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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 284 Fighting

The overwhelming murderous intent dragged everyone around into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.


Horror flashed in the eyes of the strong man involuntarily. The six senses of a martial artist are extremely sharp. A bone-piercing murderous intention enveloped his whole body, as if his flesh and blood were frozen to pieces!

Death was within reach, and under the crisis of life, a trace of madness flashed in the eyes of the strong man. He no longer held back his strength and struck out with all his strength. His huge fist brought about a whining wind with great momentum.

Shi Lan got used to Ning’an’s body for a while, and then he jumped up, seemingly slowly but urgently. Facing the charging man, he advanced instead of retreating, stretching his muscles and bones, causing a thunderous sound.

His white palms suddenly clenched, he threw his arms and punched!



The shadow of the fist passed by, and the shrill sound of breaking through the air suddenly exploded.

The two fist shadows intertwined, and the strong man’s right arm exploded instantly, flying back faster than when he came, almost smashing through the brick wall of the alley.


The strong man fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his bones were shattered, and his body was covered with dust and bricks.

Ning’an’s body is not that of a martial arts prodigy. Shi Lan has only been in this world for two months. Even if he didn’t slack off at all and practiced martial arts every day, his cultivation level would not be very high.

But after leaving the Lingyang Realm, the Jade Forging Technique and the Vajra Divine Fist seemed to have lost some kind of shackles. At this moment, Shi Lan was only at the first level of the Body Tempering Realm. huge!

Compared with someone with the same cultivation level in the Lingyang Realm, her strength has increased nearly ten times, and she is comparable to a ninth-level warrior in the Body Tempering Realm!

This kind of power, when it falls on a person, can break muscles and bones, even if it is light!

The young man who retreated had his pupils narrowed. This kind of power had already exceeded the scope of the Strength Tempering Realm. He had just begun to forge his bones. He was not necessarily the opponent of this woman. After weighing it in his mind, he cupped his fists and saluted, announcing himself as a family member. .

“My Excellency, Zhao Ye, a disciple of the Wuji Sect, was unable to recognize Mount Tai today and collided with the real dragon. I dare to ask you about your sect and sect. It may be a misunderstanding.”

Shi Lan loosened her clenched fist and moved her fingers slightly. She didn’t pay attention to the young man’s words at all. What she cared about was the group of people hiding in the distance.

After practicing the Mysterious Code of Refining, her senses were far beyond those of ordinary people. Even the slightest movement within a hundred meters could not be hidden from her ears. The words of those hidden in the distance could be heard by her ears.

Lin Mo, the protagonist, plot development, new arrival…

There is so much information contained in these words.

Seeing that the woman in front of him showed no reaction, Zhao Ye frowned. After glancing at the strong man lying not far away, he felt the intention to retreat and began to retreat slowly.

“I ask, you answer, if you don’t cheat, you can live.”

Shi Lan’s words were concise and concise, stopping Zhao Ye’s retreat.

Shi Lan didn’t want to waste time with the person in front of her. She didn’t want to take action. She wanted to see the reaction of those people in the distance.

But after hearing the words ‘Ning An must die here’, she gave up the idea of ​​watching the fire from the other side.

Does this mean he is no match?

After hearing what Shi Lan said, Zhao Ye couldn’t help but have a flash of anger in his eyes, but he endured it in the end.

That chilling murderous intention made him have to be afraid.

“Excuse me, Your Excellency.”

“Who is this person and what were you looking for just now?”

Shi Lan raised his head towards the man lying in the middle of the trash bin not far away and not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

“I have some personal grudges against him…”

Zhao Ye’s eyes flickered and he was about to explain, but was interrupted by Shi Lan.

“If you don’t want to say it, then die.”

The group of people in front of her were obviously not good people. Shi Lan had murderous intentions. Zhao Ye’s expression showed that he was not telling the truth. Her only patience was exhausted. After cleaning up the people in front of her, she still wanted to find them. Look for those characters who hide in the dark and cannot be seen in the light.


The clay figurine was still a little angry, not to mention that Zhao Ye was not a friendly person to begin with. Such arrogant words from the person in front of him made his face look ferocious.

Shi Lan is not arrogant. In fact, from beginning to end, the world has not been looked upon by her.

The feasting and feasting of this world did evoke a long-lost nostalgia in her, but compared to the original world, she now prefers the vast world and the beautiful scenery that cannot be accommodated in her eyes.

There is still a long way to go…

Zhao Ye no longer wasted words, stepped forward, stretched his muscles and bones, and spanned more than ten meters with a snap of his fingers, came to Shi Lan, then twisted his body and whipped his legs!

Like a dragon flicking its tail, the air was torn and crackled. Before his legs could reach him, the violent wind had already blown away Shi Lan’s long hair!

Zhao Ye’s strength is not weak. In terms of strength alone, at least compared with Shi Lan now, it is not much different.

Shi Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, motionless as a mountain, his body sank, the fist mark in his hand changed slightly, he reached out and turned into a claw, and clasped Zhao Ye’s thunderous kick.

King Kong captures the dragon!


The huge force pushed Shi Lan four or five meters away, leaving two deep scratches on the ground.

Zhao Ye’s eyes narrowed, and he was about to twitch his leg to change his moves, but found that his right leg had been tightly restrained, unable to move at all. The hands of the woman in front of him were surprisingly strong, restraining him tightly.

The Vajra Capture the Dragon is just an ordinary move in the Vajra Divine Fist, but if it is used in the hands of a real Zen Vajra, even the Nine Heavenly Dragons will be nothing more than a plaything in the palm of their hands.

Shi Lan is naturally not as good as Zen King Kong at the moment, but Zhao Ye is not a real dragon!

Zhao Ye obviously had rich fighting experience. Seeing that he couldn’t hold him back, he turned around again and swept his left leg to the top of Shi Lan’s head, implying the huge force of thunder, like a mountain bearing down on the top, he stepped down with a bang!

A huge wave of energy came from above his head. Shi Lan ducked down to avoid it. He clasped Zhao Ye’s right leg with both hands, then put his waist and arms together and suddenly swung it.


The terrifying huge force threw Zhao Ye horizontally in an instant, smashing through the brick wall of the alley. The violent shock almost broke all his muscles and bones.

Fortunately, this is an area to be developed, and the residents have already been vacated, so the huge movement did not attract the attention of others.

Zhao Ye couldn’t stop coughing, huddled back, and hid in the dark shadows.

After a hasty fight, Zhao Ye already understood the strength gap between himself and the woman in front of him. The actual strength of the two might not be far apart, but the difference in the level of martial arts they practiced was too big.

He can’t understand this woman’s boxing moves!

Shi Lan didn’t waste any time, stepped forward to catch up, clenched his fist tightly, and punched loudly. His punch was as powerful as a cannon popping out of the barrel, instantly turning the air in front of him into a vacuum!


Zhao Ye’s eyes were scarlet, and he suddenly tilted his head back, his bones cracked slightly, and his upper body was twisted into an incredible angle, barely able to avoid it.

The violent wind of the fist grazed Zhao Ye’s chest and tore his shirt instantly. The skin on his chest cracked inch by inch and blood spattered everywhere!

Shi Lan turned around and retracted his fist, then raised his leg and struck down like a flowing motion.

The slender right leg seemed to be a sharp blade, cutting through the air and going straight to Zhao Ye’s heart!

“Bang! Bang——”

When Zhao Ye was about to die, a series of crisp gunshots suddenly exploded in Shi Lan’s ears.

Hehe, update a chapter, it’s my birthday tomorrow~


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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