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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 352 The Way of Heaven

The heaven and earth are shaking with wind, fire, thunder and water, and the laws supporting the world are beginning to collapse one after another. As the power of Linglong and the sun gods weakens, Langya Cave Heaven is about to fall into silence, completely turning into a ruined world, with no more “” of vitality.

“Father God regards you as his half-son. Even if you betrayed the God Clan and killed ‘Yao’, Father God never thought of killing you. He passed the position of God King to me out of frustration. This is how you transform…”

The God King lay on his back, with the bloody halberd piercing his chest. The fiery divine blood was like a raging river rushing over the earth, shining with the splendid divine brilliance.

“You know why Yin forced you to kill your son in the first place. If not for this, your human race would have been extinct since ancient times. You also know that Yao is innocent after all.”

“In ancient times, the reason why my seal was loosened was because your human race was too powerful. A divine battle almost interrupted Ling Yang’s vitality and alarmed the way of heaven…”

Taikoo’s secrets spat out word by word from his mouth, accompanied by the coughed-up divine blood, carrying a strong smell of blood.

“Many things in the world are difficult to distinguish by simple right and wrong. Under the way of heaven, they are all ants…”

There was a touch of loneliness in Mu Gu’s tone, and there was an indescribable look of disillusionment in his eyes.

“In the ancient times, if you hadn’t insisted on your own way and forcibly triggered the war between gods, it might have been a different situation at this time.”

The God King’s expression returned to calm, the violent look in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the death of the common people seemed to flow in the dark red pupils.

Suddenly, he asked softly:

“Ye, have you ever regretted it?”

“Ashamed…no regrets.”

Dead Ancient gave a similar answer to Linglong. It seems that beings like them have already made clear their Taoist heart and will not be shaken by anything. What happened in the past has become a fact, even if it goes up the long river of time and changes The existing fact was an illusory result in another time and space. Apart from comforting one’s lonely heart, it had no meaning at all.

“Ha… I’m ashamed…”

A sneer floated between heaven and earth, and the transparent chains completely entangled the God King, turning it into a transparent giant cocoon, cutting off the laws of heaven in the Lingyang Realm, sealing it in dust again, and causing it to fall into a deep sleep.

The ancient gods were born to be favored by heaven and earth, and the god king carried the so-called destiny. In the world of Lingyang, he became a truly eternal and immortal existence. The position of the god king contains the mark of heaven. If the sun is immortal, then the god king will Immortal.

Even the history of the human race does not have the ability to completely kill the God King.

A whirlpool portal appeared above the annals of human history. Behind the portal, a desolate small world could be seen vaguely, with countless tombs standing there.

There are nearly a hundred ice coffins placed in the void, wrapped in thick wishes. Some coffins are filled with chaos, some are buried with damaged soldiers, and most of them are corpses wrapped with the power of the emperor.

Under the ice coffin, dozens of giant cocoons were suppressed. There were figures sleeping inside the giant cocoons, including ancient gods, demigods, and even more ancient demons that could not be restrained.

Death Gu put away his halberd and looked at the young man aside. He tightened his palms slightly, then slowly loosened them, turning his head to look at Linglong who was like a candle in the wind.

“Can I give you a ride?”

Linglong shook her head slightly, turned to the young man beside her with a vague face, and asked with a hint of curiosity:

“What kind of scenery will it be like in the future?”

The young man was silent and then replied:

“Ten thousand races vie for supremacy.”

“How about my human race?”

“The human race owns three of the five pillars that hold up Tianyu.”

“That’s it…that’s good…”

Linglong’s tone was filled with reassurance, and she raised her hand to send the cracked Linglong ancient jade to the young man.

“There is a fate between you and it that I can’t understand. You can come here from all eternity, and there must be some reason for it. But you can’t force anything. If you try to change some extremely important time and space nodes, I’m afraid it will be… It will cause fire to burn the body, and it is not tolerated by the law of heaven, so you can do it yourself.”

After giving a warning to the young man, Linglong lowered her head and looked down at the chaotic land of Langya Cave, then reached out and waved lightly.


The earth cracked, and countless coffins carved with intricate patterns broke out from the depths of the earth, covering the sky.

She raised her hand again, her slender fingers gently slid through the void, and in the blink of an eye, a door to the sky and the earth was opened.

“I’ll take you home…”

After the Realm Gate appeared, the exquisite figure became more blurred and almost collapsed. Fortunately, the few Yang Gods that survived were guarding her, carrying the coffin that covered the sky, and stepped into the Realm Gate.

Sui Gu silently looked at everything in front of him, glanced at the young man not far away again, suppressed the inhumane thoughts in his heart, turned around, broke through the void, and walked away.

The history of the human race cannot leave the imperial palace for too long. It is not a soldier for war, but a treasure for the human race to suppress destiny. Most of the power is to suppress the ancient demons in the small world. It cannot be touched without permission, let alone at this time. In such troubled times, he had broken some rules this time.

The young man stood quietly on the spot, holding the exquisite ancient jade stained with blood in his hand, and remained silent for a long time.

His previous thoughts may have been a bit whimsical. The origin era was far more complicated than he imagined. These had touched the existence of the long river of time and space. What he saw, heard and felt was probably far beyond his understanding.

In the Chengtian Domain, over the nameless valley where Linglong’s residence is located, there are dozens of huge ancient war boats. In some of the war boats, there is the aura of Yu Nei Supreme, which is contained but not released, and will be awakened at any time.

After receiving the warnings from Tianwu Yangyu and a group of geniuses, many hidden imperial clans called on the imperial divine soldiers of each clan to rush for help.

Hundreds of thousands of miles around have been completely sealed off, and a simple giant mobile magic circle has been formed. This magic circle has almost emptied the wealth of some of the imperial clan.

They have prepared for the worst. Once the Ancient God King escapes from trouble, they will activate the magic circle and lead the battlefield outside the territory for a desperate fight.

The Tianwu Imperial Clan has also passed through the Imperial Court to the border gate and returned to the Chengtian Domain again. The Tianji Sword has completely awakened and is floating in the void. The sharp blade is wrapped around the blade. The heavy imperial power is like heavy chaos. The stars are falling down.

The surrounding atmosphere was extremely solemn and dead silent.


The void was shaken, and a temporary gate connecting the sky and the earth opened. The atmosphere in the place instantly became tense. The auras of many imperial soldiers began to stir, and the imperial spirits inside were about to be awakened.

The aura around Tianji Sword, which had been fully revived, instantly calmed down.

A pair of auxiliary coffins emerged from the boundary gate, covering a radius of thousands of miles. Several illusory figures followed closely and stepped out of the boundary gate.

“Ling Yang…”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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