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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 237 Demonic Qi

These quiet rooms in the War Merit Hall are only about ten feet long and wide from the outside, but there is something else going on inside, more than ten feet long and wide, like a side hall.

As soon as Shi Lan entered the quiet room, he saw a huge halberd hanging in the air.

The halberd is three feet long and four in four. The shaft of the halberd is completely black, with floating patterns of mountains and rivers hidden around it. The blade of the halberd is as red as blood, with a layer of flowing light wrapped around it, as if a layer of blood is slowly flowing. The aura of bloody killing blows against the face. Come.

Shi Lan’s mind condensed slightly. This Tianhuang Halberd must have drank the blood of many powerful creatures, otherwise this bloody aura would not be so powerful.

Not far away from the Tianhuang Halberd, there was a wooden frame with dozens of jade bottles and a green jade tablet on it.

Millions of points in battle, and the final reward can be seen at a glance.

Shi Lan walked to the wooden frame, picked up the jade plaque, and concentrated on the feeling.

One by one, the Qi circulation channels that conveyed Qi and blood and consolidated the foundation poured into her mind.

After a while, the jade tablet in Shi Lan’s hand shattered, and the Nine Spirits Casting Basic Technique was burned into the depths of her mind.

Shi Lan slowly opened her eyes, her eyes full of surprise. The mystery of the Nine Spirits Casting Method exceeded her expectations.

In the vast land of China, the division of cultivation qualifications is not clear. Even some big forces only have some methods to measure them roughly.

Humans are different from the two demon clans. The talents of the two demon clans are all judged by their bloodline. The difference in talent between humans is not only due to bloodline.

The demon-suppressing army uses stone slabs refined from psychic stones. This is the most accurate method known in the Lingyang Realm.

When the psychic stone comes into contact with people, it will emit various colors of light depending on the person’s qualifications. After refining, this kind of induction will be more sensitive.

However, the psychic stone also has disadvantages. Firstly, the accuracy is unstable and there is a possibility of sensing errors. Secondly, as the number of people sensing it increases, the sensitivity of the psychic stone will become lower and lower until it fails.

Moreover, psychic stones are extremely rare. Except for the Imperial Court, very few powerful people would use such valuable consumables.

Furthermore, it is not uncommon for people with low qualifications to soar into the sky due to chance.

Therefore, in the vast land of China, there has never been a clear division of people’s qualifications into three, six or nine.

In the vast land of China, the only thing that can be intuitively perceived about a person’s qualifications is the speed of cultivation.

In the body-tempering realm, it’s just a matter of stretching your muscles and bones. As long as you are willing to work hard and put in ten or a hundred times the effort of others, you can even out the gap in talent.

But the innate realm is completely different. Even if a person with mediocre talent practices continuously for twelve hours, the growth of his true energy may not be as good as that of a person with outstanding talent who can run the technique for several days.

Some things cannot be accomplished by perseverance alone.

However, the Nine Spirits Founding Method is taking a different approach. When the warrior enters the innate world, he uses the blood of powerful creatures to recast the foundation in his body.

The innate nine-layer heaven, using the blood of nine powerful creatures to build a nine-layer heaven foundation, using this to set foot in the martial arts, this is even more terrifying than being reborn.

However, although this method has the effect of turning decay into magic, the disadvantages are also obvious. If the blood of the creature that casts the foundation is not strong enough, then the person’s talent will be limited, and the upper limit is equivalent to being sealed, and the possibility of further progress is lost.

Moreover, once a serious injury is suffered, the foundation of this ninth layer collapses, and a lifetime of cultivation is very likely to disappear, with no possibility of recovery.

Shi Lan recalled the mystery of the Nine Spirits Casting Foundation Technique and began to weigh it in his mind.

If she really wants her two younger brothers to practice the Nine Spirits Foundation Casting Technique and the nine powerful beings who cast the foundation, they must choose carefully.

Shi Lan flicked his sleeves and put the jade bottle on the shelf into the Qiankun Bracelet, then faced the Tianhuang Halberd in mid-air, circulated his true energy, and shook it with his hand.

