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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 362 Apology

Seeing the terrifying level of the halberd reaching eight stars, Shi Lan couldn’t help but be slightly shocked.

This level is really far away from her current realm.

The differentiated spiritual thought is far away from the endless time and space, and the connection with the main body has become extremely weak, and it takes a long time for the information to be transmitted back.

That spiritual thought was too weak and too far away, so Shi Lan could only let it develop independently.

After Shi Lan closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a moment, he clicked on the system temporary storage and took out the Red Crow Halberd.

Suddenly, violent winds swept in all directions, and the overwhelming evil aura surged wantonly. The feeling of the spiritual thoughts was far less clear than the direct experience of the physical body.

The annihilating evil spirit of death lingered in the air. With Shi Lan’s current strength, he felt a little cold in his body.

Tian Bai, who was dozing on the side, suddenly woke up, and her instinctive sense of crisis made her hair instantly explode.

An eight-star level magic weapon is equivalent to an emperor-level creature, and its power is hard to fathom.


The bed under Shi Lan instantly fell into pieces, and the door and window lattice exploded.

Shi Lanxu sat in the air, his eyes lowered, his eyes dancing like flames, his long dark red hair fluttering, and a layer of dark ice crystals gradually appeared on the hand holding the halberd.

Looking at the halberd held in Shi Lan’s hand, Tian Bai swallowed, and the sense of crisis of death flashed crazily in his mind.

After hesitating for a moment, she took two steps back and used her demon power to open a barrier, wrapping the entire room and isolating it from the outside world.

Although he couldn’t quite figure out the situation, it was obvious that Shi Lan was not suitable to be disturbed at the moment.

Shi Lan’s situation at the moment was not good. Even though most of the weapon spirit of the Red Crow War Halberd had been suppressed by the system, it was still in a state of awakening.

Divine soldiers have spirits and choose their own masters.

Even if it is suppressed by the system and cannot harm Shi Lan’s life, it is not willing to be controlled so easily.

Shi Lan held the halberd and sat quietly in the void. The energy and blood in his body circulated to protect his heart. He allowed the extremely cold evil spirit to impact his body. The dark ice crystals on his hands gradually spread to his forearms. For several hours, Finally, a layer of frost condensed on Shi Lan’s long eyelashes.

The sun and the moon rose in the east and set in the west, and a day and night passed in the blink of an eye.

The entire room seemed to have fallen into an extremely cold hell, with a layer of ink-colored ice nearly a foot thick condensed.

Tian Bai huddled in the corner of the room, gently tiptoeing and shivering uncontrollably. There was also a thin layer of frost on her white hair. She didn’t know the human method of transporting energy and blood, so she could only rely on demon power to endure it.


Quietly exhaling a breath of cold air, Tian Bai folded his arms and looked at the halberd in front of Shi Lan, with unconcealable fear in his eyes.

This weapon was too evil. If Shi Lan’s Qi hadn’t weakened at all and was still like the blazing sun, she would have been unable to help but step forward and wake him up.


Suddenly, wisps of white smoke rose above Shi Lan’s head, and the frost that had condensed all over his body gradually began to melt. At first, it was just water droplets dripping, but after a while of tea, it gathered into water columns and flowed down.

The wet and cold ice water soaked Shi Lan’s clothes, and in an instant, they were evaporated dry by the hot body temperature.

After a moment, Shi Lan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes dark red, glanced at the halberd in his hand, casually inserted it into the ice nearly a foot thick, stood up from the void, and stepped onto the ground.

The Chiwu War Halberd has returned to calm, and the lingering evil aura is gradually dissipating.

“Your Majesty, this weapon is so terrifying.”

Tian Bai on the side came over and looked at the halberd, not daring to get close for a while.

“It is indeed a bit difficult, but it won’t be like this anymore.”

Shi Lan glanced at Tian Bai and wiped away the ice chips on her head. Immediately, her true energy began to circulate, melting the frost all over her body.

After smoothing Tian Bai’s long hair that had just evaporated, Shi Lan turned around and pulled out the Red Crow Halberd.

She spent the whole day and night communicating with the weapon spirit. Fortunately, her qualifications were not too bad, and the weapon spirit’s rebellious intention was not too strong.

After entangling for a long time, the weapon spirit of the Chiwu War Halberd directly blocked the sense of heaven and earth and fell into a deep sleep, obviously intending to let it go.

The Red Crow War Halberd is made entirely of Golden Crow Iron, mixed with two kinds of yang-attribute fairy gold, and incorporated into several imperial laws. It is a divine weapon that is extremely strong and yang.

The previous evil spirit was only accumulated by killing countless lives, and its true power has not been fully exerted.

Although with Shi Lan’s current strength, it is still difficult to control this level of magic weapon and cannot exert its true power, this halberd is enough to bring her combat power to a whole new level.

Shi Lan’s mind moved slightly and he incorporated the Red Crow War Halberd into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The Yuan Shen sitting cross-legged on the nine-layer Taoist foundation suddenly opened his eyes, reached out to draw the halberd in front of him, and began to warm it with the power of the Yuan Shen, strengthening the connection with the halberd.

The door was already shattered into pieces and the threshold was full of holes. Shi Lan let Tian Bai dispel the barrier and stepped straight out of the door.

Looking back at the room full of holes, Shi Lan couldn’t help but sigh. This seemed to be not the first time she had demolished her home.

Shortly after the barrier dissipated, Shi Tianlu walked in with a letter of greeting.

“This house is quite old. I’ll replace it with something sturdier later.”

After glancing at the crumbling roof, Shi Tianlu looked as usual and handed over the greeting card in his hand.

“The Wan family sent some people to apologize. Do you have any grudges with them?”

“Apologies? Which Wan family?”

“The aristocratic family in Yisha Mansion has a Heavenly Lord sitting in it.”

Shi Lan was stunned for a moment, then took the invitation and opened it.

“Yours sincerely, General Shi Lan

I have the temerity to pay homage to General Haihan. The day before yesterday, the demons in the sky caused chaos and poisoned all living beings. My heart feels very painful. However, the mountains are high and the rivers are far away. I cannot do my best. I feel guilty. I am lucky to have such outstanding people like the general. Guarding the territory, it is a blessing to have just prevented the territory of our human race from falling into the hands of demons.

Quanzi Yuanwu was a young man who once stole the general’s military exploits during a battle. Quanzi only revealed this a few days ago. After hearing this, I was very angry and have already punished him severely.

It is my fault that I am ignorant of things. Every time I think about it, I feel guilty and unbearable, so I prepare a small gift, hoping that the general will accept it and allow me to atone for my son’s sins.

Wan Ziyao, the head of the Wan family, presents his sincere greetings. “

There was also a list of apology attached to the greeting card. Shi Lan glanced at it and found that most of them were spiritual stone pills and other cultivation resources, which were quite large in amount.

“There have been some disputes. As for the things, dad, you can just keep them.”

Seeing Wan Yuanwu’s name, Shi Lan already understood the whole story. The Wan family sent an apology, obviously wanting to put an end to this matter.

The act of robbing Pao Ze of his military exploits during the battle was disgraceful. Bai Weiyang had already punished him at that time, and now Wanjia had sent an apology, and Shi Lan didn’t bother to pursue it anymore.

The reason why Wanjia sent the apology is probably related to the recent changes to the Talent List.

“In addition to this, I don’t know who sent an invitation this morning.”



My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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