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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 283 Changes

The dark alley, where you couldn’t see your fingers, was eerily silent.


The weight of the two people made the bicycle a little overwhelmed, and the rusty chain struggled to pull the gears, whirring forward.

In order to take shortcuts, Lin Mo went further and further, but he was obviously very familiar with the surrounding environment. Even if the visibility was extremely low, his speed was not slow at all.

The dark environment made Ning An a little nervous. He grabbed Lin Mo’s hand at the corner of his clothes and involuntarily added a little more force.


A loud noise shattered the tranquility around him.

Lin Mo’s expression changed, he squeezed the brakes, and the bicycle instantly swung sideways, and the huge inertia almost threw Ning An away.

“What’s the noise?”

Lin Mo didn’t reply and got out of the car.

Ning An followed him and slowly approached. A huge twisted trash bin stood in the middle of the alley, blocking their way.

The surrounding light was very dim. After Lin Mo looked carefully for a while, he discovered that there was an indistinct person embedded in the middle of the trash can. He was covered in blood and motionless.


The sound of soft footsteps came from the entrance of the alley, and behind the dim light of the entrance of the alley, three figures came.

“Hey, there are still ordinary people here.”

The three of them got closer, and only then did Lin Mo and Ning An see the appearance of the person coming.

There are three men, the leader looks younger, in his mid-twenties, the other two are over forty years old, one is strong, the other is slightly thin, their clothes are a bit strange, but they still look like tights in the dog days of summer. black long trousers.

For some reason, Lin Mo felt a warning sign in his heart, and without caring about anything else, he took Ning An’s hand and started to retreat.

The leader squatted in front of the trash can and rummaged through the unknown man’s body for a moment. After getting nothing, he cursed in a low voice, glanced at Lin Mo and the other two, and said casually:

“Do it.”

The two middle-aged men heard the words and nodded in agreement. The muscular man stepped forward, as fast as the wind, and caught up with Lin Mo in two steps. Without any nonsense, he immediately took action and grabbed Lin Mo’s throat.

Lin Mo’s breath tightened, and his whole body was lifted up, with his feet dangling in the air. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t break free from the hand that was made of steel.

The air was squeezed out of his lungs, Lin Mo’s vision went dark, his struggling strength gradually weakened, and his life was passing rapidly.

Ning An was almost frightened by what she saw, but her remaining sense still allowed her to try her best to control her weak legs and run back, taking out her cell phone as she ran.

Call the police!

Now Ning An only has this thought in his mind.


Before she could take two steps, a huge force bit the end of Ning An’s hair and pulled her back. Before she could dial the emergency number, her cell phone fell to the side.

The middle-aged man had no expression on his face. He let go of Lin Mo, who had fainted, and stabilized Ning An’s head with one hand.


Just when the middle-aged man was about to squeeze Ning An to death, another thin man raised his hand to stop.

The strong man loosened his grip slightly and looked back at him, frowning and feeling a little impatient.

“It’s such a waste to kill this little girl like this. Give me half a quarter of an hour.”

The burly man ignored him and looked at the young man at the head.

The young man was still squatting in front of the trash can, rummaging through it carefully, and waved his hand without looking back.

“Give it to him, it’ll be quick.”

When the strong man heard this, he silently stepped aside and turned his back.

Before Ning An could react, a huge force suddenly came from behind and pushed her to the ground.

In the dark corner of the alley in the distance, several eyes were staring at what was happening here.

“Do you want to do it now?”


He asked in a low voice, and with the slight friction sound of a bullet being loaded, murderous intent suddenly arose.

“No, according to the plot, the martial arts strength of these people are all in the tempering realm. The younger one has already begun to forge his bones. The bullet may not kill him, and even if it can kill one, the other two will not be able to kill him.” If one is alert, the gun is useless.”

“Yes, we are new here, and our strength is not much different from ordinary people. It is too risky to take action now.” Someone on the side agreed.

“Now is an excellent opportunity to increase Lin Mo’s favorability. Opportunities like this will not come around very often!”

Another clear female voice sounded, a little urgent.

“Lin Mo is the protagonist, he can’t die!”

“Wait a minute, Ning An must die here today. Unless Ning An dies, Lin Mo’s mentality will not change, and the subsequent plot may deviate significantly, which is beyond control.”

Ning An’s cheek was pressed against the cold stone tiles on the ground. When she heard the sound of the zipper being opened behind her, she suddenly reacted and began to struggle wildly.

The face of the thin man who was undressing suddenly changed. He was caught off guard and leaned back. It seemed that what he was holding down was not a girl with no strength, but a tyrannosaurus with incredible power!


Ning An struggled to turn around, almost using all his strength, and kicked the thin man in the chest!


With a muffled sound, the thin man’s figure was thrown into the air, seven or eight meters in the air, his sternum completely shattered!


The thin man fell to the ground, his eyes were protruding and covered with bloodshot eyes. He stared at Ning An for several breaths, full of surprise and lifelessness.

This kick had already broken his heart, making it difficult for immortals and Buddhas to save him.

The two people who had turned around looked at Ning An, who was sitting on the ground and was a little exhausted, with shock in their eyes.

This little girl kicked a master of the Tempering Realm to death? !

In the dark corner in the distance, there was also an uproar.

“Ning An actually knows martial arts?!”

“What does this mean? Has the plot changed?!”

“If Ning’an doesn’t die, will Lin Mo’s character change drastically? Isn’t the plot going to be completely messed up?!”

There was an almost suffocating silence.

Ning An sat on his knees on the ground, looking at the body not far away, his face full of panic, and he didn’t know what to do for a moment.

Just as the scene became increasingly weird, Ning An’s mind suddenly fell into chaos, and his head gradually dropped, as if he had fallen into sleep.

“Do it!”

The young man suddenly shouted loudly, stepped with his feet, and the sound of his muscles and bones rubbing together was like muffled thunder. He brought up a roaring wind and attacked and killed him!

The burly man followed closely behind, his whole body tense, and his muscular body expanded again, almost bursting his clothes!

Halfway through the effort, the young man suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He forcibly withdrew his strength and retreated violently.

The strong man didn’t realize it, but he still rushed forward with all his strength, like a heavy truck, crashing into the girl who was kneeling on the ground.


Hearing the young man’s shouts, the strong man subconsciously wanted to hold back his strength, but he shot with all his strength, and it was too late to hold back at this moment.

The girl who was kneeling on the ground slowly opened her eyes, her whole body changed drastically, the panic in her eyes was no longer there, only a coldness remained, faintly lingering with a hint of cold murderous intention!


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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