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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 244 Yue Xiuwen

Seeing the purple demon-suppressing order on the visitor’s waist, everyone in the Shengwu Immortal Sect changed their expressions. Even the old man in gray robes who headed the group did not dare to say any more words.

In the presence of a demon-suppressing commander, if they dare to speak arrogantly and show any disrespect to the demon-suppressing army, they will most likely be killed on the spot.

A demon-suppressing commander with a cultivation level at least above the fourth level of the Heavenly Realm, he was no match for him.

The most important thing is that if he had a conflict with the Demon Suppressing Army, the Shengwu Immortal Sect would never stand on his side.

“I have no objections, so I’ll say goodbye and go.”

The gray-robed old man shook his head, bowed his hands, and signaled Fang Chan to hold Shi Feng up, then used the power of law to support everyone behind him and left the place.

The movement was almost silent, which was completely different from the fierceness when it came.

Seeing Shi Feng and others leaving, Shi Lan once again launched the Heavenly Eyes to See Qi Technique.

The chain between her and Shi Feng was full of cracks and was on the verge of breaking. It was only a matter of time before it was broken.

Fortunately, the effort was not in vain.

Today’s event can be regarded as an unsatisfactory end.

As for what Shi Feng’s attitude towards her would be in the future, Shi Lan didn’t want to think too much, so it was better to let nature take its course.

After gathering his thoughts, Shi Lan stepped forward to salute and bowed slightly:

“Thank you, Marshal, for the rescue.”

“No need to thank you. The people in the demon-suppressing army may not be safe and sound on the battlefield, but at least among my human race, no one can be bullied.”

The Demon Commander shook his head. After looking around, he raised his fingers lightly. In an instant, the space was separated again and a layer of barrier was opened.

The people around him were once again forced to keep some distance away, even Wu Lingkong was no exception.

In an instant, only Shi Lan and the Demon Commander were left within the barrier.

See this scene. Shi Lan understood that this demon-suppressing commander who suddenly visited was probably not passing by by chance, but came for something.

“Shi Lan, I have basically found out your experience since joining the Demon Army. I came here today to ask you some questions. I hope you can tell the truth.”

“Commander, it’s okay to ask.”

Shi Lan cheered up and acted like he was all ears, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

“My surname is Yue and my name is Xiuwen. I serve under General Yun Chen. You have just joined the Demon Suppression Army. Your superior is Centurion Huangfu Yun. According to the establishment, you can also be considered as my direct subordinate.”

Hearing the familiar name Huangfu Yun again, Shi Lan felt a complicated feeling in her heart. The memory of her first joining the Demon Suppression Army was something she didn’t want to recall.

That was the first time she experienced what it felt like to lose after coming to the Lingyang Realm.

Yue Xiuwen looked at Shi Lan’s complex expression, quickly changed the topic, and continued:

“There was nothing unusual in the first year you joined the demon army. Although you were avoiding the demon vanguard, it was suspected that you were afraid of demons and avoided fighting. However, considering your situation at the time, this was understandable. However, your experience after that was more complicated. It’s interesting.”

Yue Xiuwen looked at Shi Lan meaningfully and said quietly: After you were incorporated into Bai Weiyang’s command, you participated in the battle a year ago, and were involved in the space turbulence of the Shattered Sky Jade, and then disappeared. “

Shi Lan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn’t know where to start.

“The day before yesterday, I used the authority of the Demon Suppressant Commander to investigate your whereabouts during that time through the human history books.”

Seeing the gradually changing expression on Shi Lan’s face, Yue Xiuwen’s amber-like eyes flashed with a hint of interest.

“Can you tell me how you survived safely in the hinterland of the Boundless Demonic Realm, and how you returned to the vast land of China?”


What Yue Xiuwen asked about made Shi Lan a little confused for a moment. When she returned from the Boundless Demon Realm, Bai Weiyang didn’t ask any questions at all. She thought that the matter would just go away.

Now it seems that it is a bit taken for granted. The Demon Suppression Order can locate her whereabouts, and she cannot hide the fact that she has been to the Boundless Demon Realm.

And although it was just a whim at the time, she did establish the “Lan Clan” in the Demon Realm. Today, she is still the leader of the clan with hundreds of thousands of demons.

