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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 394 Imperial Realm

The rewards for the top ten outer disciples are very generous. In addition to spiritual crystals, there are also various power-increasing elixirs. The top three are each given a top-quality magic weapon. If they are carefully cultivated, they will soon be able to derive spiritual powers. Sleep and be promoted to Lingbao.

Compared to the outer sect, the number of inner disciples in Yunlai Immortal Palace is only about 4,000, but even those at the bottom are heroic figures in the Earthly Evil Realm, and most of them are Tiangang who have opened the door to life and death. Realm warrior, and very young.

This level of strength is enough to rank among the true disciples among many third-grade forces. The competition between them is much more intense than that of the outer disciples.

Even Li Jingzhou, who is on the high platform, has a bit more seriousness in his eyes. With a little cultivation, this kind of talent can be put to good use in the future.

There were discussions from time to time in the surrounding pavilions and palaces, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

Shi Lan takes it very seriously. Stones from other mountains can attack jade. She will never look down on others because of their strength.

It is her consistent style to use all her strength to fight a lion against a rabbit.

Stories of boats capsizing in the gutter, like crucian carp crossing a river, are common. She would not make such a stupid mistake.

“If you want to ascend to the throne, you also need to have your own supporters and build a force. Can you help?”

Chu Hanzhou took a sip of tea and looked at the scene reflected in the imperial mirror with great interest.

Mentioning this matter, Shi Lan remembered the main mission of the system. After pondering for a moment, she still shook her head. She didn’t dare to use the person Chu Hanzhou gave her.

The future is long, and your own strength is the foundation of your future. You can cultivate it slowly, and there is no need to rush it.

Being alone all the time does not mean that Shi Lan likes to fight alone. If there is a powerful force to assist him, he can save a lot of effort.

While Shi Lan was thinking about it, a bit of spiritual light flew from the window, fell on Chu Hanzhou’s palm, and turned into a finger-long jade sword.

The small jade sword glowed slightly in Chu Hanzhou’s palm. After a moment, he raised his head.

“Part of the spiritual materials you want have been collected, and they will arrive at Silver Frost City in two days.”

Although he knew that those spiritual materials and precious medicines might not be anything to the Human Emperor, such efficiency was still somewhat beyond Shi Lan’s expectations.

“Thank you…senior.”

“Don’t rush to thank me. This spiritual material is a deposit for the transaction between you and me. I need a guarantee before giving it to you.”

Chu Hanzhou waved his hand, his eyes flashing with unknown meaning.

“What guarantee?”

“In this Yunlai Immortal Palace Competition, I want you to conquer all the young geniuses present.”

Chu Hanzhou spat out every word, and there was a sound on the ground. He had suspected before that Shi Lan might be a giant from ancient times or even the ancient times. He came from the underworld, covered the samsara energy machine with the overwhelming Taoist fruit, and was reincarnated.

After observing these days, he gave up this idea.

He was very satisfied with Shi Lan and was neither arrogant nor impatient.

But it is a pity that Shi Lan lacks a bit of spirit. Any proud person must have the arrogance of flying into the clouds and the ambition to fly into the sky.

How can you be young if you are not frivolous? How can you be called a genius if you are not presumptuous?

It is a good thing to have awe in your heart, and it is good to know your own importance. But if you don’t have the idea of ​​​​invincibility and cannot cultivate the invincible power, how can you be called a genius?


Shi Lan didn’t hesitate and replied casually. She thought it would be something difficult.

Seeing the calmness between Shi Lan’s brows, Chu Hanzhou was a little surprised. He had thought that Shi Lan would hesitate. Could it be that he had misjudged it?

Naturally, Shi Lan didn’t know the doubts in Chu Hanzhou’s heart. She just stared intently at the glazed mirror hanging over the square, absorbing the essence of martial arts spilling out of the mirror.

Unless she is arrogant, for the younger generation of the human race today, some clues can be seen from the list of geniuses, and no one is her opponent.

