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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 353 The End

The peak powerhouses surrounding him looked at the blurry figures in the coffins. They all had speculations in their hearts for a moment, and their expressions were shocked.

“Emperor Linglong!”

Among the human emperor families and second-grade sects who were watching from a distance, many geniuses also recognized the figure of Linglong the Great.

The magnificent figure is enough to make people unforgettable at first sight.

Exquisite spiritual thoughts swept the world, and there was a trace of regret that ordinary people could not understand in his eyes.

In the world, the laws roared, and because of her arrival, countless visions were born. She became a Taoist in the rising sun, and the laws of this world will naturally interact with her.

The strands of Dao Seal Law converged into a vast ocean, and finally turned into a Shenze Waterfall that spanned countless miles, washing down, and the bright glow filled the entire world, completely wrapping the exquisite remnant soul.

The people around them who were washed away by the waterfall of laws were all at Lingtai Qingming. Their understanding of the laws of heaven and earth sharply increased and they benefited a lot.

Many of the restless imperial soldiers fell into deep sleep again, and the Tianji Sword gathered all its energy and hibernated.


The terrifying vision only lasted for less than a cup of tea, and then slowly dissipated. Dark clouds gathered in the sky, forming a calamity cloud with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. After a few breaths, a cloud of calamity condensed in the center of the calamity cloud. Zhang has a huge face that is indifferent and heartless. When his eyes open and close, the seal of heaven is shining.

“Lingyang is no longer ancient, and the way of heaven is lacking…”

Linglong looked up at the sky, and her voice was ethereal, reaching the nine layers of clouds.

The huge indifferent face in the sky stared at Linglong for a moment, then slowly dispersed.

Everyone around them felt solemn in their hearts. Even the powerful people who had stepped into the realm of heaven and humans had chills running down their spines. Although the calamity cloud just now was not wide in scope, its energy was far greater than those who had stepped into it. The great catastrophe that the emperor passed through.

That giant face with an indifferent expression made all the human emperors look grim, as if they had noticed something, and their brows were filled with gloom.

Even those who are at the extreme level of the Emperor may not be able to survive under such heavenly punishment.

Linglong glanced at the people around her, her eyes passed through the blockade, and she saw many sleeping imperial soldiers. There was a hint of sadness in her eyes, and she saw a few things belonging to old friends.

All the old friends have passed away, and even after their death, the soldiers are still fighting for the human race, even if some emperor spirits have entered the realm of wind and fire.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of all the human emperors, wisps of bright fairy light overflowed from the exquisite and clear eyes, and the heavenly sound wrapped in the laws of the great avenue vibrated outside the nine heavens.

“The path of cultivation is to strengthen the way of nature. The heart should come first, and the body should follow. If the heart is strong, the strength will be full. If you have the heart to persevere, you will see that the road is over. Heaven and earth are kind to living beings, and bestow kindness on all things. Be grateful…”

An ancient sutra that purifies the heart flows out from the heavenly sound, cleansing everyone’s souls, like a heavenly sword that cuts away evil and eliminates evil spirits, cutting away the distracting thoughts in everyone’s hearts.

A human emperor was the first to come to his senses. The haze between his brows disappeared. The laws of the imperial law surged, and the illusory imperial domain reflected a starry sky.

Some people had shock in their eyes, while several Human Emperors not far away had a trace of envy in their eyes.

“Who is this person?”

Seeing the shock in the eyes of their elders, some geniuses couldn’t help but asked quietly. Their realm was still low. They couldn’t understand many of the mysteries of the ancient scriptures in the Emperor’s Tianyin, but they felt that their hearts had become much clearer.

“This person has entered the realm of Luotian.”

“What is Luotian Realm?”

“Only one step away from being able to kill the Tao and reach the ultimate level of the emperor!”

Not far away, there was an old human emperor, with jealousy flashing in his eyes, his teeth clenched, his wrinkled palms under his sleeves and robes tightly clenched, and the depression in his chest was hard to express.