Shi Lan subconsciously raised his hand and covered his right arm, pressing the green lotus mark in his palm.

The truth must not be told. Whether it is the Lan clan or the existence of reincarnation, it must not be exposed.

Once exposed, she was afraid that nothing would come of it.

Thoughts raced in Shi Lan’s mind. After a few breaths, he felt confident in his mind and spoke out part of the truth after careful consideration.

After some polishing, Shi Lan’s experience in the Boundless Demon Realm turned into a pure accident.

The turbulent flow of the Shattered Sky Jade carried her to the Boundless Demonic Realm, and after struggling to survive in the Boundless Demonic Realm for more than half a year, she happened to be born with the human emperor’s soldiers, and with the help of the emperor’s soldiers, she was able to return to the vast land of China.

Although some are untrue, it is generally logical.

“An imperial weapon from our human race is born in the Boundless Demon Realm?”

The answer Shi Lan gave was somewhat beyond Yue Xiuwen’s expectations.


Carrying Wuxu out was really a helpless move. Apart from this, Shi Lan could not think of any other reason to explain how she returned to the vast land of China safe and sound.

“Where did the imperial weapon go after it was born?” Yue Xiuwen asked with a frown.

“This… subordinates don’t know either.”

Shi Lan didn’t lie. She really didn’t know where Wuxu went after he was born.

Hearing this, Yue Xiuwen fell into deep thought for a while.

In fact, Yue Xiuwen didn’t have much doubt about Shi Lan, because during the time that Shi Lan was in the Boundless Monster Realm, his military exploits were still increasing, and the speed was extremely fast. He obviously hunted and killed a large number of monsters.

After listening to Shi Lan’s explanation, Yue Xiuwen had no doubts. After staying in the Boundless Demon Realm for a long time, it was normal for him to have some demonic aura on his body.

It’s just that the birth of an imperial weapon is a big deal, so you need to act with caution.

The imperial weapons are no longer just weapons. They carry the emperor’s lifelong seal. If they are used to their full strength, it is almost equivalent to an emperor personally taking action, and their power is impossible to predict.

If this imperial weapon is also in the Chengtian Domain, then the current severe situation will be self-defeating.

If an imperial weapon helps, the monster clan currently raging in the Chengtian Domain will be crushed and completely defeated.

Seeing that Yue Xiuwen stopped asking questions, Shi Lan gradually felt relieved. It seemed that this level of trouble should have been passed through.

After a while, Yue Xiuwen came to his senses, turned over his hand and took out a brocade bag, and handed it to Shi Lan.

“The demonic aura on your body can easily cause misunderstandings. This gadget can suppress this aura and avoid unnecessary trouble.”

If it weren’t for the unusual aura that Shi Lan revealed in the War Merit Hall the other day, Yue Xiuwen wouldn’t have made a special trip here today.

Shi Lan was stunned for a moment, then raised her hand to take it. She didn’t know that she actually carried evil energy in her body.

But then I thought about it, the origin of the Arashi clan’s totem was engraved on her body, and it was not surprising at all that there was a bit of demonic aura.

After Shi Lan took the kit, Yue Xiuwen raised his hand and untied the surrounding barriers. He opened the space channel and left the place without saying anything more to Shi Lan.

After glancing at the ruins around him, Shi Lan looked at the gate of Shi Mansion in the distance and sighed slightly. These people never used the main entrance when coming and going, as if the gate was just a decoration.

For these powerful men, not to mention this small portal, even the empty forbidden air formation is just a joke.

The strong will never abide by the rules set by the weak, but in the final analysis, it is just that she is not strong enough and cannot blame others.

Shi Lan exhaled lightly, his clear eyes filled with unpredictable expressions.

If one day, she reaches the top of the world, she must set up a gate that no one can cross at will.

“Alan, what happened?”

Su Lanyue walked to Shi Lan and took her to look at her carefully. After confirming that there were no signs of injury, she felt relieved.

Looking at Su Lanyue, Shi Lan suddenly felt worried. If Shi Feng told Su Lanyue or Shi Tianlu the inside story, would she lose this unadulterated love…

I worked overtime too late today. I wrote a chapter in a hurry. I’m sorry.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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