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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 27 Leaving

“Shi Feng?” Shi Lan asked tentatively.

There was silence outside the door.

Seeing no reply from outside the door for a long time, Shi Lan began to wipe the blood on his body. Under the blood, he revealed skin that was much fairer and more delicate than before.

In addition to the changes in his skin, Shi Lan also felt that his body felt much lighter, as if a shackle had been removed, creating a sense of clarity from the inside out.

After changing a few pools of water and cleaning herself up, Shi Lan stepped out of the bathhouse lightly.

Fortunately, due to martial arts training, Shi Lan sometimes had to take a shower three or four times a day, and there was always a change of clothes in the bathroom.

After getting dressed and confirming that there was nothing abnormal, Shi Lan opened the bathroom door and walked out.

There was no one in the room, the door was closed, and the blood stains on the floor had been cleaned up.

Shi Lan felt relieved. After stretching his muscles, he lazily lay on the bed and let out a sigh of relief.

Shi Lan accidentally glanced at the mirror opposite the bed. Shi Lan looked startled. He quickly got up from the bed and walked quickly to the mirror.

Shi Lan is nearly 20 years old, but the person in the mirror now looks no more than eighteen years old, and his skin has changed even more significantly than before, with a transparent luster.

The most important thing is that although the person in the mirror is wearing men’s clothing, he feels a little more feminine.

“Why are you so girly…”

Shi Lan frowned in discomfort, patted his cheek gently, and tried hard to make his expression more serious, thus diluting some of the femininity.

[Main mission released: The host has successfully passed the novice stage and should no longer settle in a corner and leave Tenglong City within three days. 】

[Task reward: one entry-level lottery opportunity, mission failure: random punishment. 】

Shi Lan began to feel entangled in his heart.

She was actually a little reluctant to let Shi Lan leave here. Tenglong City was so nice, with food, drink, and protection, it was the perfect place for growth.

Wouldn’t it be nice to grow up in a wretched way and then go out for fun when you become strong enough?

But the arrival of Shi Feng today sounded a wake-up call for her. This is Shi Mansion after all. There are many people and there are many eyes. This wooden door cannot stop the warrior at all. Maybe one day she will be exposed and leave here. Maybe a better choice.

“What does random punishment mean?” Shi Lanmo asked.

[The host’s unwillingness to leave Tenglong City means that the host seriously lacks enterprising spirit and is immature mentally. It needs more training. The specific punishment methods will depend on the situation. 】

Shi Lan was speechless for a while. If she could, she really wanted to stay in one place and wait until she had enough power to protect herself before going out to experience the many wonders in the Ascension World. Unfortunately, the system did not give her this opportunity.

A system that was about to be wiped out at every turn, Shi Lan didn’t want to learn what its punishment methods were.

Shi Lan opened the door and walked out, maybe it was time to leave.

Shi Feng was pacing back and forth in the courtyard, looking up at the sky from time to time.

“Shi Feng.”

Hearing the sound, Shi Feng turned around and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Shi Lan was okay.

After taking a closer look at Shi Lan, Shi Feng suddenly looked away in a panic, the tips of his ears turning red.

“What’s wrong?” Seeing Shi Feng’s strange expression, Shi Lan asked in confusion.

“No…it’s okay. As long as the young master is fine, I will leave first.” After saying that, Shi Feng hurriedly left the courtyard.

Watching Shi Feng’s leaving figure, Shi Lan thought thoughtfully. She was still in the lockdown period, and even if it wasn’t during the lockdown period, if she wanted to go out, she would definitely be accompanied by a group of guards. If she wanted to escape alone, it would be a lot of trouble. .

If she wanted to leave Shi Mansion, she had to plan carefully.

Since it didn’t take much time to take the Dust Cleansing Pill, Shi Lan was still hungry in the evening, but she had already skipped the evening medicated meal, so she had to go to the kitchen and order an ordinary dinner.

After eating and drinking, Shi Lan lay down on the bed, covered herself with a quilt, and fell into sleep. She did not go to the virtual space again tonight.

During this month, Shi Lan kept forcing herself to practice, and she was already mentally exhausted. Today, she was tormented by the effects of the Cleansing Pill, and now she just wanted to have a good rest.

The next day, Shi Lan got up early.

After getting up, Shi Lan began to wander around the Shi Mansion, from the outer wall to the inner courtyard, and from the back door to the front door.

It took a whole morning for Shi Lan to walk around Shi Mansion twice. After he had a rough idea of ​​the terrain, he returned to his residence.

After knowing the general terrain, Shi Lan decided to leave Shi Mansion tonight.

If the delay continues, the Ziwei Seven-Star Halberd cannot be placed in the system’s temporary storage. Shi Lan feels tired just thinking about running away with nearly three hundred kilograms of stuff.

In the afternoon, Shi Lan came to Su Lanyue’s villa. She was about to leave Shi Mansion. She always felt bad if she didn’t say hello before leaving.

“Why do you suddenly think of me here?” Su Lanyue waved away and looked at Shi Lan suspiciously. She always felt that Shi Lan had changed a lot, but she couldn’t tell what was wrong.

“I haven’t said hello to you for a long time, and I miss you so much.”

“Don’t worry about me, it’s about you. How are you doing with your Diamond God Fist training?” Su Lanyue said this, but judging from the smile in the corner of her eyes, she was quite happy for Shi Lan’s arrival.

“It’s already a little successful.”

“That’s good.” Su Lanyue interpreted the slight success mentioned by Shi Lan as something gained, but did not associate it with the real realm of small success.

After all, it had only been a little more than a month since Shi Lan took away the secret book of Diamond Fist. It was good to gain something in such a short time.

After chatting for a while, Shi Lan took out the secret book of Diamond Fist from his pocket and placed it in front of Su Lanyue. Judging from Su Lanyue’s attitude that day, this secret book should be very precious. Now that she is leaving, naturally It’s better to give it back.

“What does this mean?” There was a hint of disappointment in Su Lanyue’s eyes. She just thought that Shi Lan didn’t want to continue practicing.

“I have engraved the Vajra Divine Fist in my heart, and the true meaning of martial arts contained in it is no longer of much use to me. It is safer for my mother to keep it.”

“That’s fine.”

Su Lanyue thought for a while, nodded and accepted it.

After Shi Lan sat for a while, he stood up and left.

“Mom, please take care of yourself.”

Before leaving the house, Shi Lan couldn’t hide the complicated emotions in her heart and couldn’t help but turn around and say something.

Shi Lan’s feelings for Shi Tianlu and Su Lanyue have always been somewhat complicated. Although she accepted Shi Lan’s past memories and had admiration for them, she still had a barrier in her heart towards them and found it difficult to open her heart. .

“Don’t worry about me, take care of yourself.”

Looking at Shi Lan’s leaving figure, Su Lanyue shook her head and laughed. This child…

In the evening, Shi Lan first went to the kitchen and asked the kitchen to get her some dry food before returning to the room.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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