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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 253 Harvest

Apart from these, the cultivation method of the third level of Yuqing Creation Art has also been introduced into Shi Lan’s mind.

Shi Lan temporarily put aside the messy information in his mind and concentrated on absorbing the majestic energy around him to nourish his true energy.

The evil energy that was originally as vast as the rivers and seas has undergone a qualitative change and turned into Tiangang true energy.

Nearly three hours passed in the blink of an eye, and the sky was getting dark.

Outside the Shi Mansion, the people who gathered were frightened by the demon-suppressing military flag and did not do anything out of line. Seeing that there was no new movement for a long time, they dispersed one after another.

Shi Tianlu stood outside the gate of the mansion, looking up at the sky, with the full moon reflected in his eyes, covering the turbulent thoughts in his pupils.

Two more hours passed, and it was midnight. The moon hung in the sky, and the tide of spiritual energy swirling around him gradually calmed down.

Shi Lan slowly finished his work, and his whole aura took on a new look.

Compared with the Earthly Evil Realm, the Tiangang Realm has undergone a qualitative transformation, opening up the fatal points of the body, which can contain dozens of times more power than before.

The quality of the true energy is more than ten times stronger. A ray of Tiangang true energy has the power to split mountains and crack the earth.

The most important thing is that one in the Tiangang realm can get rid of magic weapons and can walk through the air with just his true energy. The speed can easily break the sound barrier, which is extremely terrifying.

This is a qualitative change compared to the previous time when he relied on his true energy to briefly stay in the air.

Clenching his fists and feeling the powerful volcano-like force in his body, Shi Lan felt a little confident, at least he wouldn’t be easily crushed to death.

After calming down a little, Shi Lan began to sort out a series of prompts from the previous system.

After a while, Shi Lan opened the system temporary storage first and took out the “Zhenwu Immortal Body” rewarded from the main mission.

Shi Lan is still quite looking forward to the high-level body training method in this system evaluation.

The immortal body of Zhenwu was hidden in a purple jade tablet. Shi Lan held the jade tablet tightly and focused her mind, and soon countless information poured into her mind.

After a while, Shi Lan opened his eyes, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

If you want to succeed in physical training, it is much more difficult than Qi training, and you have to endure great pain. You can see the clues from the breakthroughs in the last few levels of Jade Forging Art.

To Shi Lan’s expectation, the cultivation method of the Zhenwu Immortal Body was not complicated. Rather than tempering oneself, it relied more on external objects and various powerful spiritual objects to strengthen the body.

There are only three levels of Zhenwu Immortal Body, and the starting point is extremely high. The first level requires at least reaching the Tiangang realm before you can practice it.

The other side of its high starting point is that its power is equally terrifying.

At the first level of perfection, the energy and blood are as deep as the abyss, and the world of all phenomena can be torn apart effortlessly.

With the second level of perfection, broken limbs can be restored, and the physical body alone can sweep away the soul.

The third level of perfection, rebirth with a drop of blood, has the power to split the stars with a fist, shatter small worlds with bare hands, and kill heaven and humans.

Although the Zhenwu Immortal Body was worthy of the word immortal and was extremely powerful, Shi Lan did not feel any excitement at all.

The Zhenwu Immortal Body requires the help of countless spiritual objects. For the first level alone, more than 5,000 kinds of spiritual objects are needed.

Among them, there are more than 300 precious medicines and minerals of grade 4 or above, especially dozens of spiritual objects of grade 5 or above such as “Brahma Holy Dew”, “Blood Patterned Steel”, “Glazed Soul Sand” and so on. , some of which Shi Lan has never even heard of.

Having inherited part of Guiyun Sword Emperor’s vision, it can be said that she still knows a lot about common spiritual objects in the Lingyang Realm.

However, Sword Emperor Guiyun is a figure who has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years after all. What he saw and heard at that time may not necessarily apply to today.

Hundreds of thousands of years and vicissitudes of life are not enough to describe it.

