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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 257 Immortal Martial Yin and Yang Formation

“This is……”

Shi Lan’s eyes changed, and the expressions of the captains who were following her suddenly became solemn.

Fortunately, the school camp was not far from the city wall, and within half a cup of tea, the group rushed to the west city wall.


“My mother…”


After climbing the city wall and seeing the scene outside the city clearly, there was a commotion among the crowd.

Shi Lan took a few deep breaths before steadying his weak legs.

The Xianwu Yin-Yang Formation covers a ten-mile radius of Xianwu City. At this moment, the area ten miles away is completely covered with all kinds of monsters, like a vast ocean, with no edge visible at all.

Among them, silhouettes of people flashed past, all of which were obviously monsters that had already transformed. With one glance, there were no less than a hundred figures.

There is no need to feel the demonic energy soaring into the sky. The demonic cloud that almost covers the sky is enough to make people despair.

The mountain gate of the Shengwu Immortal Sect, which was originally located not far from Xianwu City, has been completely engulfed by the beast tide, and has lost any of its former glory.

The Xianwu Yin-Yang Formation is originally a composite formation that integrates many formations such as killing formation, trapping formation, and defense formation.

At this moment, the killing array has been fully activated, and a layer of blood mud mixed with bones has been covered ten miles outside Xianwu City. It is obvious that many monsters have died here.

The formation of rays of light enveloped the entire city, and the demonic clouds could not get even an inch, which made people feel at ease.

A breeze blew across my face, bringing with it a strong smell of blood, mixed with the fishy stench of the monsters, which was nauseating.




The sound of roaring sounded again, and the beast tide was ready to move. A group of nearly one hundred thousand beasts emerged and rushed towards Xianwu City.

At the same time, nearly tens of thousands of demonic birds swooped down from the sky, their piercing long chirping sound mixed with the roaring sound that broke through the sky, almost piercing people’s eardrums!


The sparkling formations suddenly surged in brilliance, and countless yin and yang qi were drawn out from the void. They condensed into a huge millstone at the fingertips, almost covering the whole world, and crushed down from the void!

The void was crushed by the yin and yang millstone, making bursts of roaring noises.

The birds in the sky were the first to bear the brunt and were crushed in an instant. Even the screams did not have time to be heard. Gorgeous feathers spread across the sky, mixed with flesh and bones, and scattered down one after another, outlining a magnificent bloody picture.

A chilling and terrifying aura surged across the sky, and the beasts that rushed towards them paused in their advance and seemed to want to retreat.

However, the yin and yang millstone, which was not stained with any blood residue, never gave it a chance to regret, and continued to castrate its power unabated. Its size became more and more swollen, like a star falling, and it suddenly pressed down!


Amidst a loud roar, the beasts numbering nearly a hundred thousand, without any resistance, were crushed into powder by the power of the formation in a snap. The remains of flesh, flesh and bones made the blood mud spread on the ground thicker. After reaching one level, the surging blood energy surged upwards, forming a thin layer of blood mist in the air.

The beast tide returned to calm, and bursts of cheers rang out from the city walls.

Shi Lan’s eyes were full of surprise. Among the beasts that had just come up, there were many Tiangang realms. She even saw a demon king in disguise, hiding among them. But under the Xianwu Yin and Yang formation, that The demon king didn’t even have a chance to manifest his true body, so he was killed directly without any resistance.

As her thoughts shifted, Shi Lan’s eyes moved to the blood mist condensed in the air, and she swallowed unconsciously. To her, this blood energy was like a great tonic, which was of great benefit to her cultivation.

On the city wall, in a temporarily erected tent, several demon-suppressing commanders sat opposite each other. Different from the excitement of most people on the city wall, their faces were full of solemnity at this moment.

“The energy consumed by the Immortal Martial Yin-Yang Formation is too terrifying. We just activated part of the killing array, and nearly a million spiritual crystals were burned in just a few breaths. With our current inventory, I’m afraid we won’t be able to last long.”

“I have just roughly calculated that if the formation is fully operated, the remaining spiritual crystals in the army can last for up to twenty days.”

“With so many forces and scattered warriors in the city, I think they should be able to come up with some spiritual crystals.”

“Even if we add the spiritual crystals of those warriors together and last for a month, I’m afraid it will be the limit.”

“And always leave some spiritual crystals for recovery.”

“I went out to rescue the women’s camp before and lost too many spiritual crystals. Even Ruiyu’s bones were buried here…”

“The demon clan is obviously planning to fight a war of attrition. These spiritual crystals must be left to the demon emperor. Without the Immortal Martial Yin-Yang Formation, in front of the demon emperor, we will have no power to fight back!”

“The killing formation cannot be used easily. You can only activate some defensive formations to engage in close combat with the beast tide…”

As soon as these words came out, all the demon-suppressing commanders fell silent. This was the only way, but it was inevitable that there would be a lot of casualties.

Shi Lan looked at the blood mist, licked the corner of his mouth, looked away unwillingly, and began to turn around and arrange for his men to set up camp.

Her black domain can cover a radius of several hundred feet at most, far out of reach of the blood mist, so she can only watch helplessly.

The walls of Xianwu City are extremely wide, enough to accommodate millions of troops stationed there. Shi Lan’s team is not conspicuous among them.

As he watched the Xianwu Yin-Yang Formation easily crush a group of demonic beasts with his own eyes, the atmosphere on the city wall became much more relaxed than before.

Two hours later, as soon as Shi Lan arranged his men and set up camp, a demon-suppressing army came outside the camp to deliver supplies.

A large number of bows, crossbows and arrows were distributed to various demon-suppressing armies and warriors, including a large number of magic weapons and even magic weapons.

When receiving this batch of supplies, Shi Lan became convinced that the Xianwu Yin-Yang Formation would not be able to continue operating as it did just now.

Close combat is inevitable.

“Holy Lord, have you found the person you are looking for?”

Less than fifteen miles away from Xianwu City, in an inconspicuous corner of Beast Tide, Lan Die’er stood respectfully behind the old man, with several big demons standing beside him. There seemed to be a barrier around it, blocking out all the breath. Xianwu No one in the city noticed their presence.


The old man looked at the city wall, his eyes flickering and flickering, and then he opened his mouth, and the death aura on his body became even stronger.

“Then I dare to ask the Holy Lord, is there a way to break the formation?”

“Even in my heyday, I didn’t have this ability.” The old man laughed at himself. His cultivation was far from being able to cross the vast land of China. If the situation was not special, with his cultivation, he would have no chance to cross the border. The border between the two ethnic groups.

“The Immortal Martial Yin-Yang Formation is not broken. If you want to take revenge, I’m afraid…” Lan Die’er looked a little disappointed.

“It’s not that difficult to kill someone…”

The old man shook his head slightly and said meaningfully: “The formation will not be activated all the time…”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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