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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 281 The World

Shi Lan pulled out the panel of the reincarnation system of the heavens and clicked on the section for traveling through the heavens.

It can be seen from the memory fragments of Sword Emperor Guiyun that the Lingyang Realm is isolated by a powerful barrier. If the cultivation level is not up to the emperor level, it is impossible to get out.

This layer of barrier should be the reason why most of the functions of the reincarnation system of the heavens have been disabled.

And due to the arrival of the Phantom Star Territory, this barrier may have been opened.

Looking at the shuttle panel in front of him, Shi Lan hesitated for a moment and pressed the shuttle icon.

“The shuttle function between the heavens is activated…”

“The lower world is being extracted…”

“Extraction completed…”

“Shuttle starts…”

“Startup failed……”

“The current host’s cultivation level has exceeded the tolerance limit of the lower world and cannot be physically entered. Do you want to enable the soul body shuttle?”

Listening to the system’s beep, Shi Lan couldn’t help but frown. The lower world was much weaker than she imagined, and it could no longer accommodate her.

“Turn on!”

At this point, Shi Lan naturally would not stop there. After checking and making sure that the secret room would not be suddenly opened, she chose to open it without hesitation.

“Soul shuttle starts…”

A feeling of dizziness surged from the depths of her soul, as if a pair of invisible hands were grabbing her soul and trying to drag her into the bottomless abyss.

[The host soul is abnormal…]

The system’s prompt sounded for half a minute and then stopped abruptly. Shi Lan managed to stay awake and turned off the self-protection program of the Empress’ system.

The moment the self-protection program stopped, Shi Lan seemed to feel something being pulled out of her soul, and then overwhelming darkness swept in, instantly taking away her consciousness.

In the secret room, Shi Lan stood blankly on the spot, his eyes half-opened, his gaze stagnant, as if his whole body was frozen for an instant, only a faint blue fire burned deep in his pupils…

“Shuttle completed…”

“Host identity is being selected…”

“Selection completed…”

The beep awakened Shi Lan’s hazy consciousness. She felt as if she was soaking in warm water, and her whole body was weak. She had never felt this kind of weakness before, as if she didn’t even have the strength to lift a finger.

Shi Lan soon understood the reason for this feeling. Her soul was too weak…

Although it is much stronger than ordinary people, it is still difficult to move once it is separated from the physical body.

After getting used to it for a while, Shi Lan suddenly felt something was wrong. He turned his head and saw a hazy light.

“This is……”

“Because the soul travels, it needs to borrow the body from the living beings in the original world. The existence of the original owner’s soul will affect the host’s control of the body. Will it obliterate the original owner’s soul?”

“Borrowing a body?”

Shi Lan frowned, then rejected the system’s proposal without hesitation.

Destroying the soul and seizing the body for no reason was something she couldn’t do.

“Is there any other way?”

“The host can parasitize in the original body and seal it for 12 hours a day without harming the soul of the original body. During this period, the host can control the body.”

Shi Lan looked at the explanation given by the system, and suddenly his eyebrows tightened.

“Who are you?”

Samsara has fallen asleep as the background of the system, so who is controlling the system at this moment?


Or another unknown existence…

There was no response to this question, and it was like a stone sinking into the sea.

“Do you choose to be parasitic?”

After a while, the system’s voice came again, as if urging.

Shi Lan had no choice but to take one step at a time.


In the middle of the night, the girl lying on the bed suddenly opened her eyes, lifted the quilt, and sat up.

Perhaps it was a side effect of the parasitic parasitism of the soul. Shi Lan felt that his heart was beating like a drum and his chest was almost about to explode. It took a long time before he slowly calmed down.


There was a long whistle from outside the house, Shi Lan’s pupils shrank, he jumped out of the bed, ran to the window, and pulled open the curtains.

Outside the transparent glass window, a bright and colorful neon light shone out, reflecting into Shi Lan’s eyes, causing her inner lake, which was originally like a pool of stagnant water, to become turbulent.

