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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 385 Fierce Tiger

A series of muffled sounds sounded outside the cave, mixed with bursts of soft sobs.

Shi Lan spit out the wooden stick in his mouth, gritted his teeth and pulled the string of the crossbow, loading the arrow.

She did not get up, but just stared at the entrance of the cave, the crossbow ready to go, the firelight reflected on her face, adding a bit of blood.


A black shadow flew into the cave and hit the rock wall hard, causing blood to splash everywhere.

Shi Lan looked closely and saw a jackal nearly three meters long, with a red body and a brown and black tail.

A large piece of his abdomen collapsed visibly. After landing on the ground, he was unable to get up. He died after struggling twice.

A figure slowly walked into the cave, coming out of the darkness, and its appearance could not be seen clearly.

The uneasiness rising in his heart made Shi Lan subconsciously grab the hanging knife, and the crossbow arrow instantly left the string.

The moment the arrow left the string, Shi Lan lowered the crossbow body, shifted the crossbow a little, and shot at the visitor’s thigh.


There was a tooth-aching friction sound, and the crossbow arrow was firmly grasped by a calloused, generous hand, stopping midway.

Shi Lan took a breath of cold air. The distance was less than five meters, and catching the crossbow arrow with his bare hands was beyond human capabilities.

The figure took two more steps forward, entered the range shrouded in fire, and revealed its figure.


Seeing the face of the visitor clearly, Shi Lan was startled and blurted out.

The person who came was wearing a prison uniform, with a shaved head, narrow eyes, a wide open sky, and full of fierce aura. When he heard Shi Lan’s words, he smiled with a cold smile.

Shi Lan frowned and slowly moved towards the rock wall.

The man seemed to realize something, and suppressed the strange smile on his face. He sat down cross-legged by the fire, put the crossbow aside, put his hands on his knees, and said in a serious tone:

“My name is Fierce Tiger.”


Shi Lan waited quietly for a long time, but after seeing no further words, several question marks popped up in his head.

“I’m here to find you.”

As he said that, Fierce Tiger grinned again, and when he saw Shi Lan frowning again, his smile slowly faded.

Apparently, he realized that his smile didn’t look very flattering.

“Looking for me? Why?”

Shi Lan became more and more confused. She didn’t think she had any interaction with the person in front of her.

“I’m afraid you’ll be unhappy or die suddenly.”


Shi Lan looked at Fierce Tiger with gradually strange eyes. The man in front of him probably had some serious illness and was not like ordinary people.

Although she feels that she is also very strange and always does things that she finds terrifying, she thinks that she is at least a normal person.

“You can’t die, and you shouldn’t be angry.”

Fierce Tiger added another sentence, his expression extremely serious.


Shi Lan felt inexplicably ridiculous.

“I can’t say.”

Fierce Tiger was silent for a moment and shook his head.

Shi Lan didn’t know what to say for a moment. After staring for a long time, she was defeated and looked away.

“How did you get out?”

“I’m just there because I want to be there, it’s not something that traps me.”

The ferocious tiger’s expression returned to calmness, looking inscrutable.

But in Shi Lan’s heart, he has been labeled as mentally ill at this moment.

After taking a look at the crossbow arrows beside Fierce Tiger, Shi Lan did not provoke him, threw the compound crossbow aside, and leaned against the rock wall.

After the tight nerves relaxed, the severe pain in her left arm became more obvious. Her physical strength had already reached its limit.

Fierce Tiger glanced at Shi Lan’s arm, stood up silently, and walked out of the cave.

Shi Lan looked up and said nothing. The presence of the fierce tiger made her feel very insecure. With a terrifying killer who seemed mentally unstable around her, no one could relax their vigilance.


The hunger in her belly brought her back to her senses.

In order to escape for their lives, most of the heavy food was lost on the road.

After a moment of silence, Shi Lan raised his hand to fiddle with the fire, then stood up and came to the jackal to touch it.

Still hot…



A gust of cold wind blew into the cave, causing Shi Lan to wake up instantly. His limbs were a little weak. He raised his hand to touch his forehead, which was hot.

The method of treating the wound was still too hasty. Although the bleeding was stopped, the body was still a little overwhelmed.

The fire not far in front of him was still burning, and it was burning very brightly. The fierce tiger had returned without knowing when, and sat beside the fire.

The prison uniform on his body has disappeared, and he has been replaced by a coarse cloth gown, and the domineering and fierce aura has dissipated a lot.

“There are a lot of people looking for you.”

Finding that Shi Lan was awake, Fierce Tiger raised his head and spoke calmly.

“I know.”

Shi Lan rubbed his forehead, this was expected.

“They are all dead.”

Fierce Tiger’s words made Shi Lan’s hand pause slightly.

“your clothes……”

“The prison uniforms stripped from the corpses don’t look good.”

Xiu Hu straightened the hem of his gown. The corners of his mouth just raised, but then calmed down.

“How many people have you killed?”

Shi Lan took a long breath and asked casually.

“I didn’t count, but there are ten times more jackals than the ones that died last night.”

Fierce Tiger shook his head indifferently. In his eyes, human life was no different from that of jackals, tigers and leopards. All living beings were equal.

Jackals usually live in groups of three to five, and it is estimated that at least dozens of people died at the hands of ferocious tigers.

“With your skills, how did you end up in jail?”

With an idea in mind, Shi Lan struggled to stand up. Her current state was not suitable for staying here anymore. She needed to seek medical treatment in time, otherwise her left arm would be left with hidden injuries.

“Because there’s nowhere to go.”

Fierce Tiger answered very seriously, making Shi Lan feel no trace of perfunctory and very sincere.

Just because there’s nowhere to go, that’s all.

“Then why did you run from Yanjing to Yunhai again?”

“I came here to kill people.”

“Kill who?”

“A damn man, I haven’t found him yet.”

Speaking of this, the fierce tiger’s eyes were filled with terrifying murderous intent.

“Your enemy?”

Seeing Fierce Tiger’s changed expression, Shi Lan became a little curious.

“No, this kind of people appear often. I’m used to it.”

Fierce Tiger’s expression returned to calm, and he stood up. He did not help Shi Lan, but stood far away.

Shi Lan supported the rock wall and walked out of the cave. After seeing the situation outside the cave clearly, he was slightly stunned.

In the valley outside the cave, the carcasses of jackals were scattered everywhere. At a glance, there were no less than twenty of them.

Thinking of what Fierce Tiger said just now, Shi Lan’s expression turned dull.

“You killed more than two hundred people last night?”

“Maybe, I can’t remember exactly.”

Fierce Tiger replied calmly, these people were not important and he had almost forgotten them.

No matter how many drug dealers are hidden in this mountain range, there are unlikely to be more than 200 people. Villagers probably account for a large proportion of the dead.

In a way, these people died because of her.

Shi Lan’s eyes were a little complicated. She didn’t know if any of these villagers were good people, but at least some of them were guilty of crimes that would not lead to death.

“You’re worried, why?”

Fierce Tiger noticed something was wrong with Shi Lan’s mood and was very confused.

“They were going to die, I just brought that outcome forward.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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