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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 322 The road ahead

This teleportation circle leads to nowhere. Shi Lan stood in the space corridor and could only see the endless starlight behind him retreating.

Half an hour later, the group of people set foot on the ground, which was a lonely Death Star.


There were several cracks in the teleportation circle that he was stepping on, and it was obvious that the magic circle at the other end had been destroyed.

In this type of two-way teleportation circle, even if one end is destroyed, the coordinates of the teleportation can still be found at the other end. This is why the old man wants to stay.

Perhaps one day, these retained fires, with this magic circle, can still find their way home.

Li Canglan activated the war boat and wrapped everyone in it. Many of them were still young and their cultivation levels were not up to the standard of surviving in the starry sky, even though the fantasy star field could not be compared with the real boundless starry sky.

“It turns out that the outside world is so big…”

“Are those stars like Yao Yunxing…”

“It’s actually just a ball…”

“Is Yao Yunxing also a ball…”

The magnificent starry sky diluted the sadness of these teenagers, as if bright fireworks were ignited in their eyes, illuminating a galaxy.

Li Canglan raised his head, his eyes filled with unconcealable shock. Above his head was a vast continent, completely covering the vast starry sky.

The deep blue ocean is like a divine ring, enveloping the entire continent, emitting a bright light that makes people want to be immersed in it.

“where is that……”

Li Canglan murmured subconsciously.

Shi Lan looked up, feeling a little dazed for a moment. She rarely looked up at the entire continent from this angle.

This is Ling Yang…

Tian Bai squatted on Shi Lan’s shoulder, looking at the continent in the distance. He subconsciously put away his sharp claws, and his eyes were full of shock.

“This is the vast land of China, and there is the boundless demon realm…”

Shi Lan pointed to the side of the mainland and was suddenly stunned.

It turns out that from this perspective, China and the boundless demon realm are only so big.

“What about here…”

Li Canglan pointed to the remaining place.

It was a desolate and bitterly cold area, overgrown with trees, and nearly half of the area was covered with ice and snow that had not melted for thousands of years.

“That place should be the Devil’s Cave, and I haven’t been there either.”

Shi Lan shook her head slightly, took out a blank jade token, and concentrated on sensing that a vague coordinate came into her mind. Her star was not far away from here.

Looking around, there are several life stars hanging quietly in the starry sky not far away.

It doesn’t look far away, but in fact it is millions of miles away. The starry sky in the Fantasy Star Realm has been completely compressed. If it were in the real big universe, the distance between the stars would be even farther and boundless.

A miniature star hangs among several stars, breathing the blazing true fire of the sun and illuminating everything.

In the inheritance of Sword Emperor Guiyun, there are some fragmentary memories about stars. In addition to being naturally formed, most of these stars were transformed from the corpses of the ancient Golden Crow clan after their death.

There are also rumors that many Golden Crows have not died, but are undergoing nirvana through the transformation of the sun.

Looking at the starry sky in front of him, Shi Lan couldn’t help but admire the history of the human race and that emperor. How powerful it was to hold up such a starry sky and hang it above the sky.

Shi Lan looked at Li Canglan and said softly: “I will send you to the nearest life star and place it properly. What to do in the future… you can make up your own mind.”

Li Canglan was silent for a moment, and then whispered:

“Do you think I have any hope of revenge?”


Shi Lan said bluntly without any hesitation.

It’s not that she looks down on Li Canglan, but it’s really not possible. Even if Li Canglan is given another thousand years, he still won’t be able to shake the human emperor family at its peak.

He comes from the Yao Yun Star, and the inheritance from the Yao Yun Star can reach the Yuanshen realm even if it reaches the sky.

Even though he has left Yao Yunxing now and may have other encounters in the Fantasy Star Territory, this entire Fantasy Star Territory is the spoils of war that the Human Emperors captured by following the Emperor.

Moreover, when fighting for this star field, the main opponent of the human race is the demon, not the power in this star field.

In this world, it is impossible for Li Canglan to obtain the power that can subvert the Human Emperor family.

Hearing this, Li Canglan’s mouth was slightly astringent, and a wry smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth. After a while, he looked at Shi Lan and stopped talking.

“I have no reason to help you.” Seeing the look on his face, Shi Lan shook his head.

Although she killed members of the Zheng family, whether the Zheng family could find out that she was responsible or not, if she helped Li Canglan, she would be destined to have a huge karma with the Zheng family.

The number of people who will die then will not be as simple as one or two.

Li Canglan was burdened with the hatred of exterminating his family and destroying his family. Such a blood feud could not be dismissed with a few words, and Shi Lan would not persuade him.

She would never do such a thankless task. People’s feelings cannot be communicated to each other, just like when people drink water, they know whether it is warm or cold.

Li Canglan’s eyes brightened slightly. He noticed the hidden message in Shi Lan’s words. Shi Lan was capable of helping him.

“I only ask senior to point out a clear path for me. If I die on the road of revenge in the future, you will never be implicated. If I am lucky enough to save my life, I will die to repay senior’s great kindness!”

Li Canglan knelt down with his head on the ground, his nails dug deeply into his palms, and he screamed at the top of his lungs.

“I hope senior will have mercy on you!”

Dozens of teenagers not far away saw Li Canglan’s actions and knelt down silently.

The oldest among them is only thirteen or fourteen, and the youngest is eight or nine years old. I don’t know what means were used to survive the Zheng family’s search.

“Get up.”

Shi Lan glanced at these teenagers and couldn’t help but feel weak.

Li Canglan raised his head and looked at her, with hope in his eyes. In his eyes, Shi Lan was the future.

“Your blood feud has nothing to do with me. This is just a deal. I will teach you how to become stronger. Before you become strong enough, your lives belong to me.” Shi Lan said slowly.

If she wants to form her own force, she needs some people as her initial team, and these people may be just right.

They have a great thirst for power as they have blood feuds, and there is no need for her to spur them on.

Li Canglan’s face showed excitement, and when he was about to speak, he was interrupted.

“Also, there’s no need to call me senior, I’m not older than you.”

Shi Lan corrected her. After the words came out, she was stunned for a moment. She would not have cared about these titles before.

Li Canglan’s expression was stagnant for a moment, and he was a little confused. He originally thought that Shi Lan was a senior master who had practiced for a long time and was just good at keeping his appearance.

Immediately afterwards, his expression returned to calmness, and he kowtowed again. Age did not matter, as long as it could point him to a clear path, for him, it was better than the illusory immortals and Buddhas.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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