The jade tablet inscribed with Zhenwu’s immortal body was not broken into pieces and could obviously be reused.

Sighing secretly, Shi Lan put aside the method of cultivating the Zhenwu Immortal Body for the time being. After putting away the jade tokens, he took out the other two cyan jade tokens.

These are the “Chasing Feather Sword Technique” and “Wang Yue Step” that were separated from the inheritance of Sword Emperor Guiyun.

After hesitating for a while, Shi Lan put away the Chaiyu Sword Technique and began to concentrate on sensing the Moon Step. She had not yet mastered the halberd technique and had no energy for the time being to practice the sword technique again.

The Moon-Watching Step is a body technique that belongs to the Middle Vehicle Technique. It is divided into three levels: Chasing the Star, Setting the Sun and Stepping on the Moon.

After cultivating to the third level and stepping on the moon, one can teleport through space in the Tiangang Realm at a speed no less than that of the Vientiane Realm.

Coupled with the two intermediate draws given by the main mission, the benefits brought by this breakthrough are too great.

Shi Lan digested it for a while, put the jade token into the Qiankun bracelet, and pulled out the system panel directly.

[Host: Shi Lan]

[Cultivation: Early Stage of Tiangang Realm]

[Root Bone: 9 (Innate Spirit Body, once in a thousand years.)]

[Skills: Yuqing Creation Technique (three levels), Vajra Divine Fist (Dacheng), Forging Jade Technique (Perfection), Tianji Seal (Introduction), Burning Spirit Technique (Incomplete)]

[Supernatural power: Heavenly Eye Observation Technique (Three Stars), Black Domain (Seven Stars)]

[Strength evaluation: small success]

[Reputation: 189501 (famous)]

[World coordinates: Small Thousand World 100, Middle Thousand World 20, Great Thousand World 2]

[Current time and space coordinates: Lingyang Star Territory, Lingyang Realm, Taishi Calendar Year 48925]

Looking at the extra coordinate column, Shi Lan’s heart moved and he clicked subconsciously.

[The current energy is insufficient and the space-time channel cannot be opened. 】

Not enough energy…

Looking at the system prompts, Shi Lan’s eyes flashed with excitement. If he had enough energy, he would be able to travel through space and go to other worlds…

“How to replenish energy?”

After calming down his somewhat restless mood, Shi Lan asked silently.

[Energy bodies above the nine-star level can replenish energy. 】

[The current host possesses a nine-star Dao Fruit, which can be decomposed into fifteen units of nine-star energy body. Should it be decomposed? 】

Nine stars…

Shi Lan took a breath of cold air. The nine-star level was too far away from her, and she couldn’t reach it now.

As for the nine-star Dao Fruit, Shi Lan didn’t even think about touching it. It was the inheritance of Sword Emperor Guiyun. If it was broken down, it would be like completely cutting off the inheritance of Sword Emperor Guiyun.

Although the inheritance of Sword Emperor Guiyun was stripped away and sealed by the system, Shi Lan did not want to take this inheritance as his own. Instead, he wanted to wait for the opportunity to take out the Dao Fruit in the future and find a suitable person to pass on this sword path. .

This can be regarded as a cause and effect between her and Sword Emperor Guiyun.

“Fifteen units of energy are enough for what?”

Even so, Shi Lan couldn’t suppress his curiosity and couldn’t help but ask one more question.

Previously, Shi Lan only experienced world travel once when she was tested by Sword Emperor Guiyun. She was still extremely curious about the other worlds under the starry sky.

Maybe she can find her way back.

Although she didn’t have any unforgettable experiences on that star, it was her homeland after all.

This is the hometown sentiment buried in the soul, which cannot be explained by common sense.

[Fifteen units of nine-star energy can build three Great Thousand Worlds passages, or thirty Middle Thousand Worlds passages, or three hundred Small Thousand Worlds passages. 】

[Can reverse three years of time…]


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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