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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 339 Reunion

“How is your recovery going?”

The sound of Samsara was too weak, which made Shi Lan a little worried.

“I’m just barely staying awake. The energy loss is too much. After all, the soul power is not the source of power, so I can only replenish it slightly.”

After saying the words about reincarnation, Shi Lan’s palm felt slightly cold, and a black ball the size of a dragon’s eye slipped into her hand.

“What’s this?”

“The condensed essence of the remaining soul power, which is the part I don’t need, can accelerate the growth of your soul.”

After entering the Vientiane Realm, Shi Lan’s cultivation speed has slowed down a lot. The growth of the soul is different from the accumulation of true energy, and the influence of talent has become relatively smaller.

Of course, the slowdown in her cultivation speed is just a little slower than her previous improvement speed. Compared with ordinary people, it is still terrifying.

At this level, the ethereal understanding becomes more important. The degree of understanding of the laws of heaven and earth often determines the strength of the realm after the Wanxiang Realm. However, Shi Lan’s understanding is far inferior to her fundamental qualifications. .

Shi Lan rubbed the soul power crystal, probed out her spiritual consciousness, and completely wrapped the crystal. An extremely comfortable and warm feeling enveloped her sea of ​​consciousness. Her sea of ​​consciousness began to expand slowly, much faster than her own cultivation. A hundred times a thousand times.

Nascent Soul, who was sitting cross-legged on the nine-layer Dao foundation, suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his little hand, and took the soul power crystal into his hand.

The soul power crystal the size of a dragon’s eye melted rapidly in Yuanying’s hands. In just a short cup of tea, Yuanying grew from five or six years old to eight or nine years old.

Shi Lan’s Immortal Dao cultivation instantly skyrocketed to the late Nascent Soul realm, and his mana expanded several times.

Shi Lan opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. This soul power crystal not only has a great effect on the growth of the sea of ​​consciousness, but also is like a peerless elixir for the cultivation of immortality. The effect is so mysterious that it is jaw-dropping.

If there is a sufficient supply of soul power crystals, Shi Lan is sure to enter the realm of god transformation in a short time.

“Does the crystallization of condensed soul power have any impact on you?”

Although the effect of soul power crystallization is astonishing, Shi Lan is not willing to pay any price for reincarnation, as the gain outweighs the loss.

Even if she doesn’t rely on external objects, she can still walk on the path of spiritual practice by relying on herself.

“It has no impact.” Lun replied, the so-called soul power crystal is nothing more than the leftovers of the system.

“What is the upper limit of the spiritual bodies that the reincarnation system of the heavens can deal with?”

“You can’t go too far beyond the Heavenly Realm. This is because of me. When I came to this world, it was just an accident. The world level of Xuanyang Continent is not that high. The preparations I made can only cope with the Emperor level of this world. A person of the first or second level.”

The headquarters’ control over energy is too strict. Every time a mission is sent out, it is comprehensively judged based on the world level and mission conditions, and then partial energy permissions are given.

Samsara felt a little melancholy in his heart. If it had known that it was coming from the Lingyang Realm, it would have at least prepared several trump cards to deal with the Supreme Being.

“The Heavenly Realm is enough.”

Shi Lan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the dark forest in the distance, no longer hesitated, and strode forward.

Among the few people in Zidian Villa, the strongest ones are only at the Great Perfection of Yuanshen Realm. They are able to come out alive with such a big fanfare. It is obvious that there should be no ghost gods at the level of ghost kings in this dense forest.

As long as you’re careful, it’s not a big problem.

Seeing Shi Lan striding towards the terrifying forest, Tian Bai was stunned for a moment, stopped his somewhat panicked heartbeat, and followed.

There was a dark wind in the dense forest, and except for those towering ancient trees, not a single blade of grass grew.

Tian Bai was depleted of energy and blood, and the cold wind around her made her feel cold from head to sole. Her consciousness was blurred, and she could only follow Shi Lan in confusion.

Suddenly, a warm hand grasped her hand, and a stream of warm currents came through, dispelling the coldness in her body, and making her whole body feel comfortable.

The qi and blood in Shi Lan’s body were still strong, protecting his whole body, and wisps of Yang Qi flowed into Tian Bai’s body continuously.


After nearly a hundred miles deep into the dense forest, several cold winds blew from the top of Shi Lan’s head, and it was bitingly cold.

Several ferocious-looking Yin gods roared towards him with crazy expressions.

This Jedi land has been sealed for countless thousands of years. These yin nerves have not seen any living creatures for many years, and they appear to be extremely excited.

“give it to me.”

The sound of reincarnation sounded in his ears. Shi Lan relaxed his tense body and continued to move forward.

Several Yin gods were swallowed up instantly without any struggle.

The Yin Shen not far away did not feel the slightest fear, and continued to advance and attack, completely blocking Shi Lan’s path forward.

Shi Lan’s path was blocked, so he simply sat down where he was.

Hundreds of yin gods, like moths attracted by the candlelight, flew towards Shi Lan.

“Hee hee hee–“


These Yin gods are all in human form. Some are dressed in broken battle armor, some are in Taoist robes, and some are beautiful women dressed in gorgeous palace attire. The expressions on their faces are crazy and painful, as if they are undergoing great torture. Seeing countless Yin gods being swallowed by Shi Lan, they still rushed forward, as if begging for death.

Seeing this scene, Shi Lan couldn’t help but be a little stunned. For some reason, there was a trace of sadness in his heart.

After half an hour, the violent fluctuations gradually subsided, and all the Yin gods disappeared without a trace and were swallowed up cleanly.


A dark ball the size of a baby’s head fell to the ground and rolled to her knees. There was a vast ocean of soul power surging inside.

Shi Lan put this soul power crystal into the Qiankun Bracelet. He was not in a hurry to absorb it. He still sat cross-legged on the ground and silently recited the Rebirth Mantra in his heart. The Rebirth Mantra is not a profound Buddhist secret book. Anyone who has a little knowledge of Buddhism will understand it. Not unfamiliar.

As the scriptures of the Rebirth Mantra emerged, Sanskrit texts appeared in the void, exuding a faint golden light, and the shadow of a string of Buddhist beads loomed behind Shi Lan.

Shi Lan sat cross-legged for several days, silently reciting the sutras of past lives thousands of times, and the mighty Sanskrit sounds covered the entire dense forest.

The evil aura accumulated over the years slowly dissipated, and green grass sprouted up in the hundred-mile radius where Shi Lan was sitting cross-legged, giving him a glimmer of life.

Shi Lan slowly opened her eyes and saw the surrounding environment, adding another layer of doubt in her heart. This was the first time she recited the scriptures of the past life, and for some reason, it triggered a vision.

As her cultivation level increased, she had more and more doubts in her heart, and she didn’t know when she would be able to figure it out.

After taking a short rest, Shi Lan continued on his way with Tian Bai.

Tian Bai has also been recuperating in the past few days and has regained a lot of energy. He is safe on the road.

After walking straight through the dense forest and running for thousands of miles, Shi Lan saw human traces.

This is a fight between two parties, one of which is the group of people from Zidian Villa whom they met just two days ago.

On the other side, there were only one man and one woman.

The man was wearing a sky blue gown. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, tall and tall, with a thunder-shaped pattern hidden between his eyebrows. He was Shen Tianlan!


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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