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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 37 Reincarnation (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 37 Reincarnation (please vote for recommendation~)

“Your Majesty, can you crush that human kid to death?” A huge green bull beside the carriage spoke human words in a dull voice.

“No rush~”

The girl’s voice was slightly hoarse, with a hint of charming charm. After saying that, she grabbed Shi Lan’s arm again and gave it a gentle lick.

The corners of Shi Lan’s eyes twitched, and the girl licked three times in one place. At this moment, the white bones could be seen on her arms.

After sucking up the blood flowing out from around Shi Lan’s wound, the girl narrowed her eyes with some satisfaction.

“Your Majesty, let’s go to the next human city. Why waste time here with the human ants.” A snow leopard less than one foot in size rushed to the frame of the carriage with a slightly impatient tone.

“How do I behave, do you want to teach me?” The girl looked at Snow Leopard with her green vertical pupils coldly.

“Your Majesty, I understand my mistake…”

Snow Leopard met the girl’s eyes, trembled all over, knelt down immediately, and spoke with a horrified expression.

However, before it could finish speaking, an invisible huge force enveloped it.


With a muffled sound, the snow leopard was instantly crushed into a ball of blood mist.

The other monsters that were a little restless nearby saw this scene, and they lowered their heads and remained silent.

The girl opened her mouth lightly, took a deep breath, and inhaled the blood mist pressed by the snow leopard into her mouth and nose. She suddenly frowned in disgust, “It smells very fishy.”

As if to rinse her mouth, the girl licked a piece of Shi Lan’s flesh and blood again, and then she gently raised her finger and pointed at Shi Feng in the distance.

Shi Feng felt his body loosen up, and the previous suppression disappeared.

Shi Feng stared at the girl on the carriage, raised his hand, and the horizontal knife that fell aside flew back to his hand.

Holding the handle of the knife firmly in his hand, Shi Feng’s thoughts were turbulent for a moment. From the beginning of his memory, he wandered alone, suffered from hunger and cold, to when he first entered Shi Mansion fifteen years ago and had no worries about food and clothing, and now to the boundless tide of beasts in front of him, his heart At a loss.

For a few moments, the memories of the past flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern, and finally settled on Shi Lan’s smile bathed in the morning light.

Shi Feng’s mood gradually calmed down. If Shi Tianlu hadn’t saved him from starving to death in the snowy night, he wouldn’t be alive today. He would have wasted fifteen years, and he should be satisfied…

The innate true energy in the body began to flow slowly, starting from the Dantian, like a clear spring pouring into the limbs and bones. The clear spring flowed faster and faster, and finally turned into a roaring Nu River.

At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly felt as if his spirit had been sublimated, and a sense of joy arose spontaneously.

He raised his knife and pointed at the boundless beast tide in front of him. The aura on Shi Feng’s body was condensed to the extreme. His expression was neither sad nor happy. An invisible general trend began to slowly gather in his body.

I have lost sight of life and death…

“Your Majesty, what do you want to do?” Qingniu couldn’t help but ask again.

The girl untied Shi Feng, but didn’t let them do anything.

“This human boy’s cultivation is at the seventh level of the Xiantian Realm. Pick two seventh-level Xiantian Realm ones and throw them in front of him.” The girl ordered lazily.

Qing Niu did as he was told and selected two demon wolves at the seventh level of the Xiantian Realm and ordered them to fight.

“Your Majesty, can you tell me what this means?” Qingniu returned to the girl and asked.

“With the intensity of the battle, the blood of the human warrior will gradually speed up and flow up to the head and neck. By then, the face will turn red and the head will be sweating profusely.” As the girl said this, she seemed to have remembered something, and her expression changed. Some excitement.

“If you cut off the head of a human warrior at the moment when his energy and blood surge to the extreme, his energy and blood will spurt out from his neck, splashing more than ten feet high!”

A trace of excitement and madness flashed in the girl’s eyes, “The stronger the warrior, the higher the distance his blood will be splashed. That is my favorite sight!”

Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel chills in his heart as he listened to the shocking words from the girl’s mouth.

At this moment, Shi Lan deeply understood the true meaning of the different hearts of people who are not my race.

Even if the girl’s appearance is exquisite, even if it is covered with a layer of human skin, the beast is still a beast and will never become a human!

At this moment, the two wolf monsters at the seventh level of the Xiantian Realm were less than fifty feet away from Shi Feng.

The tip of Shi Feng’s knife pointed at the ground, and he stepped out, walking step by step leisurely.

The distance between the two sides is shortening rapidly.

When the two demon wolves entered less than ten feet in front of Shi Feng, Shi Feng moved the sword lightly in his hand, and a burst of extremely sharp and terrifying sword energy overflowed from his body.

The two demon wolves seemed to have noticed something, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes, and they tried their best to stop, but it was too late.

When the two demon wolves stepped within five feet of Shi Feng, they were instantly torn into pieces by the terrifying sword energy that overflowed and turned into a rain of blood!

Seeing this scene, the girl stood up in surprise. After sizing up Shi Feng, her expression became even more excited: “The sword’s power actually condensed!”

Being able to gather the power of the world and the world for his own use at such a young age, he will undoubtedly become the genius of the human race. Thinking of beheading the genius of the human race here, the girl’s body trembled slightly with excitement.

“God bless my demon race, God bless your king, for being able to bump into the genius of the human race without any guardians to follow!” Qingniu on the side also gasped excitedly.

“I want to have some fun with him. He’s a genius who hasn’t grown up yet. It’s exciting to think about it.” The girl licked the corner of her mouth and came to Shi Feng in a flash.

The terrifying sword energy that was rampant all around disappeared when it encountered this girl, as if it was being swallowed up.

Shi Feng paused for a moment, then stepped out more firmly. He raised the horizontal knife in his hand with his backhand, and slashed a huge transparent knife shadow from the air.

There was no trace of fear or apprehension in Shi Feng’s eyes, only a look of indifference, as if there was just a little demon in front of him that could be killed easily, not an unparalleled demon king that had already transformed.

Shi Feng’s body has already condensed a fearless and selfless invincibility. No matter who the opponent is in front of him, he will cut out the long knife in his hand without hesitation.

The girl raised her head and glanced at the illusory knife shadow, raised the corner of her mouth slightly, flicked her finger, and a terrifying force of energy came out of her body, and the illusory knife shadow in the air was instantly shattered.

Shi Lan sat on the carriage and watched helplessly, suddenly feeling powerless in her heart. She was too weak.

“I can help you.”

A somewhat familiar voice suddenly came from his mind. Shi Lan shuddered, and the only movable eye in his body moved around.

“No need to look for it, I’m in your body. This is my first time communicating with the host. I’m a little uncomfortable with it. Please forgive me and allow me to introduce myself. This is my first communication. Shi Lan, I am the backend of the reincarnation system of the heavens. , you can call me reincarnation…”

Please vote for recommendation~Please collect…(▽`)


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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