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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 248 Past and Present Life

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a four-star item: Red Dragon Armor]

The system’s beep brought Shi Lan back to her senses. After thinking about it, she still didn’t remember what she had forgotten, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

Four-star level items, according to the mid-level lottery, are not too bad and quite satisfactory.

Shi Lan opened the system temporary storage and took out the red dragon armor.

The red dragon armor brought with it a scorching heat, as if it had just come out of the oven. If Shi Lan had not already condensed his glazed jade body, he would not be able to hold it.

This is a piece of inner armor that is completely red. The material is an unknown soft iron. The forging method is completely different from that of the Lingyang Realm. It is engraved with countless array patterns.

Shi Lan injected his true energy and sensed it for a moment, and found that there were at least thirty-six layers of magic arrays engraved on them, with different functions. Most of them had the effect of reinforcement and buffering. The traces of these magic circles were very new, and they were obviously engraved not long ago.

The heat on the red dragon armor gradually subsided, and the red color on it turned to dark red, revealing layers of patterns like dragon scales.

Shi Lan touched the dragon scale pattern twice, took off her outer skirt, and put on the red dragon armor. As the true energy circulated, the red dragon armor slowly changed and clung to her body, as if it was tailor-made. , brings a comfortable feeling of warmth, making the whole body feel comfortable.

The four-star level inner armor is only one level lower than Jinhong, and only one step away from Lingbao. Nowadays, even for warriors in the late Tiangang realm, it is not easy to hurt Shi Lan.

Shi Lan felt it for a while, put on his clothes, and turned the lottery wheel again without any pause.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a four-star item: Purple Thunder Liquid]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the five-star item: Three Life Stones (Fragments)]

Shi Lan used up all two opportunities. After waiting for the roulette wheel to stop, he directly opened the system temporary storage.

A seven-inch square jade box and a thumb-sized stone appeared in her hands. The moment she got these two things, Shi Lan also got the purpose of these two things from the system.

[Purple Thunder Liquid: It is formed by the concentrated power of thunder in the Purple Thunder Pond of the Spiritual Land of Tianxiao Palace. It has been transformed into a liquid for hundreds of years. It has miraculous effects on warriors to temper their true energy and strengthen their physical bodies. 】

[Sansheng Stone (Fragment): The complete Sansheng Stone can communicate between the Yin and Yang worlds, see the past and the future, and reflect the past and future lives. The use of the fragments is unknown…]

Tianxiao Palace…

Shi Lan looked at Purple Thunder Liquid, with a trace of curiosity flashing in his eyes. This was the first time in the introduction of items in the system that such a name appeared at a glance and it was obvious that it was a certain force.

As for the fragment of the Sansheng Stone, it looks no different from an ordinary stone. The only special thing is that this fragment cannot be included in the Qiankun Bracelet.

Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel ripples in his heart when he looked at the sentence about Yingzhao’s past and present life.

In her previous life, she was involved in the workplace, working hard and devoted herself to carriages and horses. She worked hard all day long with fame and wealth in front of the carriage, and behind the carriage, she dreamed that one day she could live a less tiring life. Now these memories have gradually faded in her mind. Gone.

The soul traveled between two realms, completely reversing her life, and the past disappeared into thin air.

Shi Lan looked at the Sansheng Stone and suddenly asked herself, if she were allowed to go back to the past and pretend that nothing in the Lingyang Realm had ever happened, would she be willing…

The moment she asked this question, she already had the answer in her heart.

Shi Lan recalled his thoughts and continued to study for a long time. After still gaining nothing, he stopped wasting time.

After all, it was a five-star level thing. She took the fragments of the Three Life Stones into her arms, placed them close to her body, and then directly opened the jade box containing the Purple Thunder Liquid.

Some dazzling electric light suddenly appeared, illuminating the entire quiet room. The lavender liquid rippled slightly in the jade box. The overbearing thunderous breath rushed towards his face. Before it came into contact, Shi Lan’s skin was slightly tingling. numb.

Sensing the feeling on her skin, Shi Lan’s eyes lit up. This purple thunder liquid should have a good effect on her.

Shi Lan lowered her head slightly, approached the jade box, and took a breath. A layer of hazy purple mist overflowed from the jade box and poured into her mouth and nose.

Purple Thunder Liquid is compressed from a large amount of thunder power. With her current cultivation level, she cannot drink it directly. She can only slowly refine it in this way.

As the purple mist entered Shi Lan’s body, the speed of the Earthly Evil Qi in Shi Lan’s body surged more than ten times, like a giant dragon, and the meridians ached from friction.

Shi Lan didn’t care, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. The speed of the true energy gave her an unimaginable feeling of pleasure, and while the true energy was accelerating, she had not made any progress for a while. His physical strength also began to slowly increase.

After the true energy circulated for several weeks, it hit the first dragon barrier on the back. This dragon barrier was already shaky and unstoppable. It was instantly crushed. The majestic true energy suddenly surged. After reaching a level, he continued to rush towards the second dragon pass.

As the sky circulates, the purple thunder liquid inhaled has been exhausted. Feeling that his internal organs have become stronger, Shi Lan opens his eyes, takes another mouthful of purple thunder liquid, and sinks into cultivation.

Nearly ten hours passed in the blink of an eye.

For almost a day and a night, Shi Lan only repeated the action of absorbing the Purple Thunder Liquid. One-third of the Purple Thunder Liquid in the jade box had already gone, and the second dragon pass on his back had long since disappeared. After breaking through, the last dragon pass was already full of cracks.

As long as you break through this last dragon barrier and leap into a dragon, the Tiangang realm is within your reach!

This last dragon gate is located three inches below the neck. The human cervical vertebrae, also known as the Tianzhu bones, break through this dragon gate, and the true energy is like a dragon climbing the Tianzhu. It can sweep through the limbs and bones in an instant, and the body’s reaction Strength will be greatly improved.

Shi Lan’s entire mind was immersed in the movement of the true energy, tirelessly hitting the last hurdle before the Tiangang realm over and over again.


A sense of transparency came from the back of his neck, making Shi Lan’s whole body suddenly enlightened. The true energy flowed up along his back, like a dragon entering the sea, flowing through his limbs and bones in an instant. As the last dragon barrier was broken, Her cultivation has completely entered the Great Perfection of the Earthly Evil Realm, and her sword is pointed at Tiangang.

It has only been more than two years since she started practicing martial arts.

Bang bang bang!

Before Shi Lan could calm down the restless energy in his body, there was a knock on the door of the secret room, and the sound was extremely urgent.

Suppressing her true energy, Shi Lan stood up without stopping and opened the door to the secret room. She had made an explanation before retreating, and no one would disturb her unless there was something important.

Outside the secret room, headed by Su Lanyue, stood a group of people. Except for Shi Tianlu’s absence, most people in Shi Mansion were present.

“The Lu family is here.”

Listening to Su Lanyue’s words, Shi Lan finally remembered what he had forgotten…


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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