The obstacles in his heart were too heavy. Even if the emperor recited ancient scriptures that purified the soul, it was difficult to break the evil spirits in his heart.

Shouyuan has become his inner demon, turning into a yoke that is difficult to break free from.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Human Emperor who had entered the Luotian Realm lifted up his martial robe with countless mysterious patterns engraved on it. He did not care at all about the gazes of the people around him and knelt down to kowtow devoutly.

“Thank you, Emperor, for your kindness!”

Human emperors do not kneel when they see the emperor. Throughout the ages, there are many people who have destroyed the imperial way and been stained with the blood of human emperors. There are only a handful of people who have made him sincerely convinced and knelt down to worship.

“The shackles between heaven and earth are getting heavier, but you should encourage yourself…”

A domain gate opened again, and several Yang gods surrounded Linglong, holding a floating coffin of thousands of miles, and slowly stepped into it. They disappeared in an instant, leaving only a faint sigh that echoed between heaven and earth.

“May our human race… be prosperous forever…”

Everyone around him woke up from his enlightenment one after another, and without exception, they kowtowed to see him off.

“The sun, moon, mountains and rivers of the human race will always be here, and I send you my best wishes to the great emperor!”

Most of the people in the field have sharp eyesight, Linglong and the other Yang gods are in a state of exhaustion and are about to disappear from the world forever.

In the far south of the vast land of China, the huge waves rolling in the boundless sea hit the edge of the continent day after day. The water splashing in front of the cliffs was thousands of feet high, and turned into misty rain and fell hazy, reflecting a gorgeous landscape. The glow is like a fairyland on earth.

A domain gate that reached the sky and the earth appeared, and several Yang gods stepped out holding coffins that covered the sky and the earth.


Linglong looked at the boundless sea in front of her, feeling desolate in her heart. This was once the residence of Langya Cave Heaven, and her Taoism once flourished here, suppressing the entire boundless sea, and thousands of dynasties came to congratulate her.

It was also here that she made a blood sacrifice to Langya Cave Heaven, shouldered a huge blood debt, and fought to the death with the God King. The scene of that battle was so vivid in her mind that it almost penetrated the entire continent.

Millions of years have passed, and this place is no longer even remotely similar to what she remembered. Even the area beneath her feet no longer belongs to the human race.

The ancient times have passed, and she is just a person who does not belong to this era after all.

But this place is her and her family’s homeland after all.

The figures of several Yang gods gradually dissipated and turned into fragments of light, blending into several coffins in the thousands of miles of floating coffins.

The war hymn played in ancient times will eventually come to an end, and they have also come to an end. Fortunately, in the last step, they finally returned to their homeland.

Linglong held up the floating coffin in the sky with one hand, and gently swept the ground with her fingertips.


A bottomless ravine appeared on the shore, like an abyss.

One coffin after another passed in front of Linglong and fell into the abyss. Her palms gently touched each coffin, her expression was gloomy and she could not hide her sadness.

Among them, buried are her teachers, her classmates, her relatives and friends, and her confidants…

People sometimes die so that more people can live. There are many people who can say this.

But the great emperor of the human race is also a human being. In the corner of Linglong’s heart, there is pain that others can never understand.

The sky of the human race cannot fall, and she was the only person who could hold up the thousands of miles of blue sky at that time!


It’s really hard and tiring…

As the last coffin fell into the abyss, the bottomless ravine slowly closed, and finally only a slight crack remained, like an indelible wound, imprinted on the cliff.

“I once said that one day I would take you home, and I didn’t break my promise…”

The exquisite figure slowly dissipated, blended into the world, and transformed into a Tao.


The huge waves hit the edge of the continent, splashing thousands of feet of water. Under the brilliant fairy light, it turned into a hazy light rain all over the sky, which was extremely bright.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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