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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 296: The Fisherman Gains

Seeing Shi Lan approaching with his sword, Zhao Ye couldn’t help but feel fear in his heart. The night he narrowly escaped death from Shi Lan’s hands had already left a shadow in his heart.

At this moment, even Luo Jin, whom he respected as a god, died in Shi Lan’s hands, which almost completely collapsed his psychological defense.

Shi Lan seemed not to have heard anything, and her steps did not stop at all. She could not be threatened. If she gave up her sword and gave up resistance, she would die here together with Ning Kangping.

She’s not that stupid yet.

“Kill her and avenge the leader!”


Luo Jin has been in charge of Wuji Sect for many years, and naturally there are many diehards within the sect.

Seeing Luo Jin’s death, half of the hundreds of people around him stepped forward and rushed towards Shi Lan. They did not care about the huge gap in strength and were not afraid of death.

The other half quietly retreated outside the factory, obviously intending to protect themselves wisely.

Shi Lan’s eyes were condensed, and his energy and blood were flowing, covering the silver sword in his hand, and the sword’s edge was swallowing blood-colored sword energy that was nearly a foot long.

Wherever the sword energy passes, everything will be killed!


The first three people to rush forward, together with the weapons in their hands, were instantly cut in half by Shi Lan, but the people behind still did not stop, completely giving up on defense, doing whatever they could to exchange their lives for injuries!

The remaining disciples of the Wuji Sect, who are the most powerful but have reached the peak of bone forging, originally had no threat to Shi Lan, but now they have turned into a group of desperadoes, with only one thought in their minds, that is, to kill with all their strength. Shi Lan!

Under such a crazy siege, although Shi Lan was much stronger than these people, her physical strength had been exhausted a lot, and she was at a loss for a while, unable to get even half a step closer to Zhao Ye.


The accumulated water gradually turned red with blood, and Shi Lan’s feet turned into a pool of blood, covered with the blood of corpses.

Seeing the purgatory-like scene in front of him, Zhao Ye was frightened, abandoned Ning Kangping, turned around and ran away.

Ning Kangping threw himself into the water. The cold rain hit him and he quickly woke up. After seeing the one-sided massacre in the field, he took a breath of cold air, then turned and ran towards the outside of the factory.

If he continues to stay here, he will only cause more trouble for Ning’an. If he is controlled by others, he will become a bargaining chip for blackmail. He is going to ask the military for help and catch all these bastards!

Bang bang bang!

Not long after Ning Kangping ran out, the windows around the factory were broken one after another, and people of all shapes and sizes filed in. There were hundreds at a glance.

On the streets of Shilan, the news of defeating the Grandmaster with one punch has spread like wildfire. Under the temptation of the treasure, all forces have coordinated their strongest combat forces and rushed here.

Everyone saw Shi Lan in the field at a glance, and many knowledgeable people were frightened when they saw the long sword in her hand.

“Meteor Sword?!”

As a personal treasure of the head of the Wuji Sect, this sword has been powerful in the martial arts world for a long time.

The sword is there and the man is there.

There is no need to say more about the fate of Luo Jin, the sword holder of this generation of Meteoric Sword.

Soon someone with sharp eyes saw Luo Jin’s body floating in the water not far from the battlefield.

“She must have suffered a lot by killing Luo Jin. She must be at the end of her battle at this moment!”

“Catch her! Get the treasure back!”

There were ruthless and decisive people who made a prompt decision and joined the battle, and many people were forced to be involved in the battlefield.

“Miss Ning, as long as you are willing to share the treasure with me, Cangyan Sect, I am willing to devote all my efforts to keep you safe!”

“Miss Ning, don’t panic, I’m here to help you!”

Another group of people have secret intentions and kill the other forces that are coming towards them.

At this moment, the abandoned factory has gathered 99% of the martial arts forces in the world, and it is no longer just as simple as Nanhao Kingdom.

For a moment, the sound of killing was loud. So many martial arts masters took action at the same time. The spread of the aftermath caused the entire factory to collapse in an instant, with broken masonry and rubble flying everywhere.


Shi Lan’s heart was like beating a drum, she couldn’t stop breathing heavily, and her strength was a little weak. She had killed all the Wuji Sect disciples, but she was surrounded by a group of warriors.

If this continues, it will be a matter of time before exhaustion…

Shi Lan couldn’t help gritting her teeth. She just took the thing and let it go, but until now she didn’t even know what it was.

Ning Kangping ran all the way towards the road in his memory. His mobile phone had been damaged by water and had long since been scrapped. He could only try his luck and pin his hopes on the passing vehicles.

Just a few kilometers away, when passing by a deserted forest, several figures appeared instantly and pushed Ning Kangping to the ground.

Ning Kangping felt a chill in his heart, and then he saw the familiar camouflage military uniforms and couldn’t help but be ecstatic.

“Let me go, I want to see your commander!”

Ning Kangping followed the two soldiers and walked in the wild forest. The more he looked at them, the more frightened he became.

There were at least dozens of armored vehicles, all equipped with heavy firepower. Not far away there was a huge shadow, covered under a canvas, making it difficult to see the shape.

Along the way, Ning Kangping came to an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

“Director Ning, I have long admired you.”

The officer seemed to know Ning Kangping and spoke politely.

Thinking of Ning An who was still under siege, Ning Kangping ignored the strange feeling in his heart and asked for help.

“Sir, please save my daughter…”

“I understand Director Ning’s feelings very well, but I can’t help you now. I still have a mission.”

The lieutenant colonel looked regretful.

“The order I received was to carry out a covering strike on the factory five kilometers away in two minutes and kill all the terrorists inside.”


Ning Kangping’s expression froze, and then he collapsed and said:

“No…no! My daughter is still there!”

“Oh? Director Ning’s daughter is in the factory? That’s such a pity.”

The lieutenant colonel looked surprised, sighed softly, shook his head and said:

“It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. I’m sorry, but there is nothing I can do.”

“Sir, you…”

Several canvases not far away were pulled down, revealing more than a dozen heavy-duty howitzers. The ammunition boxes had been opened, and shells with a diameter of more than 160 mm lay neatly among them.


Watching the cannonball enter the chamber, Ning Kangping stepped forward to stop him. As soon as he raised his feet, he was pushed down by two soldiers.

“Director Ning, obstructing military affairs is a serious crime!”

“let me go!”

Ning Kangping struggled desperately, but in exchange he was pushed into the mud.

“Don’t worry, Director Ning, we will always remember your daughter’s sacrifice. After all… it’s all for peace.”

The lieutenant colonel said calmly, looked down at his watch, and slowly raised his hand.



Boom boom boom!

The sound of the cannon exploded like thunder, deafening, and more than ten long white marks appeared on the sky. In an instant, flames shot into the sky in the distance!



My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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