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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 243 Coming in droves

A sword that stretched for more than ten feet shot out from under Shi Feng’s sword. The sword was compressed to the extreme, and its sharp energy swept across all directions!

The air was torn apart, howling sounds were heard endlessly, and the living room instantly turned into a mess. The pillars and beams were shattered by the aftermath, and the roof rubble was thrown up and splashed hundreds of feet into the sky.

Gu Rentong mobilized his true energy to protect his children and grandchildren, and couldn’t stop retreating. Wu Lingkong even exited the living room the moment Shi Feng made a move. She had enough trust in Shi Lan’s strength, and she couldn’t help but retreat. No worries at all.


Daogang collided with a pale golden long sword and shattered into pieces like paper. The scattered fragments of Gang Qi cut cracks on the ground.

From the beginning to the end, Shi Lan never moved an inch, nor did she summon Jin Hong. This was Jin Hong taking the initiative to protect the Lord.

After striking out in anger, Shi Feng calmed down a little, took a few deep breaths, and looked at Shi Lan with extremely complicated eyes.

Shi Lan glanced around, but there was still silence in Shi Mansion, not affected at all. Such a huge movement did not disturb anyone.

“Reincarnation, I’m sorry to trouble you again.”

Shi Lan thanked her silently. The moment Shi Feng took action, she let Samsara take action and drew a barrier around it.

Shi Tianlu was at the critical moment of retreat, and Shi Lan didn’t want anyone to disturb him.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t cost much energy.”

Samsara didn’t care, and after replying, Wu Lingkong and Gu Rentong’s ancestors were excluded from the barrier.

A layer of white mist rose up from the barrier, cutting off everything, as if the ruins were separated from the world.

At this moment, Shi Feng had extremely complicated feelings about Shi Lan. It was obvious that Shi Lan had undergone a huge change when he was in Tenglong City.

After that, in Shuangyue City, the person in front of him saved his life.

“Who are you? Where did Shi Lan go?”

Shi Feng suppressed the idea of ​​taking action again, stared at Shi Lan, looked at the familiar face, and spoke in a deep voice.

“I am Shi Lan now, and Shi Mansion is my home.”

Shi Lan put away the golden rainbow, walked slowly to Shi Feng, and said calmly: “As for who I am, is it important?”

Shi Feng slowly tightened his grip on the Hengdao, murderous intent gradually rising in his eyes.

“If it weren’t for you, Shi Lan would still be Shi Lan…”

Sensing the murderous aura rising from Shi Feng’s body, Shi Lan shook his head, suddenly sneered, raised his right arm slightly, held the seal in front of his chest with one hand, and then slapped it down with a palm from the air!

The Tianji Seal was obtained from the Daozang of the Guiyun Sword Emperor. It is an emperor-level secret technique of killing. After it is completed, it is easy to raise one’s hand to pick up the stars and the moon, but its power is overwhelming.

At this moment, Shi Lan was in the Earthly Evil Realm, and the Tianji Seal was in the entry level, but he still exerted terrifying power!

When the palm print was struck, it was as if it was invisible, all the light was swallowed up by it, and a shadow of Tao Yun was faintly intertwined around the palm print, which was extremely terrifying!

The horizontal sword in Shi Feng’s hand rose again, and the general trend of the world was like a vast ocean, enveloping countless swords and pressing down overwhelmingly!

Shi Lan remained calm and struck down the palm prints without any pause. His body glowed with a faint glow, and his glazed jade body moved to the limit, resisting the edge of the spiritual treasure with the power of his physical body.


Wrapped up by the general trend of heaven and earth, Dao Gang was instantly beaten to pieces and scattered.

The palm print seemed to tear apart the space, and it hit Shi Feng’s chest in an instant.


Shi Feng flew backwards in an instant, coughing out a large mouthful of blood in mid-air. The brocade robe on his chest tore open, revealing a deep palm print.

After landing, Shi Feng endured the pain of broken bones, stood up, and looked around with a knife, searching for Shi Lan’s location.

Before he could take a closer look, there was a chill on his neck, and a bloody halberd was already placed on the side of his neck.

“Shi Feng, whether you believe it or not, even without my existence, there will be no results between you and Shi Lan, and…”

Shi Lan’s eyes suddenly changed, like a steel knife scraping bones, piercing the soul.

“If I hadn’t missed my old relationship, you would be a dead person now.”

Shi Lan took a breath and spoke again:

“Since I entered the Lingyang Realm, I have been ashamed of Shi Tianlu, I have been ashamed of Su Lanyue, and I have been ashamed of many people. But I don’t owe you Shi Feng. After Shuangyue City, you and I have already made peace with each other!”

Shi Feng looked stunned and remained silent.

Due to the existence of the barrier, Wu Lingkong and Gu Rentong could not see what was going on inside. Due to the barrier and considering the strength of the two inside, they could only wait outside the barrier.

Just as the four of them were waiting a little anxiously, a terrifying coercion came over Shi Mansion.

“Shi Lan, someone is here.” Lun Samsara said in a slightly hurried tone.


Shi Lan had also noticed the pressure, and his heart tightened.

“A person from the Shengwu Immortal Sect.”


Before Samsara finished speaking, the surrounding barrier instantly shattered. The rest of the people in the Shi Mansion noticed the abnormality and gathered over one after another.

Shi Lan took back the Tianhuang Halberd and looked up at the sky.

A white-haired old man in a gray robe stood in the clouds with several disciples of the Shengwu Immortal Sect. Among them was a woman named Fang Chan, who had a relationship with Shi Lan.

The group of people slowly landed next to Shi Feng. Fang Chan couldn’t help but blush when she saw Shi Feng in a state of embarrassment. After confirming that Shi Feng’s injury was not too serious, Fang Chan breathed a sigh of relief.

“This person’s cultivation is around the third level of the Heavenly Realm. I don’t have much energy, so I can barely keep you safe.”

After listening to Samsara’s words and looking at the group of people in front of him, Shi Lan calmed down. With her status as a demon-suppressing army, even the Shengwu Immortal Sect would not dare to touch her.

Everyone in the Shi Mansion, except Shi Tianlu, had gathered around. Su Lanyue looked at Shi Lan standing alone in the debris with a worried look on her face.

Shi Feng saw Su Lanyue and wanted to say something. Seeing the look on Su Lanyue’s face, he swallowed his words halfway.

“Why did you want to hurt my true successor of the Holy Martial Immortal Sect?” The gray-robed old man frowned.

Wu Lingkong slowly walked to Shi Lan’s side, wearing a bright battle armor, and his meaning was self-evident.

“The Demon Suppressing Army…is this a provocation?” The gray-robed old man frowned even more tightly.

“The Holy Martial Immortal Sect is too arrogant, and our demon-suppressing army is provocative? Do you, the Holy Martial Immortal Sect, have the qualifications? I don’t know.”

A cold sneer suddenly sounded, echoing in the courtyard, ripples appeared in the void, and a figure walked out with dragon and tiger steps.

Wearing a mysterious armor with countless patterns engraved on it, he is about thirty years old, full of heaven, with a square face, eyes as green as amber, and an indifference that repels people thousands of miles away.

The visitor slowly walked to Shi Lan and stood with his hands behind his back. A purple demon-suppressing order was quietly hanging on his waist, swinging in the wind.

“The Holy Martial Immortal Sect retreated in the face of the battle and tried to protect itself. It should have punished others as a warning, but because of its leader, the supreme leader was bleeding blood for the human race outside the starry sky. The merits and demerits were balanced. From this moment on, the Immortal Martial City was controlled by Demon Suppressor. The army has taken over full control, do you have any objections?”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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