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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 327 Looking down

Modern clothes are not difficult to wear, but in just a moment, Shi Lan dispelled the barrier.

Most of these modern clothes are extremely slim-fitting. Several girls are a little cautious and don’t know where to put their hands and feet. Some older teenagers on the side have their eyes a little straight.

Shi Lan did not change his clothes, but directly simulated a suit with the Wanhua Saint Clothes.

At this moment, her upper body was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, a jacket, and a pair of slim-fitting trousers, which clearly outlined her slender legs.

Li Canglan raised his eyes, and after seeing Shi Lan’s figure, his breathing was slightly confused for a moment, and then he lowered his eyes again, not daring to look anymore.

The teenagers beside him didn’t dare to cast their peripheral vision on Shi Lan.

“Let’s go.”

Shi Lan raised his finger, opened the space channel, and stepped into it.

The nearest city from here is about forty miles away.

A group of people filed out and appeared dozens of miles away in an instant.

Rows of buildings appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. Almost instantly, the eyes of the teenagers turned away from the girls who were traveling with them and looked at the flow of people on the street.

It was summer at this time, and many pedestrians were dressed very coolly. The young people who saw them were blushing and did not dare to look directly, but they couldn’t help but peek out of the corner of their eyes.

“It’s immoral…what’s there to see?”

A girl muttered something, and for some reason her tone sounded sour.

The buildings dazzling in the sun did not attract their attention at all.

Li Canglan was also not interested in those buildings. He was interested in the traffic on the road and the airships passing by in the sky from time to time.

Shi Lan has only been away from this world for a few months. In this world, decades have passed, and technology has made great progress.

On the street, you can see transparent and illusory AR figures from time to time.

Shi Lan looked around and couldn’t help feeling a little emotional. The difference between the Lingyang Realm and this world was no different from the immortal and mortal realms in her original memory.

It’s March in the fairy world, and the mortal world is already changing.

Even though Shi Lan had used the Wanhua Saint Clothes to cover up his true appearance, the number of people turning around on the street was still astonishing.

After all, Shi Lan’s height is so outstanding among women that most men feel ashamed.

“Sorry, I don’t have a mobile phone number.”

After rejecting the tenth girl who came up to ask for her number, Li Canglan couldn’t help but have a wry smile on her lips. Women in this world are too unrestrained and passionate.

Shi Lan was walking in the center of the team and was stunned by Li Canglan’s embarrassed reaction.

She was at the front at first, but there were so many people greeting her that she was overwhelmed.

In less than an hour, she met three so-called model agents, which was really annoying.

“This statue… looks like an adult…”

A young man stopped and pointed at a colorful statue towering under the huge square.

“Adult” is the respectful title these children give Shi Lan.

The statue depicts a white-haired woman with long hair reaching her waist, wearing a simple dress and a mask on her face.

Shi Lan was startled, and he could tell at a glance that the person carving was him. No wonder his reputation has been rising faster and faster in recent days, and the problem actually lies here.

There is also a stele standing next to the statue, with the four characters “Wuji Sword Immortal” engraved on it.

Shi Lan unfolded his consciousness and searched for information about the Wuji Sect, and soon got the clues he was looking for.

Wuji Sect has become the undoubted number one force in the world because there is a human being who has surpassed the martial arts master.

In recent years, the martial arts style has become more and more prosperous, and the power of Wuji Sect has penetrated into all walks of life, and the forces are intertwined.

As for the statue of the Wuji Sword Immortal, Wuji Sect has built it all over the country. According to rumors, it was this woman who was revered as the Wuji Sword Immortal by the Wuji Sect, who enlightened Luo Jin and allowed him to enter the realm of human immortality.

“I want to go somewhere first, you go first.”

Shi Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, his heart moved slightly, and his body disappeared instantly and left straight away.

In an instant, Shi Lan was hundreds of miles away. After two flashes, she entered the main rudder of Wuji Sect.

Luo Jin was not at the helm of Wuji Sect. Shi Lan turned around and found two more longevity tablets, both of which were dedicated to the “Wuji Sword Immortal”.

Is this unintentional planting of willows and willows to create shade…

After gathering his thoughts, Shi Lan left the Wuji Sect’s main helm, tore apart space again, and came to a county town.

Decades have passed, and the county seat has been greatly changed, and it is no longer what it was like before.

However, Shi Lan once left a spiritual imprint on Ning An, and he quickly found Ning An’s whereabouts.

In a cemetery, Ning An, who was over sixty years old, gently wiped the tombstone with her wrinkled hands. Next to her, there was an old man of similar age standing.

“Let’s go, it’s getting dark.”

The old man standing next to Ning An urged softly.

Ning An slowly put down his hand, a smile overflowing from his somewhat cloudy eyes.

“Do you remember that you always took me walking at night when I was in school?”

“You are afraid of the dark, so you always lean towards me when walking at night. That’s why I like walking at night…”

“Lin Mo, I’m sorry.”

“Why apologize?”

“I couldn’t leave you any blood.”

“Why are you saying this all of a sudden? It’s not your fault.”

The two figures walked out of the cemetery leaning against each other and drifted away…

Shi Lan walked slowly to the tomb and placed a bouquet of lilies on the spotless altar.

This is a joint tomb. On the tombstone, two photos stand side by side. It is the joint tomb of Qin Yinhua and Ning Kangping.

In the photo, the voices and smiles remain the same, but decades have passed, and the couple who were in their prime in Shi Lan’s mind have passed away.

After getting in the car, Lin Mo didn’t start the car for a long time and was in a daze.

“What’s wrong?”

“I… just seemed to have seen an acquaintance.”


“I can’t remember…”



Shi Lan found Li Canglan and his party on the rooftop of a building.

It is getting late, and the streets are flashing with colorful neon lights, which are a bit more beautiful and more pyrotechnic than during the day.

“Did you see anything?”

Shi Lan looked at the turbulent traffic at his feet and said calmly.

Li Canglan turned her head and glanced at Shi Lan. The colorful lights all around shone into her eyes, but she couldn’t see the bottom of them.

“I have some understanding of what we are in the eyes of the Zheng family.”

Li Canglan sighed, his expression a little heavy. This was a crushing blow on strength, vision, and even structure.

His cultivation is so mediocre that when he looks at the world, he subconsciously looks down.

The Yao Yunxing in the eyes of the Zheng family is no different from the world in his eyes, and is even far inferior…


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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