In Shi Lan’s heart, she has never regarded these prodigies of a similar age as her opponents. She has things that others don’t have, and her situation has never been experienced by others, so there is no need to compete.

She was just thinking about when she would be able to truly take control of her own destiny and no longer be restrained in the face of the Human Emperor or even the Emperor.

Her vision goes far beyond the realm of the rising sun. She wants to see the sky beyond that, the real sea of ​​stars!

The duel between the inner disciples is faster than that of the outer disciples. The higher the cultivation level, the decisive victory is often in an instant. A slight difference can make a thousand miles, nothing more than that.

In less than a day, the top ten disciples of the inner sect were selected. The rewards for the inner sect disciples were much richer than those for the outer sect. The top five were all rewarded with a high-grade spiritual treasure, and the leader of the inner sect was even more gifted. A Taoist soldier.

“Senior, can you tell me about the realm above the emperor level?”

Seeing that the competition on the stage had come to an end for the time being, Shi Lan turned her head and looked at Chu Hanzhou. She had been curious about this question for a long time.

“That’s too far away from you.”

Chu Hanzhou subconsciously replied, then thought about it, maybe it wasn’t too far away for Shi Lan. After pondering for a moment, he spoke again:

“When entering the realm of heaven and man, warriors will experience thunder tribulations and use the vitality of heaven and earth contained in thunder tribulations to temper their own small worlds. As their cultivation level increases, the power of thunder tribulations will become more terrifying, until they reach the realm of heaven and human beings. A world-destroying disaster at the ninth level.”

“A small world that can preserve itself and survive the catastrophe of annihilation will undergo qualitative changes and evolve into the prototype of the way of heaven. This realm is called the realm of heavenly tribulation.”

Shi Lan nodded, listened carefully, and took notes one by one.

“After the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, the Imperial Dao Realm will gradually take shape, and its power will skyrocket a hundred times. After it begins to take shape, you can step into the Sun and Moon Realm, and be unfettered in the universe and starry sky. You can hold the Golden Crow in your hand and control the Taiyin.”

Most of the stars in the universe were transformed by the Golden Crow clan. Because of the tyranny of its true fire, which is as strong as the sun and the ultimate in flames, it is also called the ‘sun’.

The law of heaven and earth is the balance of yin and yang. The lunar star moves closely with the sun. The yin energy condensed on it can just balance the domineering true fire of the sun.

“The third level of the Emperor’s Heaven, also known as the Observation of Heaven Realm, is where the forms of some terrifying creatures are imprinted in the Imperial Dao Realm, thereby exerting part of their power. In a sense, depending on whether the creatures imprinted in the Imperial Dao Realm are powerful or not, , there will be a watershed difference in the actual combat power between the emperors.”

“Fourth level of emperor level, blood cloud realm…”

Since he wanted to say it, Chu Hanzhou simply took one step and told Shi Lan all the realms after the emperor level, from low to high.


“The inner disciples of Yunlai Immortal Palace can choose a hundred people to join our spiritual guard.”

On the high platform, Li Jingzhou unfolded his jade fan and spoke lightly. His face was like a crown jade, his long hair on the temples moved with the wind, and his breath was misty and dustless, as if he was an immortal from the nine heavens.

“Thank you Spirit King!”

Everyone in the Yunlai Immortal Sect on the side was excited. The four princes under the emperor all had close guards. The spiritual guards in the hands of the Ling King totaled 800 people, all of whom were warriors above the Vientiane Realm.

Ten people form a small team. Only great monks in the Yuan Shen realm are qualified to serve as captains. Centurions are all powerful in the Heavenly Realm. Among them, the Chief of the Spiritual God Guard is an invincible strong man at the emperor level. Even if he is only The first level of the emperor is also the human emperor.

As a royal guard, not only can you get abundant training resources, but you can also get powerful personal guidance. For these disciples, it is undoubtedly a great opportunity.

No matter where these disciples end up in the Emperor’s Court, they are the people who left Yunlai Immortal Palace after all, and they will have an impact on Yunlai Immortal Palace in the future. This is the background.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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