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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 306 Interception

Shi Lan watched as the Yunxiao Treasure Ship slowly lifted into the sky and disappeared into the clouds. After staying for a moment, she headed towards the border again.

As the border got closer and closer, the number of people became increasingly sparse. In the end, for several days in a row, you might not encounter anyone, except for the occasional treasure ship flying across the sky.

A few days later, Shi Lan entered the border area, less than ten thousand miles away from the boundless demon realm.

After three years, Shi Lan returned to Tenglong City again.

Tenglong City was now in ruins. Half of the city had sunk into the ground. A huge footprint appeared in the depression, apparently stepped into the ground by an unknown giant beast.

Before Shi Lan could take a closer look, she felt a sudden chill in her heart, her hairs exploded, and a terrifying murderous intention enveloped her whole body.

Shi Lan did not hesitate and retreated, but it was still too late.

A series of magic array lines lit up, covering all directions, and four figures occupied the four ends of the world. A white-haired old man walked out of the void and stared at Shi Lan, with a strange blue light flashing in his pupils.

“What a robe.”

The old man couldn’t help but admire a little. If it weren’t for the inaccessibility of this place and the fact that his Dharma Eyes had penetrated the room, he wouldn’t have been able to see through Shi Lan’s true body.

It is not difficult for a heavenly being to find out the details of Shi Lan.

Now that Shi Lan is heading to the border, she may return to her hometown to take a look.

Therefore, after receiving the order to intercept and kill Shi Lan, the old man and the others did not go to the Chengtian Domain to search for traces of Shi Lan. Instead, they came to Tenglong City first, set up this magic circle, and waited.

“Who are you?”

Shi Lan stopped retreating and asked.

“We are all unknown people, not worth mentioning. We are here just to see the Taoist treasures left by the Sword Emperor. Please make it a convenience, little friend.”

The old man smiled slightly and looked very kind.

Shi Lan frowned and did not speak again, nor did she reveal her identity as a demon-suppressing army. She had already sensed the murderous intention in the old man. Since these people dared to kill her and set up an ambush here, they must be fully prepared.

“The Sword Emperor’s Daozang is not in me.”

Shi Lan shook his head slightly, moved slowly, and leaned towards the corner of the formation.

The old man didn’t reply. The light between his brows flashed suddenly, and the murderous intent surged. A nine-foot-long Yuan Shen stepped out and stepped towards Shi Lan, who had retreated to the corner of the magic circle.

Facing Shi Lan, the old man didn’t say any more nonsense. He went all out and used his ultimate killing move. He still had a kind smile on his face and the depths of his pupils were full of indifference.

Countless cracks were torn in the void, and wind and thunder shook. Jiuzhang Yuan Shen looked at Shi Lan like an ant and wanted to trample her to death.

Shi Lan turned around suddenly, turning a blind eye to the Yuan Shen stepping over his head. He drew the full moon with his hand and held it in front of his chest. A ray of bright Taoist charm condensed in his palm.

The palm print crossed the void and struck towards the warrior in charge of the corner of the formation.

The warrior had a sneer on his lips and raised his hand to take the palm print. He had never put Shi Lan in his eyes. Even if his cultivation in the Tiangang Realm was against the sky, he would not be able to make big waves.

The Wanxiang Realm has almost reached the level of the Martial Immortal, which is not comparable to the Tiangang Realm.

The moment the palm print approached, the sneer on the corner of the warrior’s mouth suddenly solidified, and his expression changed drastically. He sensed a murderous intention coming and wanted to retreat, but it was already too late.


The power of the palm penetrated into the bones and exploded instantly, exploding into a cloud of blood mist. No bones were left. The formation fluctuated and a gap opened.

She has successfully cultivated the Zhenwu Immortal Body, but Shi Lan’s current divine power cannot be fully explored. Like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, ordinary warriors in the late stage of the Vientiane Realm cannot compete with her.

What’s more, the Tianji Seal is an emperor-level secret technique of killing, with boundless power. This person’s cultivation level is only in the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm, and he was killed by Shi Lan in a single encounter.

The expression of the old man in the distance did not fluctuate at all. Even when he saw Shi Lan killing someone in one glance, his expression remained indifferent.

In the long years, he has seen too many geniuses, and there are only two or three people who have the power to defeat immortals in retrograde motion.

A genius who fails to grow up is just a genius after all.

In the midst of lightning and thunder, the old man’s nine-foot-long spirit had already stepped above his head, suppressing the surrounding space. Shi Lan suddenly felt like a mountain was coming to him, and it was difficult to raise his arms.


There was a slight tremor in the void, and nine bloody flying knives were slashed out from the void. In an instant, hundreds of bloody auras were struck out, tearing apart marks on the soul.

The God-Slaying Flying Knife specializes in cutting souls and souls.

The old man’s expression changed, and he let out a muffled groan. Bloodshot eyes overflowed from the corners of his mouth. His mind was tingling, and his soul was damaged.

Yuan Shen’s footsteps paused, and the surrounding suppression relaxed. Shi Lan did not stop, stretched out his hands, tore apart the formation, and immediately broke the sound barrier and fled away.

Injuring the old man with the God-Decapitating Flying Knife was purely a trick. The old man’s soul was so powerful and his cultivation was unfathomable. She was no match at all and could only escape.

“There is actually something designed to hurt the soul!”

The old man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were gloomy, and he stood there with his hands down, not in any hurry to catch up.

Shi Lan left the magic circle and immediately escaped to the depths of the Chengtian Domain.

She had sensed it through the Demon Suppression Order, and the demon suppressing army closest to her was also 30,000 miles away, in the direction of Xianwu City.

This is her only life-saving straw at the moment.

However, just after escaping for less than a hundred miles, a giant palm of thousands of feet condensed with mana suddenly appeared in the void and pressed down violently.

Shi Lan was unable to dodge and was struck down by a palm. The palm print was wrapped with the power of a collapsing mountain, instantly severely injuring Shi Lan. The shock caused her to cough up blood, and blood spilled into the sky.

If her body wasn’t already strong enough to possess some indestructible properties, this palm would have blown her to pieces.

In order to intercept and kill Shi Lan, a total of two great monks from the Yuanshen Realm were dispatched. In addition to the old man, there was another person hiding in the void nearby to ensure safety.

A middle-aged man walked out of the void with an expressionless face and a gleam of light in his eyes.

Shi Lan never raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot and scarlet, and he used the secret technique of Burning Spirits again.

The few remaining life essence began to burn again, and the whole person instantly turned into a blood arrow, heading straight towards the boundless demon realm.

The way forward has been cut off, so they can only escape towards the boundless demon realm and struggle for life.

In less than half a moment, Shi Lan was forced into a desperate situation.

With his life essence burned to the extreme, Shi Lan’s speed became extremely terrifying, tearing apart the space and traveling hundreds of miles away in an instant.

The middle-aged man tore apart the space and teleported, unable to catch up for a while.

After a while, Shi Lan plunged into the boundless demon realm with great determination.

The Yu family stopped at the border of the vast land of China, hesitating a little.

The boundless demon realm is full of crises, especially now that the demon clan has just been defeated. Fish and dragons are mixed in the border, and there may be a giant demon lurking there.

“Chasing! That girl is about to reach the end of her life and won’t last much longer!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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