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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 383 Heavenly Law

When Shi Lan stepped into the forest, it was still early in the sky and the road into the mountain was not too difficult.

In the information Hao Fei provided, there were a total of twelve people’s information. Although the specific locations of these people were not given, they also outlined a general range, which saved her a lot of trouble.

Looking for someone in such a big mountain is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and Shi Lan had penetrated more than 130 miles into the mountains.

The original mountain paths have completely disappeared, and all we can see are waist-high weeds. It has not yet entered winter, and snakes, insects, rats, and ants are extremely active.

Fortunately, the combat uniform was thick enough and the insect repellent potion was also very effective, so Shi Lan didn’t suffer much.

The sky was getting dark, and Shi Lan looked around, preparing to find a big tree to rest on. Even though she had brought night vision goggles, it was still too dangerous to drive at night in the forest.

Shi Lan walked around a cliff, and his eyes suddenly opened up. The terrain between the mountains was very different, and occasionally there were valleys.

In the valley at the foot of the eyes, a village appeared. At first glance, there were only about twenty households with only a few dim lights.

Shi Lan took out the map and compared it, then ran towards the foot of the mountain. This was one of her goals.

This village is marked on the map and is called Xiaohun Village. Half a year ago, the police came here because of the case she was involved in and rescued two abducted girls.

Shi Lan didn’t care about this. The law had no restrictions on her what she did during her trip to the mountains. She just hoped to find some clues about the drug lords from this small Hun village.

This group of drug lords was brought out by that case, so there might be some articles in it.

An hour later, Shi Lan stepped into the valley bottom and arrived outside the village.

Xiaohun Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with only a muddy path extending out of the valley.

Shi Lan did not take the path and entered Xiaohun Village from the woods on the side.

This village is too small. If you shout from the head of the village, you can hear it clearly from the back of the village.

As soon as he arrived at a mud house, Shi Lan heard the sound of cups being replaced.

Light leaked from everywhere in the mud house. Shi Lan found a corner and saw the scene inside.

It looked like a main room, with an Eight Immortals table in the middle. Five people were sitting around the table, all with red faces. There were two people standing at the door facing the main room.

The two men were not drinking. They had stern faces and were fully armed. They wore camouflage combat uniforms and had firearms on their bodies. They had everything from night vision goggles to tactical daggers and even grenades. They had walkie-talkies on their chests.

Shi Lan glanced at these seven people and recognized five of them. They were on the police’s wanted list, and the two at the door were two of them.

Most of the topics at the wine table between men are inseparable from money and women.

Shi Lan listened for a few minutes and managed to hear some useful content.

In addition to the five people on the wanted list, the other two, one is the village bully in the village, and the other is related to the previous human trafficking gang.

“Night Cat” has at least four to five similar strongholds in this mountain range, covering a wide range. They have spies on all the main passages into the mountains. As soon as the police enter the mountains, they will immediately receive news.

This time in the mountains, Shi Lan has little hope of achieving his wish.

As his thoughts wandered around, a person in the room stood up unsteadily and walked towards the door.

Shi Lan slowed down his steps, stepped back slowly, took off the compound crossbow on his back, and loaded the arrow.

She made a large circle from the back and came to the wild forest directly opposite the entrance of the courtyard.

The two heavily armed people stood at the door in extremely sophisticated positions. One was outside the door and the other was standing inside the door. Half of the wooden door blocked most of their bodies.

The two people were very focused and appeared to be extremely vigilant. Every few minutes they would report some specific code words into the walkie-talkie, which Shi Lan couldn’t understand at all.

She did not look at the drunken man wandering around in the courtyard relieving himself. She slowly pulled down the night vision goggles and looked through the crosshairs at the door.

The composite crossbow in her hand gave her an extremely familiar feeling, as if she had used it thousands of times before.

After calming down the emotional fluctuations in his heart, Shi Lan gently pressed down the hanging knife.


The stainless steel crossbow arrow instantly penetrated the two-finger-thick wooden door, and the man behind the door fell down at the sound.

Shi Lan didn’t check the result. In an instant, he stretched out his arrows, and a crossbow arrow whistled off the string again!


The stainless steel crossbow arrow instantly pierced the skull of the man at the door, unabated, and nailed him to the earth wall!

Whoosh whoosh!

Shi Lan fired seven crossbows in a row, shooting down the drunkard in the courtyard first, and then shot all six arrows into the main room.

There was a howl of ghosts and wolves in the house, and many houses in the village turned on their lights one after another.

Shi Lan quickly retreated and circled around again. After arriving at the mud house, he lowered his steps and observed the situation inside the house through the holes.

The man behind the door was shot through the neck by a crossbow arrow that passed through the board, and died. The remaining four people were shot through the chest by crossbow arrows. They had more air coming out and less air coming in.

Of the two people alive, one was shot in the thigh by a crossbow arrow. They were hiding in the corner of the main room and were struggling to climb into the back room.

The last person who was intact was the village bully. He was holding the submachine gun that he had ripped off from the corpse inside the door. He was hiding behind the door with a face full of fear. He shrunk and peered through the crack in the door to observe the outside world. Still clutching the walkie-talkie tightly.

After seeing the situation clearly, Shi Lan stopped delaying. The news here has probably spread, and perhaps the supporting personnel are already on the way.

Shi Lan walked quickly towards the door, her footsteps falling almost silently, and soon she reached the door.


Before she stopped, the crossbow arrow had already penetrated the door panel. She immediately dropped the compound crossbow, rolled over and rolled into the door. Then she pulled out the dagger and threw herself behind the door. The knife flashed and pierced the throat of the person in front of her in the blink of an eye.


The village bully’s eyes were full of panic, the walkie-talkie fell to the ground, and the submachine gun in his arms slid down.

Everything is just between lightning and flint.

Shi Lan breathed a sigh of relief. The crossbow arrow passed through the door and shot through the village bully’s arm, helping her buy some time.

There were sounds of doors opening from the neighbors. Shi Lan picked up the submachine gun, strode out of the door, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Da da da……

Heading towards the roads on both sides, Shi Lan fired all the bullets in the magazine, dropped the gun, and shouted sternly:

“Get back!”

Bang bang bang…

A series of door slams sounded, the newly lit lights went out one after another, and the whole village fell into silence again.

“What’s going on now?”


The walkie-talkie that landed on the ground emitted a burst of electric sound.

Shi Lan smashed the walkie-talkie with his foot, looked back at the inner room that was blocked by the curtain, gently recovered the crossbow arrows in the room, and retreated to the door.

She bent down and took off the two grenades from the waist of the corpse by the door, pulled out the safety, threw them into the back room, then turned around and quickly walked out of the door.


There was a deafening explosion, earth and rocks flew everywhere, and the entire house of mud and tiles collapsed instantly and turned into ruins.

Picking up the compound crossbow and the usable equipment from the corpse outside the door, Shi Lan rubbed his somewhat dazed ears and rushed towards the mountain forest.

In just a few minutes, she killed seven people in a row, and she did it smoothly. Not only did she not feel any discomfort in her heart, but she felt an indescribable sense of joy.

This pleasure of being freed from restraints made her a little intoxicated.

Killing for life is a natural principle, not to mention these are a bunch of damn scum!


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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