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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 34 Point Star City

Although Shi Lan has only entered the sixth level of the Body Tempering Realm for the first time, his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary seventh-level Body Tempering Realm warriors.

Shi Lan rubbed his arm, and after feeling the same softness as before, he was a little confused. If he practiced according to the Vajra God Fist, although he would not become a Vajra Barbie, his muscles and bones would definitely become much stronger.

But her body is still the same as before, no change from when she didn’t practice martial arts, except that her body’s flexibility has increased a lot.

Shi Feng threw a cleaned bull-shaped monster on the ground and handed the horizontal knife in his hand to Shi Lan.

A trace of excitement flashed in Shi Lan’s eyes, he licked the corner of his mouth, took the horizontal knife, and began to process the animal meat.

At first, Shi Feng was doing all the work, but after eating Shi Feng’s roasted meat twice, Shi Lan still chose to do it by himself.

Although Shi Feng was very powerful, the barbecue was really not very good and could only be considered edible.

As soon as he put the meat on the grill, a loud roar like an earthquake came from the distance.

“This is……”

Looking at the end of the surface, where a black line came into view, Shi Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The black line was approaching the direction of the two of them at an extremely fast speed. As the distance got closer, Shi Lan could see clearly the true appearance of this black line. It was wearing black armor, a mask on its head, and riding a horse on its crotch. A handsome horse with a head like a dragon.

This group of cavalry only had a hundred people, but the momentum of running together was like a thousand troops crossing the border.

What attracted Shi Lan’s attention the most was the large flag with gold characters on a black background in the team.

“Suppressing demons…”

These two words seemed to have magic power and were deeply engraved in Shi Lan’s mind.

In just a short while, this group of cavalry rushed in front of Shi Lan and the two of them, slowed down slightly, observed the two of Shi Lan, and then passed through them without stopping.

“Why did the Demon Suppressing Army get here…” Shi Feng murmured softly, a bad premonition flashing through his heart.

This place is at least tens of thousands of miles away from the battle front line that Shi Tianlu told him about. The demon-suppressing army has always been at the forefront of suppressing the demon beasts. If the demon-suppressing army is nearby, then a large group of demon beasts will definitely not be far away from here. too far.

Could it be said that these tens of thousands of miles of territory have…

“Shi Feng, do you know these people?” Shi Lan heard Shi Feng muttering and asked.

Shi Feng came to his senses and said, “Sir, let’s take a detour and go northeast.”

“Why? Because of that group of people just now?”

“This area is very dangerous.” Shi Feng briefly explained the origin of the demon-suppressing army and the information that their presence here represents.

Shi Lan did not hesitate, nodded in agreement, and chose Mingzhe to protect himself.

After changing direction and walking for seven or eight days, the two gradually realized something was wrong. As they walked further northeast, the frequency of encounters with the demon-suppressing army began to increase day by day.

At first, I could only meet him once every two days, but later I could meet him almost three or four times a day.

This abnormality made Shi Feng feel uneasy.

Finally, after encountering the fifth wave of demon-suppressing cavalry in one day, Shi Feng couldn’t suppress the doubts in his heart. He stopped this group of dozens of cavalry and asked, “I dare you to ask, is this coming from the front?” What happened? Why are there so many demon-suppressing troops patrolling around here?”

From this group of cavalry, Shi Feng learned a shocking news.

After the Yunshan Gorge was attacked by a demon king and suffered heavy losses, more than ten fortresses including Hukou Gorge, Yangxing Ridge, Xiquandu and Tiandao Peak were successively destroyed.

The demon clan invaded in large numbers, and the Chengtian Territory was already in flames of war. Now there is no longer any front line, everyone is fighting on their own.

After learning the news, Shi Lan and the others did not dare to change the direction at will again, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue walking in the opposite direction to the Boundless Demon Realm.

After walking for another three days, Shi Lan finally saw a city.

The scale of this city is much larger than that of Tenglong City. The city wall is nearly twenty feet high. There are obvious traces of temporary work on the city wall. It was obviously only recently raised.

“Dianxing City…”

Shi Lan muttered something in a low voice and led the horse towards the city gate.

After a brief interrogation by the city gate guards, the two entered the city. Patrol soldiers in black armor could be seen everywhere in the city.

Shi Lan roughly estimated that the size of Star City was at least five to six times that of Tenglong City.

There were very few pedestrians passing by on the road, and the few pedestrians were in a hurry.

Shi Lan walked around and found an inn. They slept in the open air all the way. Shi Lan hadn’t experienced the feeling of a bed or a hot bath for a long time.

Shi Lan knocked on the counter, waking up the shopkeeper who was dozing behind the counter.

The shopkeeper, who was about sixty years old, raised his eyelids, yawned, and said: “Two guests, the store has no food and drinks. If you want to stay, please go upstairs. You can stay in the available rooms without charge.”

“Shopkeeper, has something happened in Star City? Can you tell us?” Looking at the shopkeeper’s nonchalant attitude, Shi Lan frowned slightly.

“It wasn’t those monsters that were the cause.” The shopkeeper sighed.

“The Demon Suppression Army has completely taken over Dianxing City, and all supplies have been concentrated. The people in the city either fled or were sent away in waves. It is estimated that it will be my turn soon.”

No wonder the city is so big but there are so few pedestrians.

“Now, the only one left in this inn is Lao Chan. The guest can stay here if he doesn’t mind. There is a well in the backyard. You can use water by yourself. If you are looking for a place to eat, you’d better look elsewhere.”

Shi Lan thanked the shopkeeper, carried his luggage upstairs, and found an empty room to live in.

Shi Feng led the horse to the backyard of the inn, and after making arrangements, he went out to find out the news.

Shi Lan arranged his luggage, went downstairs and borrowed the kitchen from the shopkeeper, boiled a few pots of water, and took a comfortable hot bath. Even taking a hot bath was a luxury after traveling abroad.

After Shi Feng inquired about the news, he quickly returned to the inn.

“Sir, we will set off to the territory of the Shengwu Immortal Sect tomorrow.”

“Why are you so anxious?”

“Dianxing City is too dangerous. Just the day before yesterday, Huangsha City, nine hundred miles northwest, fell to the tide of monsters. The tide of monsters may spread here at any time.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan nodded, “Just do as you say. How far is the Shengwu Immortal Sect from here?”

“About ninety thousand miles away.”

“Ninety thousand miles?! When will we go?” Shi Lan was shocked by the distance. He counted on his fingers and found that it would have to go around the earth more than once?

Shi Feng shook his head and said with a smile: “It won’t take too long. I can travel two thousand miles a day with my weapon, and I can arrive there in about one and a half months.”

After Shi Feng reminded her, Shi Lan suddenly realized that Shi Feng could fly. Shi Feng had been walking behind her some time ago. She was addicted to practicing martial arts and almost forgot about it.

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My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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