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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 370 Disembarkation

“how so!”

Xiao Teng became more and more impatient. If the system was gone, what would he do in the future?


Xiao Teng’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Maybe it’s because he didn’t find the strategy target…

As long as you find that strategy target, the system might react.


Several men pushed open the door and entered. The tall man in the lead was sweating profusely and panting:

“Brother Teng, we’ve searched all over the boat, but we haven’t seen anyone.”


A sharp look flashed in Xiao Teng’s eyes.

“Look again! There are no ships nearby. Unless she jumped into the sea, she must still be on the ship!”

“I can’t find it in the passenger cabin. It’s in the cargo warehouse. Open all the containers for me!”

“Brother Teng, please calm down. This is not realistic at all. Most of the containers are at the bottom of the warehouse. Without a crane, it is impossible to move them up, let alone open them.”

The tall and muscular man shook his head, looking a little helpless. Seeing that Xiao Teng looked wrong, he quickly said:

“There are no ships approaching along the way, which means that this person has been on the ship and does not take the normal route. He is probably a stowaway. He may not have an identity document. We have ways to deal with her once she reaches the shore.”

After taking a breath, Xiao Teng gradually regained his composure and asked:

“How long until we reach the shore?”

“About four days. If we go at full speed, we can reach the port in less than three days.”

“From now on, move forward at full speed. Before docking, call in all the manpower to respond at the port. I want to see that this cargo ship is empty!”


The tall and muscular man responded and was about to leave when he was stopped by Xiao Teng again.

“Wait, there’s something else.”

“We’ll prepare some food in the kitchen tomorrow. If she’s not hungry, I’m sure she won’t take the risk.”

“got it.”

Shi Lan lay in the container and slept soundly. When he opened his eyes, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

The matter of reincarnation cannot make effective progress for the time being, so it can only be put on hold for the time being, and her journey of experience in the world of mortals has just begun.

She currently only has a small backpack with her, which is empty. She thought it contained some food before, but now it has been exhausted and she is in urgent need of supplies.

The target was too big during the day, and she was not prepared to go out for activities. It was not until after dusk, when the sky was getting dark and the moon was hovering in the sky, that she left the container.

She didn’t go to the kitchen.

Her whereabouts were exposed yesterday, and it was hard to tell whether there were any traps waiting for her in the kitchen.

Many of the portholes had lights on, and it was not yet time to rest. Shi Lan hunched over and carefully walked along the side of the ship, searching for the target of this trip.

The passenger cabin of this cargo ship is not large, and most of the space is occupied by the cargo warehouse. There are only more than twenty cabins.

After sifting through one by one, Shi Lan finally found the warehouse where the supplies were stored after nearly two hours.

Shi Lan turned over and got into the warehouse, locking the door first as usual, and began to search for what he needed.

At a glance, most of them were sundries such as cables and canvas. There wasn’t a lot of food on the shelves, mostly cans and some fresh water.

Shi Lan took about three to four days’ worth and stuffed it into his backpack, then rearranged the supplies so that they looked similar to before, and slowly walked towards the door.

As Shi Lan tiptoed toward the door, his feet suddenly tightened, causing him to lose his balance and almost fall to the ground.

Turning around, he saw a gray elastic band. Shi Lan pulled it twice and pulled out a set of black clothes from under the shelf.

After looking at it under the moonlight for a while, Shi Lan realized that it was a diving suit.

Turning his eyes slightly, Shi Lan carefully folded the diving suit and stuffed it into his backpack. Then he found a breathing tube and a diving mask among a pile of supplies.

After thinking about it, Shi Lan walked to the wall, took out one of the lifebuoys hanging on the wall, deflated it and stuffed it into his backpack, and finally cut off a small section of the cable before stopping.

Glancing at the harvest, Shi Lan smiled with satisfaction, slipped to the door and unlocked it, then turned around and returned along the original path through the porthole.

With last night’s experience, Shi Lan seems more familiar today.

However, due to too many supplies, the backpack almost got stuck on the porthole, and it took Shi Lan a long time to get it over.

In the next two days, Shi Lan completely lived a life of eating after waking up and sleeping after eating.

Only at midnight every day, she would climb onto the deck and take a look at the sea around her to see if she was approaching land. After all, she didn’t want to be the turtle in the urn.


A distant whistle woke Shi Lan up, and it was dusk.

The whistle just made Shi Lan feel a little bad. Even though it was not yet dark, she wanted to go out to see the situation.

After packing up his things, Shi Lan quietly took out the container, poked his head out of the warehouse and took a look.

There were still two or three people standing on the deck. Shi Lan did not dare to make any big moves. He carefully moved his body and approached the edge of the cargo hold. He looked over the side of the ship and finally saw the sea.

There are small fishing boats floating in twos and threes on the sea not far away. This place is not far from the offshore sea.

After thinking for a moment, Shi Lan slowly returned to the container and began to catch up on his sleep.

The fishing boat will not be too far from the shore, but it will never be very close. It is unrealistic to swim this distance by human power.

In the middle of the night, Shi Lan slowly opened her eyes, stood up, took off her coat, threw it aside, and slowly put on the diving suit. Fortunately, the diving suit was elastic, so it didn’t look too big for her.

After counting the supplies, except for fresh water, a small amount of food, and a life preserver, everything else was discarded.

After doing this, Shi Lan took apart the thick cable and braided it into a small strand of thin rope.

After everything was packed, Shi Lan stepped out of the container fully armed. Just when she raised her head and saw the situation on the deck, she couldn’t help but feel nervous.

It was past midnight. As usual, everyone should rest at this time, but the lights were still on the deck in front of them, and someone was patrolling.

The huge and blazing searchlight swept across the entire freighter from time to time, illuminating the deck as bright as day.

Obviously, this was to prevent her from jumping into the sea. On the other hand, one could also guess that the shore was really not far away now.

When the searchlight passed by again, Shi Lan no longer hesitated and rushed out of the cargo hold, tied the cable to the fence, then turned over and slid down the cable.

When it was halfway down the ship, the cable had reached its end.

Glancing at the blue sea at his feet, Shi Lan took a deep breath, closed his diving mask, and released the cable in his hand.


The movement of Shi Lan falling into the water was not too small. In addition, there were people patrolling on the side of the ship, so he was discovered instantly.

Xiao Teng, who came to inquire, looked at the cable swaying in the wind and the empty sea, with a trace of irritation flashing in his eyes.

“She will definitely come ashore. If she is crossing illegally, her identity documents may not be complete. I will immediately increase my manpower and go to the main road near the port to block people.”

The tall man on the side saw this and quickly spoke, wanting to remedy the situation.

Xiao Teng slowly shook his head and his expression returned to calm.

“No need to go, just call the police and contact the customs, saying that someone is carrying dangerous items and entering the country illegally!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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