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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 36 Beast Tide

When walking in this area, you will encounter birds and monsters. Shi Feng had expected it. He had walked for more than half a month without encountering them. He could only count them as good luck.


The wings were damaged, and the Golden Flame Eagle seemed to be enraged. Its high-pitched cry echoed through the sky. It turned over, folded its wings, and rushed towards Shi Feng like a golden lightning with the force of thunder!

“Bad beast! Do you really think I’m afraid of you?!”

Shi Feng held the horizontal knife in his back and advanced instead of retreating. He stepped heavily on the ground and shot up into the sky like onions from dry land. His black armor was blown by the strong wind, and the surrounding earth was like water, creating a wave of earth!

At the same time, the horizontal sword in Shi Feng’s hand exploded in the wind to more than four feet, and the aura on the blade exploded more than ten feet. A huge red sword shadow slashed towards the Golden Flame Eagle from bottom to top. go!



There was a loud bang, followed by several painful eagle cries.

Golden feathers all over the sky fell like raindrops, and a huge figure flew out upside down. After rolling several times in the air, it barely stabilized its figure.

The Golden Flame Eagle is no longer as handsome as before. A red-black knife mark extends from its left paw to its head and neck, nearly a foot deep, and its internal organs can almost be seen faintly.

The golden flame eagle’s left claw was almost cut off by this knife, and the feathers around the knife mark were withered black and no longer as bright as before.

After stabilizing his body, the golden flame eagle’s pale golden eagle eyes showed extremely human fear, and it flapped its wings crazily and flew towards the sky.

Want to run?

Shi Feng wiped away the bloodshot eyes from the corners of his mouth, revealing a sinister smile. He raised his right arm slightly, and the innate energy in his body poured into the Hengdao in his hand like thousands of rivers returning to the sea.

The already huge Hengdao once again surged to nearly ten feet.


Shi Feng shouted sharply, turned around, and took out the horizontal sword. The billowing air waves swept away. The huge blade broke through the space like an arrow from the string, and appeared behind the Golden Flame Eagle almost in the blink of an eye.


The giant blade instantly penetrated the golden flame sculpture and nailed it to a cliff without losing its force.


The golden flame eagle let out a long and shrill cry, and flapped its wings uncontrollably, trying to break free. However, no matter how hard it struggled, it was all in vain.

With the massive loss of blood, the Golden Flame Eagle gradually lost its strength to struggle, and finally became silent.

Shi Feng recalled the horizontal sword, and the huge body of the Golden Flame Eagle lost its support and fell to the bottom of the cliff, kicking up a huge cloud of dust. Only a large piece of dark red blood with some golden feathers adhered to it remained on the cliff.

Shi Feng coughed twice and swallowed the blood gushing from his mouth. He was also seriously injured in the brief confrontation just now.

The Golden Flame Eagle is huge, so fighting head-on with it is not a good idea, but this is the fastest way to deal with the Golden Flame Eagle. The surrounding environment is unknown, and if you stay for a while, it may lead to more dangers.

After calming down the surging Qi and blood in his body and the innate Qi that was about to boil, Shi Feng was preparing to take off with his weapon and search for Shi Lan, when he saw Shi Lan running toward him with windy footsteps and rushing towards him in a panic. He shouted:


Shi Feng was stunned, and looked at the plains dozens of miles behind Shi Lan. The dust that covered the sky rose high, and the strands of demonic energy were woven into a demonic cloud as black as ink, almost covering the entire sky. The whole sky!

“Tide of beasts…”

Shi Feng’s heart trembled, and he could hardly hold the Hengdao in his hand.

With such a close contact with the beast tide, there is no chance of survival.

It doesn’t matter if he dies, but what about Shi Lan?

Inexplicable fear frightened Shi Feng’s heart, making him unable to turn his head for a while.

“What are you doing standing still? Run!”

In a few breaths, Shi Lan had already rushed to Shi Feng. Seeing him standing there stupidly, she grabbed his arm and started running wildly.

After being pulled by Shi Lan for two steps, Shi Feng reacted suddenly, threw out the horizontal knife in his hand, turned it into a size of about ten feet, pulled Shi Lan and jumped up.

Shi Feng didn’t care about suppressing the injuries in his body, and the innate true energy that had just calmed down burst out again, pouring crazily into the horizontal knife at his feet!

A red rainbow soared into the sky, and Shi Feng had only one thought, hurry! Faster!


The red rainbow seemed to have hit an invisible wall and fell from the air.


After landing on the ground, Shi Feng rolled around several times, clutching his chest and vomiting a mouthful of blood. Another huge impact made the already serious internal injuries more serious and added to the injuries.

Shi Lan shook his dizzy head, got up, ran to Shi Feng, and helped him up.

“How’s it going? How’s the injury?”

Shi Feng shook his head, his eyes turned gray.

The huge monster cloud approached quickly, but stopped when it floated a mile in front of Shi Lan.

The smoke and dust that covered the sky slowly dispersed, revealing each ferocious beast.

“Thunder Cloud Tiger…”

“Crazy blood lion…”

“Vajra Demon Ape…”

Looking at the familiar or unfamiliar monsters in front of him, Shi Feng had a wry smile on his lips and looked towards the center of the group of monsters.

In the center of countless ferocious beasts, there was a resplendent-looking car parked, with a human girl who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old sitting in it.

The girl is dressed in white, has an exquisite appearance, and has black hair like a waterfall. She is lying lazily, playing with the long snow-white tail sticking out from behind her. When her eyes open and close, a pair of green vertical pupils without any emotion at all are revealed. .

A group of huge monsters and a human beauty who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

This combination of beast and beauty gives people a strong visual impact.

“It is indeed the Demon King in disguise…”

Shi Feng’s voice was dry. The invisible wall just now was the barrier created by the solidification of space. Among the demon clan, only the unparalleled demon king who understood the secret of space could use this method.

The girl’s figure disappeared from the frame in an instant, and appeared next to Shi Lan almost at the same time.

Just as Shi Lan and the others were about to react, they felt as if the space around them had condensed into substance, suppressing their movements to the point where they could not even move a finger.

“Human race…”

The girl grabbed Shi Lan’s arm, pushed open the sleeve, revealing a bright wrist, sniffed it gently, then stuck out her tongue and licked it gently.

Shi Lan only felt pain in his arm. The girl’s tongue seemed to be covered with barbs, which instantly scraped away a layer of her flesh.

Feeling the feeling coming from her mouth, the girl’s eyes lit up and she licked the corner of her mouth, “It smells so good…”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Shi Feng’s eyes were splitting.

She stuck out her tongue again and took a lick. After scraping off a piece of flesh and blood, the girl reached out her hand and held Shi Lan’s shoulder.

Shi Lan only felt a blur in front of his eyes. When he came back to his senses, he had already appeared on the frame of the monster group.

Shi Feng, who was supposed to be beside her, stood quietly a mile away.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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