Imperial Court keeping pressure on them, the conflict would have escalated long ago.

Although they both belong to the demon-suppressing army, they are still very different in front of the imperial court.

Joining the Demon Suppressing Army does not mean that you have joined the Imperial Court.

If not, Bai Weiyang would not have asked Shi Lan if he wanted to join the Bai family when he first met Shi Lan.

The demon-suppressing commanders in the sky suddenly scattered, and the gates to the world behind them opened, connecting them together, and in an instant, an illusory gate was erected that reached the sky and the earth.

“The whole army listens to the order and sets off immediately!”

Qi Ruiyu roared in the air and began to command the entire army, led by the women’s battalion, to rush towards the giant gate.

After receiving the memory fragments of Sword Emperor Guiyun, Shi Lan’s current vision is even more powerful than ordinary ones.

The giant gate formed by the world gates of these demon-suppressing commanders does not lead to their own small world, but uses the power of the small world to build a space passage across the sky.

On the other side of the passage, if nothing else happens, it should be Xianwu City.

To carry more than a million people across the space passage, the energy consumed is enough to fill the abyss. This kind of generosity made Shi Lan gasp.

Above the illusory giant door, the brilliance flickered and seemed a little unstable.

Qi Ruiyu frowned slightly, but did not step forward. He glanced around vaguely, waved his sleeves, and countless spiritual crystals fell like raindrops, landed near the giant door, and exploded one after another.

The massive spiritual energy fluctuated and roared, and before it had time to sweep across all directions, it was absorbed by the giant door. The illusory giant door slowly stabilized, its brilliance stabilized, and gradually solidified.

The injured in the women’s camp entered the giant door first and were teleported away in an instant.

When the women’s camp was about to be evacuated, the sky suddenly dimmed, and the scorching sun in the sky disappeared without a trace, replaced by a dark disk, and a dazzling black light shone for nine days.

An unparalleled bloody sharp energy split open the world and struck at the giant door with brutal murderous intent!


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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