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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 32 Weird

Seeing the reactions of these refugees, Shi Lan was silent for a while, took two steps back, got on his horse, turned the reins, and was about to leave.


One of the refugees, with a sharp eye, spotted the flesh and blood of the monster beast that Shi Lan was carrying on his horse. He stopped Shi Lan and after whispering to his companions, the group surrounded Shi Lan.

Obviously, seeing Shi Lan alone, young, and not looking very intimidating, these people had evil intentions.

“Keep the meat!”

“You come down, and this horse stays too!”

“Yes, the horse will stay too!”

“What is that on your back? Open it and take a look!”

Listening to the increasingly excessive demands around her, a hint of complexity flashed in Shi Lan’s eyes. She had avoided those refugees before because she was worried that this would happen.

There are two sides of the human heart, Yin and Yang. It is obvious that the hunger in the belly and the current situation of having nothing have greatly magnified the dark side in the hearts of these refugees. Greed, bullying and fear of force are human nature.

Having nothing is the easiest way for people to go to extremes, and the sense of moral restraint will be reduced or even completely eliminated.

Seeing that Shi Lan remained silent, a refugee walked up to Shi Lan and reached out to the package on the horse.


There was an explosion, and the refugees covered their hands and fell to the ground, howling and rolling around.

Shi Lan slowly took back the riding crop in his hand, glanced at the refugees gathered in a circle, and said in a cold voice: “Get out of the way!”

The surrounding refugees subconsciously took a few steps back, but after looking at each other for a few times, their eyes once again had a fierce look in their eyes, and they rushed towards Shi Lan together!

Obviously, Shi Lan was different from the tiger demon and could not scare these refugees to the point of losing their resistance.

A cold light flashed in Shi Lan’s eyes, and the riding crop in his hand was raised again without hesitation.

Heavy whip shadows passed across, and several wind-breaking sounds exploded in the air!

The refugees who rushed toward Shi Lan were knocked to the ground almost at the same time, and there was a wailing sound.

This is already the result of Shi Lan’s intervention. Otherwise, with Shi Lan’s current strength, if he whipped them down, these refugees who had been hungry for a long time would still be alive.


Shi Lan didn’t stop, gently held the horse’s belly, passed the refugees lying on the ground, and gradually walked away.

Shi Feng slowly walked to a group of refugees and looked at Shi Lan’s retreating figure on horseback with a complicated expression.

When Shi Lan was just surrounded, Shi Feng was already ready to take action. With Shi Lan’s past temperament, there was definitely nothing he could do with these refugees, but before he could take action, Shi Lan gave him a ‘big surprise’.

Looking at the refugees lying on the ground, Shi Feng’s pupils were filled with indifference. He raised his hand and slashed out two swords nearly ten feet long, directly cutting the tiger demon’s body into several pieces.

This time, the wound was no longer scorched black, blood spattered out, and the thick smell of blood was swept away by the wind and dispersed in all directions.

In today’s area where monsters are rampant, the smell of blood is undoubtedly a guiding light.

Shi Lan leaned on the horse, thinking about who would be following her.

Shi Feng was her first suspect, but if it was Shi Feng, why didn’t he just show up and follow her?

Shi Lan recalled that when she practiced Vajra Fist for the first time, she fainted due to menstrual cramps. The mysterious man who saved her might have been following her, but she didn’t know it.

Thinking of this, Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel a chill. If there really was such a person, he wouldn’t be a pervert…

The more he thought about it, the more headache he got. Shi Lan shook his head, which was dizzy from the sun, straightened up, and looked for a place to escape the heat.

After walking for more than half an hour, Shi Lan finally saw a small forest with a small stream running through it.

Shi Lan squatted by the stream and washed his face. The cold stream water sprinkled on his face, refreshing him.

Shi Lan was sitting under the tree, holding her chin with one hand and looking up at the sky. She was a little confused for a moment and didn’t know where to go. She was walking aimlessly like this. How long would she go?

“Does the system have a mission?”

[The host’s cultivation level has not yet reached the conditions for starting the main mission. 】

Shi Lan felt that she was a bit stupid. When she was forced to do a task, she didn’t know how many times she greeted the system. Now that there was really no task, she missed the feeling of having a goal.

Shi Lan took some animal meat from his horse, roasted it and ate it, then closed his eyes and practiced the Jade Forging Technique. Increasing strength is always the first priority.

It was evening in a blink of an eye, and Shi Lan rushed out of the woods on horseback like the wind.

It’s summer, and in the evening, all kinds of bugs in the forest seem to want to eat people, especially mosquitoes.

“Everything has spirit, except mosquitoes!”

Shi Lan cursed secretly and sped up, hoping to reach a city or market town before it got dark.

Shi Lan’s plan failed in the end. Even when it was completely dark, she still couldn’t find a place where people could live, so she had to stop and repair in a valley.

Shi Lan lit the fire and put the meat on the grill.

Halfway through the roasting of the meat, a woman’s chuckle suddenly sounded in the valley. The woman’s chuckle echoed in the valley, looking a little breathtaking in the night.

Shi Lan stood up suddenly and looked around nervously.

A graceful figure walked out of the darkness and squeezed into Shi Lan’s field of vision.

A woman, a very beautiful woman, exuding an amazing charm in every gesture.

The woman’s hot figure was only covered with a layer of black gauze, and under the light of the fire, several mysterious scenery could even be faintly seen.

Shi Lan took two steps back and swallowed subconsciously. In the wilderness, with the beauty of the campfire, it stands to reason that a big battle would begin soon.

But now Shi Lan only has fear in her heart. This Lingyang Realm is not the earth. Science does not work. There are real ghosts here.

In the wilderness, such a coquettishly dressed woman suddenly appeared, and she was alone. After thinking about it for a while, you knew something was wrong.

I’m afraid this is not a ghost…

“Young master, you are alone in this wilderness, aren’t you lonely?” The woman walked up to Shi Lan and sat beside the fire. She lightly opened her red lips and asked pointedly.

“It’s good to be alone.” Shi Lan laughed dryly and took two steps back again. In his heart, he began to hope that the person who had been following him would take action again.

The woman gently lifted the tulle, revealing two slender jade legs. She looked at Shi Lan with eyes full of spring water, “Master, do you think I’m beautiful?”

“It’s quite beautiful.” Shi Lan’s eyes wandered, and he felt panicked. What on earth is going on…

Shi Feng was hiding in the darkness, the clothes on his back were soaked with cold sweat, and his eyes were dark.

The single woman who appeared in this area was dressed so revealingly that he couldn’t tell the difference. There were only two possibilities.

First, this is a transformed demon king, and second, this woman is a lonely ghost…

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My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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