The Tianhuang Halberd, which was more than three feet long, slowly shrunk to less than ten feet, fell from mid-air, and fell into Shi Lan’s palm.

The Tianhuang Halberd weighed no less than several thousand kilograms, but Shi Lan didn’t pay attention. His wrist sank slightly, and the halberd shaft was brought into his hands, bringing a gentle warmth, which was slightly slippery.

The acupoints in Shi Lan’s body opened one after another, and the Earthly Evil Qi spurted out. The red light on the Tianhuang Halberd flashed slightly, and the relief patterns on the mountains, rivers and earth on it suddenly lit up. The bloody killing Qi suddenly surged and swept in all directions.


The wooden frame on the side suddenly shattered and scattered on the ground.

“If you want to test your troops, leave here.”

A voice message suddenly sounded in Shi Lan’s ears.

Obviously, someone is always monitoring the war merit hall.

The Tianhuang Halberd dimmed, and after calming down the restless energy and blood in his body due to the killing energy, Shi Lan put away the Tianhuang Halberd, turned around and left the quiet room.

There is still a faint trace of demonic energy in the air, and the aura of the previously transformed demon king has not yet dissipated.

Shi Lan had some doubts in her heart, but then she thought that it was not her turn to worry about it. Since someone was always monitoring the War Merit Hall, if there was really any problem, the Demon King in Transformation would definitely not be able to get out.

And even a demon king might not be able to make any big waves in the current Xianwu City.

Thinking of this, Shi Lan shook his head slightly, his doubts dissipated.

There is an attic above the third floor of the War Merit Hall.

In the attic, there were several figures standing or sitting. Some were wearing battle armor, while others were wearing martial robes. Their auras were as deep as the sea.

“I was still confused before. These beasts have always been shouting at each other, with a cloud of followers, but this little demon is alone. Now it seems that he was captured on purpose.” A big man in black robe said in a deep voice. Open your mouth.

“It is expected that there is a monster clan in Xianwu City, but its purpose needs further investigation.” A scholar in Confucian robes shook his head slightly.

“I’m not interested in that fox demon, but there was one there just now, which was a bit strange.” A middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the ground spoke slowly, his eyes flashing with a strange blue light like thunder.

“Who is it?” the scholar in Confucian robes asked curiously.

“She’s a woman from the demon-suppressing army.” The middle-aged man looked at a man in black armor leaning to one side with a slightly amused expression.

There is a purple demon-suppressing order hanging on the waist of the man in black armor, and he is clearly a demon-suppressing commander.

“Speak directly if you have anything to say.”

“That woman has a demonic aura about her.”

“Making a fuss out of a molehill, it’s normal for people in the demon-suppressing army to be infected with demonic aura.” The big man in black robe sneered.

“I can clearly distinguish between the death energy on the demon corpse and the living evil energy on the demon clan.” The middle-aged man glanced at the big man, his face darkened, and then he said:

“Although the demonic energy in that woman is very weak, it is quite pure and can rival the Demon King in disguise.”

“Brother Yu’s Dharma Eye for Destroying Illusions has reached its peak. He should not be able to lose his sight.”

“Then does this woman really have a problem?”

Several people on the side looked at each other.

“Is he bewitched by the demon clan? Or is he possessed by a demon spirit?”

“The demon-suppressing army, from top to bottom, is under the supervision of the human race’s history. Regardless of their character, at least they are loyal to our human race. There will never be any problem. This matter has been exposed.”

The demon-suppressing commander who was leaning aside said something, turned around and went down to the attic.

The people behind him had different expressions.

Shi Lan returned to the second floor, where Wu Lingkong was leaning on the square platform, looking around, looking a little bored.

Seeing Shi Lan coming down, Wu Lingkong’s eyes brightened and he came up to greet him.

“Don’t you have anything you need?” Shi Lan was a little confused.

“I don’t have much accumulated military exploits, and if I return to Zhongtian Territory, my military exploits won’t be that great. It’s better to save them for emergencies.”

Wu Lingkong shook his head and said with great interest:

“It’s rare that you have free time. Come with me to the Xianwucheng market.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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