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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 376 Follow-up

Yunhai City Public Security Bureau, interrogation room.

Two female police officers sat behind the desk and opened the record book.


“Shi Lan.”







“No place of origin.”


“Please describe the circumstances of the crime at that time…”


Outside the interrogation room, Qi Pingxia was sitting on a bench, his thoughts in his mind a little confused.

She had already finished writing notes for another little girl, and she had been picked up by her family members who had arrived.

The little girl was obviously emotionally unstable and would only say her age and name, but would not say a word about the specific circumstances of the crime scene.

Qi Pingxia didn’t want to force a little girl who had been violated too much, so she had no choice but to let her go home.

“Captain Qi, this is the forensic doctor’s autopsy report.”

A police officer trotted over and handed over a report.


Qi Pingxia took the report and opened it to read.

[Yunhai City Public Security Bureau Autopsy Pathology Report]

[1. Cause of the case: kidnapping case, death caused during hostage defense. 】

[2. Exterior examination of the corpse: a male corpse, 169cm long, with bruises on the temples and 16 penetrating wounds on the chest. 】

[3. Internal examination: The lungs were penetrated, there was a large amount of internal bleeding, and the aorta on the left side of the heart was severed. There were no other abnormalities. 】

[4. Conclusion: He suffered a heavy blow to his temple, and the cause of death was that he was pierced through the chest multiple times with a sharp instrument. He lost too much blood, causing his death. Time of death…]

[1. Cause of the case: kidnapping case, death caused during hostage defense. 】

[2. Exterior examination of the corpse: a male corpse, 173cm long, with a sunken back of the head and a penetrating wound on the back. 】

[3. Internal examination: The back of the skull was cracked, the heart and lungs were completely penetrated, and there were no other abnormalities. 】

[4. Conclusion: He was knocked unconscious by others with a blunt instrument, and then pierced his heart and lungs with a sharp instrument, causing instant death. Time of death…]

Qi Pingxia scanned the file at a glance and let out a breath. The first corpse was normal, but the second one was obviously suspected of intentional homicide, and the technique was extremely sophisticated.

It is not that easy to stab someone from the back to the heart, at least there will be a slight deviation.

From the autopsy report alone, it can be seen that the two corpses were obviously produced by two completely different people.


The door of the interrogation room opened, and a policewoman came out holding the transcript. When she saw Qi Pingxia, she said hello.

“Can you show me the transcript?”

“Here, the situation is quite troublesome.”

Qi Pingxia reached out and took it.

After a long while, Qi Pingxia closed the note and handed it back to the policewoman.

“Shi Lan…”

Thinking of Shi Lan’s calm expression when they first met, Qi Pingxia rubbed his eyebrows.

“It’s really difficult.”

She stood up and pushed open the door of the interrogation room, smiling at Shi Lan who was sitting on the chair.

“Are you hungry? I’ll take you to eat.”

Opposite the Public Security Bureau is a noodle shop with a history of more than 30 years. It has been open since the days when most people pushed bicycles to work.

The storefront has grown from small to large, and the menu on the door has also changed from a small chaos of Yangchun noodles to a dazzling array of snacks.

“Officer Qi is here, is it still the same?”

Qi Pingxia held Shi Lan’s hand, and as soon as she stepped into the noodle shop, an aunt who was clearing away the dishes came up to her.

Since it was not a meal, there were not many customers in the store.

“Well, let’s have one more bowl of beef noodles and one more fried dumpling.”

“Okay, come and sit here.”

Not long after we sat down, two bowls of beef noodles and two fried dumplings were placed on the table.

“The taste of the braised beef at this restaurant is outstanding, and Lao Wei’s skill in making noodles cannot be found anywhere else in Yunhai City.”

Qi Pingxia, who had been busy since midnight, was obviously a little hungry. Not long after Shi Lan used his chopsticks, Qi Pingxia had completely wiped out the noodles and fried dumplings.

Qi Pingxia leaned on the table with his hand on his chin, looking at Shi Lan who was sucking noodles in front of him, with a faint smile on his lips.

“Eat slowly, there is still not enough.”

“The little girl has completed the record and was taken back by her family.”

Shi Lan paused slightly with his chopsticks, looked up at the female police officer in front of him, and continued to eat noodles.

“You have been overseas before, have you learned self-defense?”

Rather than talking about self-defense skills, what Qi Pingxia wanted to ask about was actually killing skills.

Shi Lan bit off the noodles in her mouth and shook her head. She could no longer remember the memory of overseas. The only clear memory was after boarding the ship.

Sometimes she was surprised by the things she did. It seemed to be an instinct that made her feel that she should do it.

Even though she had killed someone not long ago, her heart was still calm, and the emotional fluctuations she should have had disappeared without a trace.

“Those two people didn’t die entirely because of you, right?”

Shi Lan buried his head in eating noodles and seemed not to hear.

“Your situation is somewhat unique.”

Qi Pingxia leaned back on the chair and looked a little tired.

Even if he is a scumbag who deserves to be cut to pieces, the law should be the one who punishes him.

“You are a criminal, and you entered the country illegally. You do not belong to any country in the world, and naturally you are not protected by our laws…”

The law is used to protect the rights and interests of citizens, but Shi Lan is not a citizen, so this is difficult to handle.

“But don’t worry, I will try my best to help you. After all, it is a kidnapping case and you are still a minor. For humanitarian reasons, no one should make it too difficult for you.”

Shi Lan finished the last mouthful of noodles and put down his chopsticks.

“Thank you, you are a good person.”

“I’m just a police officer.”

Qi Pingxia smiled and couldn’t help but reached out and rubbed Shi Lan’s head.

“You are a good person too.”


Public Security Bureau, Archives Room.

“Sister Qi, the test results are out. There is indeed another little girl’s fingerprints on the handle of the knife…”

“This matter ends here, there is no need to investigate further.”

Qi Pingxia took the file bag, interrupted the police officer, and carefully put the file into the filing cabinet and sealed it.



Shi Lan stayed at the Public Security Bureau. The room was very clean and tidy, but a little quiet.

Not long after she stayed in the room, someone came to see her.

It’s Zhang Guang.

Zhang Guang’s eyes were blue and bloodshot, obviously he had not rested well.

“I’m sorry, Brother Guang, for causing you trouble.”

“What kind of apology are you trying to apologize for? If you put it on me, I’ll chop off the heads of those bitches!”

Zhang Guang was obviously a little angry, but not because of Shi Lan.

“You should eat and drink as you should, don’t be afraid, I’ll help you find a lawyer, it’s no big problem.”

“Since I left you here in the first place, I naturally have to be responsible for you.”

After saying these words, Zhang Guang left.

Not long after, Xiao Teng also came, but Shi Lan didn’t see him.


“Hey! Little girl, we meet again.”

At night, a somewhat familiar greeting sounded outside the room.

Shi Lan looked up and saw Hao Fei standing outside the door with a silver bracelet on his hand and hugged her fist.

“I’m sorry. I’ll apologize to you when I get a chance.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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