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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 371 There is no way out

The bright moon hung high, and fine waves undulated on the sea.

Shi Lan didn’t know how far away from the coast it was at this moment, so he could only swim in the approximate direction of the ship’s route in his memory.

It was now the time when summer and autumn alternated. At night, the sea water was bitingly cold. After swimming for less than an hour, Shi Lan’s hands and feet became a little unruly.

Occasionally she relied on a lifebuoy to rest, but she did not dare to close her eyes. Once she lost her way on the sea, she would definitely die.

In the blink of an eye, the bright moon sets in the west, the sun rises above the water, and countless colorful clouds appear where the sea and the sky meet, and the glow is endless.

A continuous black shadow appeared at the end of Shi Lan’s sight, which refreshed her spirits.

At the port, in the early morning, there are countless cargo ships and fishing boats coming in and out, and fresh seafood is put into cold boxes in batches, ready to be transported to the inland.

Xiao Teng stood on the shore, staring at the freighter not far away. There were cigarette butts at his feet, and his eyes were bloodshot.

“Brother Teng.” A thin man trotted up to Xiao Teng and said hello.

“What did the customs say?” Xiao Teng asked casually without turning around.

“Customs said they would keep an eye on it, and…”


“Then he praised me a few words and asked me to come back.”

There was no surprise in Xiao Teng’s expression. The customs had to deal with countless smuggling incidents every day, so it was not surprising to have such a reaction.

He currently has no official connections, and even if he is worth over 100 million, he is still an ordinary citizen.

He took out the last cigarette in the cigarette case from his pocket, and as soon as he put it in his mouth, the thin man next to him had already offered it to him to light it.

“Brother Teng, why do you waste so much effort on a smuggler? You have a lot of money, why bother with her.”

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask. Go and do your business.”

Xiao Teng waved his hand and sent the person away, then opened his phone and filtered out a number in a row of address books.

“Xiaoya, does your uncle have any connections in the city bureau? I want to ask him for a favor.”


Shi Lan collapsed on the beach exhausted, gasping for air, his eyes slightly blurred.

Looking at the mountain and running to death, she looked at the not-so-distant distance and swam for nearly another day. It was already sunset.

After taking a breath, Shi Lan struggled to get up. The fresh water and food had been exhausted. The energy consumed in the water was too terrible. She had to find a way to survive first.

There are scattered wooden houses on the coast, some of which are locked, and some of which have their doors open. On the beach not far away, there are scattered people playing in the water.

Shi Lan quietly walked into an unoccupied wooden house and glanced around. The interior was simply furnished, with only two benches and a dressing room in the back.

Opening the door curtain of the dressing room, what came into view was a dressing mirror, which reflected a brown-haired girl with three-dimensional facial features, delicate appearance, a little immature, not yet underage, and she looked like a mixed race.

After measuring her height, Shi Lan felt a little uncomfortable. When she was on the boat, she just felt that this body had slender bones. Now it seems that she is probably less than 1.6 meters tall and her figure is lackluster.

Suddenly, Shi Lan was stunned for a moment, raised his hand and patted his cheek, forgetting some thoughts about this body just now, to make up for the sudden feeling of fragmentation.

The girl in the mirror is her.

“Boss, do you want to accept this diving suit?”

Shi Lan stood on tiptoe and handed the diving suit in his hand to the boss behind the counter who was wearing a floral shirt and holding a telescope.

This was a small shop selling swimming equipment. It was not big. She found short-sleeved casual pants from those wooden houses and changed out of her wetsuit.

The boss is knowledgeable. He touched the diving suit, unfolded it and looked at it, and he had an idea.

After looking Shi Lan up and down, he nodded.

“Five hundred dollars.”

“Can you give me more?”

“Five hundred and five, if you can’t, take it.”

The boss took out five hundred and fifty yuan and put it on the bar. He stopped looking at the diving suit and picked up the binoculars again, aiming at the seaside.

The probe took the money into his hand, and Shi Lan turned around and left.

After Shi Lan left, the boss threw down the telescope, hung the diving suit on the wall, and wrote the price.

Rent: 200/day.

Shi Lan walked back to the wooden house and threw a hundred yuan on the bench where the clothes were originally placed.

When he reached the door, Shi Lan stepped back, dropped fifty again, and then took away a pair of sandals in front of the wooden house.

This area seems to be a tourist attraction, and there are shops selling snacks, but the prices are somewhat unaffordable for Shi Lan today.

After buying a bottle of water and breaking some money, Shi Lan got on the bus to the city.

Shortly after Shi Lan left, several black cars slowly parked outside the beach.

More than ten people got out of the car one after another, scattered and ran towards the beach.

Xiao Teng pushed open the car door, sat in the car and scanned the beach in front of him, the bloodshot eyes getting thicker.

“Ateng, please rest for a while. I’ll call you if someone finds him.”

A young woman sitting in the passenger seat looked worried at Xiao Teng’s haggard expression.

Her name is Li Qingya, and she is currently Xiao Teng’s current girlfriend, at least she thinks she is.

Xiao Teng shook his head, bent down and got out of the car, and walked slowly towards the beach.

He had used all the power at his disposal, and even used Li Qingya’s relationship to coordinate more than a hundred police officers to help him find someone, but after a day, he still had nothing to gain.

The police have closed down the team, and now he can only rely on himself.

He hadn’t had a good rest since the boat, and he seemed a little sluggish.

“Brother Teng, we’ve seen it all, there’s no one suspicious.”

“Not here either.”

“I have also asked nearby shops, but there is no news.”

After listening to the news in his ears, Xiao Teng rubbed his eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief. The thought of giving up had already appeared in his mind.

Even without the system, with his current net worth, he can still live a comfortable life.

There is a time in life, but there is no time in life…

Xiao Teng’s eyes swept across the shop not far away, and his eyes froze for a moment. He expelled the word “Mo Qiang” from his mind and strode forward.

“Boss, where did you get this diving suit?”

The flower-shirted boss glanced at the dozen or so people behind Xiao Teng and couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

“It’s restocked.”

Xiao Teng smiled, the smile not reaching his eyes, and pointed to the logo in the corner of the diving suit.

“Did you buy the goods from my company?”

A dozen or so people on the side all stepped forward and immediately surrounded the small shop.

“I just got it from a little girl today!”

The boss stood up, rubbed his hands, took off the diving suit, and handed it to Xiao Teng.

“How old are you and what do you look like?” Xiao Teng asked.

“Take him to the police station and make a mock portrait of him. It’s much easier to find a portrait.”

Li Qingya, who was following from the side, frowned slightly and spoke softly.

Liu’an Hua Ming and another village…

Xiao Teng let out a breath, turned around and left.

“take away.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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