Shi Lan was lying on the window, looking at the world in front of him almost greedily.

Everything in front of her looked very much like the homeland that she had almost forgotten.


There were several soft sounds behind him. Shi Lan reluctantly looked away and looked at the source of the sound. He turned back to the bed and lifted the quilt. The screen of his mobile phone glowed faintly in the dark room.

2:34 minutes…

Facial recognition unlocked the phone. Shi Lan swiped the screen of the phone a little unfamiliarly, staring at it without blinking.

After a while, Shi Lan threw down the phone, with some disappointment in his eyes.

After all, it’s just a somewhat similar world…

Although the level of technology is similar, this world is still quite different from what she remembers. There are only three countries on this planet, Daxia, Shuiyun and Nanhao. The one she is currently in is Nanhao. .

These three countries have been inherited for thousands of years. During this period, there have been constant wars, big and small, but they have always stood firm and stood firm. In the past hundred years, due to the increasing lethality of weapons, there have been fewer and fewer wars. There are only small and small wars. Most of the friction was just a war of words.

Her current body is called Ning’an. She is a senior high school student and an only child. Her parents are still alive and her family is well off.

Ordinary world, ordinary background, ordinary people.

In such a world, it is obvious that there is no way to bring her any substantial benefits.

Shi Lan opened the window and leaned against the railing to sit by the window. It was probably summer, and the gentle night breeze did not make people feel cold.

Looking at the scenery outside, Shi Lan gradually fell into a trance.


A black shadow flashed from the roof of the building opposite, and several white shadows were like tarsal maggots, clinging to the black shadow and disappearing in a few seconds.

Shi Lan narrowed her eyes slightly. If she saw it correctly, there should be several people there.

That kind of speed and strength that can fly over walls and walls is simply not something ordinary people can have. Obviously, there are also supernatural powers in this world.

Maybe…she can still gain something…

Shi Lan came down from the window and closed the window.

She wanted to get in touch with the supernatural power of this world. Before that, she had to make some preparations. At least she had to have the strength to protect herself.

Shi Lan tried to form the Vajra Divine Fist stance. Less than halfway through, she felt tearing pain in her elbow and arm.


After holding back for a few times, Shi Lan fell weakly on the bed, speechless for a while. This body was much weaker than when she first arrived in the Lingyang Realm.

After all, Lingyang Realm is rich in spiritual energy. Even if they don’t practice martial arts, under the nourishment of spiritual energy for a long time, the physical fitness of the mortals there will be much better than that of the people here.

We can only get here first…


A piercing cry broke the tranquility of the morning, awakened the surrounding residents, and at the same time caused a burst of dog barking.

“What’s wrong?!”

A beautiful woman in her late forties opened the door and saw Ning An lying on the bed with a strange posture. She stepped forward in panic.

“My body hurts so much…”

Ning An leaned on the bed with her body pouted, her face turned pale, she felt as if her body had been run over by a truck, all the muscles and bones in her body were whining, and she was sweating in pain.

“Hold on, I’ll call an ambulance!”

Seeing her daughter’s miserable condition, Qin Yinhua was a little panicked for a moment.

In the ward.

“It’s nothing serious, just muscle soreness, probably from too much exercise.”

The emergency doctor stared at the report in his hand for a while, glanced at Ning An lying on the bed not far away, and shook his head slightly.

“That’s good……”

Qin Yinhua breathed a sigh of relief.

“But you still have to be careful. This amount of exercise is too heavy for her. She must exercise in moderation. If it causes rhabdomyolysis, it will be troublesome.”

The doctor gave a few instructions and left with the case in his arms.

Ning An looked at the doctor’s leaving figure, and his mind suddenly went into a trance. A few unfamiliar memory fragments flashed through his mind. He thought about it carefully, but he couldn’t remember it.

She usually likes to read horror novels, but now this weird situation makes people think too much.

Don’t let this be a ghost thing…


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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