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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 326 Rebirth

Lingyang Realm, Zhongtian Realm, Imperial Palace.

An ancient tower that reaches the sky stands on the north side of the imperial palace. Dozens of figures stand under the ancient tower. The thick laws of the imperial law squeeze the surrounding void and are filled with chaotic energy.

Most of the Human Emperors who are active in the Lingyang Realm are here. Most of them are loyal supporters of the Imperial Court. Almost all of them were present in the bloody battle in the outer starry sky.

A black-robed figure stood in front of all the human emperors. It was Emperor Taishi. His eyes were looking at the top of the ancient pagoda, as deep as the sea, and there was no trace of any emotion.

A scroll of treasure records emerged from the void, slowly unfolding, exuding the overwhelming divine power of the emperor, and a galaxy seemed to be rolling on it.

A dazzling divine light soared into the sky from the treasure record, and the human history book located on the top of the ancient tower of the Imperial Palace also bloomed with a soft glow, illuminating the mountains and rivers.

Dark ripples appeared in the void, and golden flames ignited in Taishi’s eyes. He stepped forward, ascended to the sky, poured out the emperor’s blood from his heart, and screamed to the sky.

“Help me open the door!”

Dozens of imperial laws suddenly emerged, wrapped in the emperor’s blood, and soared upwards. A group of human emperors launched a blood sacrifice, trying to reverse the yin and yang and open the road to hell.

A portal connecting the sky and the earth appeared, the light of the sun in the sky dimmed instantly, and extremely gloomy energy spread across the sky.

Woohoo hoohoo——

Suddenly, a dark wind roared between the sky and the earth, and the clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. A figure as black as ink came across the void from a distance, stopped outside the imperial palace, and kowtowed in the void to request.

“Please allow me to use the passage to enter the underworld. Under the underworld, I am willing to serve the human race!”

The eternal separation between yin and yang is a rule of heaven. To break through this rule, the power required is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The Road to the Underworld can only be opened by living people. It must be guided by the blood of the strongest person in the world, and the overwhelming Yang Qi can be used to attack the Nine Netherworlds. Only then can one hope to penetrate the Yin-Yang boundary wall in a short time.

The most important thing is that this will destroy your longevity.

This is a ghost king who has cultivated the spirit of the gods. His aura is not weaker than that of the most powerful emperor, but at this moment, outside the imperial palace, he looks extremely humble, almost begging.

As powerful as he is, he can only seek further breakthroughs under the underworld, otherwise he can only stay in the world until his soul is gone, and he is not even qualified for reincarnation.

Most of the ghosts and ghosts that stay in the Yang world for various reasons have no good ending.

In the past, no one would be able to open the road to the underworld even once in ten thousand years. If Taishi’s deadline was not approaching and he wanted to preserve a legacy for the human race, he would not take the risk.

Wandering on the boundary between Yin and Yang, even a strong Emperor Realm person will be robbed if they are not careful.


Facing this ghost king’s request, Taishi nodded slightly and nodded in agreement.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and countless powerful ghosts are coming across the void, including men and women, and even far more than human beings. Many ghosts transformed from the remnant souls of demons are also watching from a distance.

“Emperor Wan’an, please let me use the path to enter reincarnation…”

“Under the underworld, we will always remember the emperor’s great kindness…”

“I hope the emperor will show mercy…”


The thoroughfare to the sky slowly opened, and an endless river rushed down from the sky, straight into the Nine Netherworld.

“Yellow Spring!”

“The road is open!”

All the ghosts looked excited, almost crazy. If it weren’t for Taishi’s imperial power, they would have swarmed away long ago.

Taishi glanced at the excited and almost crazy ghosts around him and waved his hand.

“Let’s go.”

He got out of the way and allowed the ghosts to enter the Underworld Road first. Even for the remnant souls transformed by the demons, Taishi did not stop them and allowed them to die.

When these ghosts enter the underworld, there is no way back, and they are unable to return to the Yang world. They will no longer harm the Yang world. This can be regarded as clearing away some troubles for the Lingyang world.


Taishi coughed lightly, pursed his lips slightly, and swallowed the sweetness in his throat.

Liu Yunzheng, dressed in green clothes, walked out of the ancient pagoda and came to his side, frowning with a hint of worry.

“Yun Zheng, do you think I will have this day…”

Taishi looked at the crowd of ghosts with fanatical faces rushing towards hell, the light in his deep eyes dimmed slightly, and a trace of twilight appeared on his body.

“You are the emperor of the human race and the backbone of the vast land of China. Even if you go to the underworld, you will still continue to write the undefeated legend…” Liu Yunzheng said seriously.

“The myth of invincibility…”

Taishi chuckled, implying self-deprecation.

“I will bring Ling Chu back. If I don’t have enough time in the future, I will have to worry about you…”

Liu Yunzheng seemed to have not heard anything and bowed.

“I’m here to wait for the Emperor’s return.”

The corners of Taishi’s mouth were slightly raised, showing a smile, and he stepped out. The imperial power bloomed, and the golden glow lit up the sky. His energy and blood soared into the sky, like a dazzling bloody sun, falling under the underworld. , causing huge waves…

In the dazzling space-time channel, countless light and shadows quickly retreated outside the channel, pulling out blurred and gorgeous rays of light.

The group of people passed by and soon set foot on the ground.

“What were those just now?”

Li Canglan looked at Shi Lan blankly, thinking of those large and small chaotic light groups outside the passage just now, and subconsciously asked.

“It should be the world, I don’t know.”

Shi Lan shook his head slightly and looked at the surrounding scenery. She was much stronger now than before, but the core of the world had been integrated with her and would no longer reject her true body, causing her to collapse.

The landing point she chose was random. It was a wasteland with a road not far away and vehicles passing by from time to time.

“The spiritual energy here is so thin…”

Li Canglan felt slightly uncomfortable. The turbid atmosphere between heaven and earth made him feel that his body was filled with impurities every time he breathed. In this environment, let alone cultivation, it was not easy to maintain his cultivation without regression.

“This place is not a cloud and mist star, it is a world of Dharma-ending, but it doesn’t matter. I know a secret realm, and with the spiritual crystals, it is enough for you to practice with peace of mind.”

After all, this small world is a fragment of the Qinghong Realm of the great world, and there are still many places where the spiritual energy has not been exhausted.

As he spoke, Shi Lan prepared to take Li Canglan and others through space and head straight to the secret realm.


Li Canglan hesitated.

“Can I see the world?”

Shi Lan thought for a moment and nodded. One day in Lingyang Realm, and half a year in this realm, there is a lot of time.

He reached into the void and took dozens of sets of clothes from a warehouse not far away, and threw them to Li Canglan.

“Let’s change our clothes first.”

All the teenagers were a little excited and hurriedly changed into clothes. Only a few girls stood there clutching their clothes and looking embarrassed. Modern clothes were a bit too bold for them.

Shi Lan didn’t think it mattered. The clothes she got were already relatively conservative.

She directly carved out a space to keep Li Canglan and others out of the circle, and began to teach these girls how to dress.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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