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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 344 Killing

Tsk tsk tsk!

The whistling sword energy rolled across the sky, and thousands of sword shadows tore through the void, sending out screams that penetrated the cracked gold and stone, seeming to penetrate the entire void.

The overwhelming sword energy covered the entire battlefield indiscriminately, splashing down like rain from shock.

Although the sword was powerful, its power was widely dispersed. No one in the field was Yi Yu, and they all used their methods to disperse the sword rain in the sky.


The sword shadows all over the sky collapsed, but the true fire of the divine phoenix wrapped in it was not extinguished. It rose against the storm and swept out a sea of ​​fire.


“This is demon fire!”

Dozens of warriors were not paying attention for a moment, and were swallowed up by the true fire of the Divine Phoenix. Their blood essence and blood were ignited, and their powerful bodies were also burned. After a few breaths, they disappeared into the void without leaving a trace of blood.

Shi Lan had just observed for a moment and found that the essence and blood of the warriors who died in the previous chaos had disappeared inexplicably. This made her a little uneasy, so she directly burned those warriors to ashes with real fire.

The feeling this place gave her became increasingly ominous.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Shi Lan, with solemn expressions on their faces. They already regarded Shi Lan as the most powerful enemy in the field.

The people from the Shengwu Immortal Sect in the distance were temporarily separated from the battle and looked at them from a distance.

Shi Feng hesitated to speak, but before he could make any move, the elder of the Shengwu Immortal Sect immediately took action to seal it and led the group away from the battlefield.

When the young man standing not far in front of Shi Lan saw this, his expression froze for a moment, he stepped aside and silently stepped aside.

In the distance, an old man surrounded by golden light stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Shi Lan, his eyes full of murderous intent. One of his nephews had died at the hands of Shi Lan.

“If a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. If you don’t understand this, it is fitting that you should be buried here today!”

“Everyone, kill this woman first, and then divide Daozang!”

“Kill her!”

There were shouts and shouts in the field, and half of the warriors took action. Countless martial arts and magical skills caused the heaven and earth to collapse. The waves of law stirred up tens of thousands of feet in the void and swept across the sky.

Although the shouts facing Shi Lan were loud, the warrior who took action also enveloped Tianwu Yangyu on the side, obviously intending to kill him together.

Faced with such a terrifying scene, Shi Lan slowly closed his eyes, as if waiting to die.

Tianwu Yangyu drew out his long sword, the blood around his body boiled like lava, and the steaming void curled up.

The sword rose up into the sky, splitting countless rays of light. His body was entwined with a hint of imperial charm, as if he had reappeared the figure of Emperor Tianwu.

A fierce light flashed in Tianbai’s eyes, and a vicious beast loomed behind him, roaring, and he took action immediately.


In the blink of an eye, two figures flew back, their bodies split open and blood flowing like water. There were many great monks in the field. After all, Tianwu Yangyu only had the cultivation level of Wanxiang Realm. Even with the combat power of Retrograde Attack, it was still difficult to reverse the attack. Heaven, as soon as you meet him, you will be damaged.

Tian Bai’s strength was not as good as Tian Wu Yang Yu’s, and his injuries were more serious.

On the side, Shi Lan’s consciousness has sunk into the sea of ​​consciousness. A dazzling figure is sitting on the flawless Taoist foundation, surrounded by illusory law fluctuations, and there is a hint of starry disillusionment.

After Nascent Soul transformed into a god, Shi Lan’s soul power increased dozens of times.

In the state of transformation into gods, the spirit spirit leaves the body and travels around the universe in one day, traveling to the North Sea and Mu Cangwu. He possesses incredible supernatural powers. After entering this state, Shi Lan can be called a great monk in his journey to immortality.

The nameless immortal scriptures in the sea of ​​​​consciousness emitted bright light, and the mysterious meanings of the scriptures were circulated. Countless immortal ways and magical passages were immersed in the depths of her soul, and she could easily pick them up.

Shi Lan opened his eyes, bit his fingertips, squeezed out a wisp of blood, and branded it on the void. As he breathed, countless bright spiritual patterns appeared on it.

Gengjin Talisman, Green Wood Talisman, Sunflower Water Talisman, Lihuo Talisman, Gen Earth Talisman…

Seemingly affected by the spiritual blood in Shi Lan’s body, the power of the talisman skyrocketed. The five elements of spiritual energy were continuously drawn out from the void and condensed into five talisman.

The five talismans turned into five barriers, protecting a land three feet in radius. The power of countless laws was blocked from the barrier without exception.



The warriors were horrified, as if they were turned to stone. Even if only half of them took action, there would still be hundreds of warriors, including the Yuanshen realm monks. Even ordinary Celestial Realm masters would not dare to take such a direct attack.

Before they could think about it, Shi Lan raised his finger lightly, and five talismans rose across the sky, like five giant palms, cracking the void and directly crushing the bodies of dozens of warriors, as well as their souls, into powder.

The divine phoenix true fire followed and swept through the void, burning the remaining blood completely.

These five talismans come from an offensive technique: the Five Elements Heavenly Evil Seal, which is terrifyingly powerful. It is even more powerful than the Tianji Seal that Shi Lan has cultivated now.

Draw talisman in the void, raise your finger to hold down the sky, nothing more than this.

Seeing the Divine Phoenix True Fire, many people in the audience frowned. In the eyes of some people, Shi Lan’s method of killing people and burning their bodies was too harsh.

Shi Lan’s face was calm, but the fingers hidden under her sleeves could not stop trembling slightly. How could it be so easy to block the combined blow of hundreds of warriors? Her internal organs were already broken, and the true energy in her body was in a mess.

Swallowing the blood that almost overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and suppressing the severe pain in his organs, Shi Lan glanced at Tianwu Yangyu aside and said through a voice:

“Do you know something? Where is the exit?”

“I don’t know much. If I had known that this place was the tomb of Emperor Linglong, I wouldn’t have come here at all.”

Tianwu Yangyu sighed lightly, looking a little haggard.

“This is a big disaster caused by my Tianwu clan…”

Chengtian Domain, the entrance to Langya Cave.

More than ten imperial laws rise together, reflecting each other, forming a hidden encirclement.

At this moment, the entrance has been sealed by many big forces, and outsiders are no longer allowed to enter. For these big forces, the more people who enter now, the greater the variables, and the fate of the opportunities inside will become more complicated and confusing.

The people who came after hearing the news could only be stopped outside the entrance, looking at Linglong Ju in the distance with eyes filled with excitement.

A skinny young man dressed in black walked out of the crowd and stepped directly towards the light curtain, turning a blind eye to the human emperors surrounding him.

He did not go towards the weak point cut out by the Tianji Sword, but went straight towards the light curtain.

Someone soon noticed the young man’s movements, but they didn’t pay much attention.

Soon, in full view of everyone, the skinny young man came to the light curtain. A layer of glow suddenly lit up on the young man’s body. Under the protection of the glow, he passed through the light curtain without any hindrance and crossed inside.


“How can it be?!”

Even the human emperors could not keep calm and looked shocked.

The Tianji Sword, as the first emperor-killing weapon in modern times, only opened a weak gap in the light screen. The barrier that even the Human Emperor could not shake was passed through without any hindrance? !


A human emperor took action full of doubts, and the laws of the imperial law were all blocked out of the light curtain without any surprise.

“Who is that boy?!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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