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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 398 A big gamble

“Prince Xuan is a bit leisurely today.”

Li Jingzhou raised his eyebrows and sat back in the main seat.

“Nothing to do, just a little gambling for fun.”

Chu Hanzhou replied casually:

“How do you want to bet?”

Li Jingzhou pondered for a moment, then smiled slightly and said:

“In the outer starry sky, I still have a middle-level star field in my hand, which contains seven high-grade life stars, nineteen middle-grade stars, and thirty-seven low-grade stars. I use this as a bet to bet that Gao Linyuan can come out on top.”

Using a star field as a bet, such a generous move shocked the surrounding Yunlai Immortal Palace to gasp.

After hearing this, Chu Hanzhou laughed:

“Why don’t we bet bigger?”

Li Jingzhou’s eyes narrowed, looking at the smile on Chu Hanzhou’s face, he was a little unsure for a moment.

“Then I’ll create another one-pattern imperial weapon.”

After a while, Li Jingzhou spoke calmly, upping the ante, and then spoke again:

“I want to bet on the Nine Dragon Cauldron and the Taiyin God-Returning Golden Pill in your hand.”


Chu Hanzhou smiled and nodded without any hesitation.

“Since you defeated Gao Linyuan…then I will bet that Gao Linyuan will lose today!”

Such behavior made Li Jingzhou frown slightly. He dared to place such a heavy bet because he knew Gao Linyuan well enough and had great confidence.

Where does Chu Hanzhou’s confidence come from? Could it be that he has found some undiscovered monsters and monsters hidden in the depths of China?

The more he thought about it, the more Li Jingzhou felt like he had stepped into a trap, and his heart felt a little clogged.

But at this point, the bet that has been placed cannot be taken back.

He still wants to lose face and cannot do anything contrary to his promise.

The atmosphere on the high platform was a little weird for a while. Everyone in Yunlai Immortal Palace had also noticed that something was wrong between the two princes. They stopped interrupting and stared at the scene reflected in the mirror in the air with solemn expressions.

Neither party can afford to offend, so it would be better not to get involved.

Chu Hanzhou took a sip of hot tea, caught a glimpse of Li Jingzhou’s subtle expression from the corner of his eye, and secretly laughed in his heart.

Young people are too conceited, which is sometimes not a good thing.

On the stage where Gao Linyuan was standing, a golden body of Yuan Shen had already appeared, which was more than eight feet tall. It was surrounded by glazed glow, carrying a terrifying invincibility.

The people watching around the arena couldn’t help but exclaim in wonder. The average Yuanshen Realm Dzogchen warrior only has a golden body of only nine feet.

Although Gao Linyuan’s current cultivation level is in the middle stage of the Yuanshen realm, his golden body of Yuanshen has surpassed many great monks of the older generation, and his strength is even close to that of the great masters of the Heavenly Realm.

Bu Bingyan stood in the opponent’s position, with no fear on his face, and silver light flashed in his eyes, like thunder.

In an instant, the thunderous white light that was about to overflow from his eyes suddenly surged forward, from the Baihui Lingtai to the limbs and bones.

Her aura suddenly surged, as if the potential in her body was stimulated, and her combat power became several times stronger!

“I’ll defeat you in three moves.”

Gao Linyuan spoke calmly, and his ordinary face suddenly looked a bit domineering under the glow of the golden body.

Terrifying energy fluctuations swept across the entire arena, like a volcano about to erupt.

Bu Bingyan didn’t reply, and stepped out first. The space was torn apart instantly, and there was a roaring sound that penetrated gold and cracked stone.

Her figure instantly transformed into countless sword lights, and she used her sword bones to unleash cold murderous intent.

The sword light shone all around, and the golden body of Bu Bingyan’s soul appeared. It was less than three feet long, like glazed crystal. There was an ancient sword clanging deep in the depths. The sword blade was sealed in the ancient sheath, and it still bloomed. Terrible sharpness!


The sword light passed through Gao Linyuan’s golden body of the soul, splashing out dazzling sparks. The sparks dispersed, leaving only shallow scratches. Gao Linyuan was completely unscathed.

Seeing this, Bu Bingyan’s expression changed instantly.

“The first move.”

The three words spit out from the mouth of the golden body of Yuanshen, like a yellow bell and a big Lu, it is deafening and enlightening.


A giant golden palm swept through the air and hit Bu Bingyan’s sword light. The sword light dissipated and a figure flew out in an instant, scattering large amounts of blood in the air.

Gao Linyuan didn’t give Bu Bingyan the slightest chance to breathe. He rushed forward with his golden body, and the power of his soul was condensed into a sword, turning into a golden giant blade. He held it in his palm and slashed down vertically.


The space was broken open, creating a roaring turbulence.

Bu Bingyan stopped at the edge of the ring, his eyes widened angrily, and the ancient sword deep in the soul moved lightly, and he slowly pulled it out.

A sharp sword energy burst out from her pupils, majestic and mighty, slashing from bottom to top!


The long sword condensed with the power of the soul was cut off instantly, and the golden body took three steps back, leaving spider web-like cracks on the ring.

Gao Linyuan frowned slightly, but soon calmed down. The light between his eyebrows flashed slightly, and a jade flute appeared in his hand.

A clear and melodious flute sound slowly sounded. This sweet flute sound reached Bu Bingyan’s ears, and instantly turned into a life-threatening magic sound. She suddenly felt that her heart was broken, and she couldn’t help but bend down, soaked in cold sweat. The lower back.

The golden body of the Yuan Shen protected her, and no abnormality was found. It was obvious that her body was safe and sound, but the mysterious Tao power contained in the flute sound affected her five senses, making it an illusion.

The ancient sword in Yuanshen has been sheathed again and returned to silence. This is her trump card and cannot be used all the time.

For a moment, Bu Bingyan was in trouble.

Boom, boom, boom!

Before the sound of the flute stopped, Gao Linyuan’s golden body stepped forward again, his huge feet fell down, and he stepped out with the sound of thunder.

Bu Bingyan’s face was condensed. Even if she cut off her senses, the severe pain still lingered around her, her insides were burning, and her vision was dark.

The severe pain radiating from her body greatly distracted her attention, and she could only force her soul to summon several rays of sword light to face the enemy.

Click, click, click!

The sword light collapsed at the first touch, and Gao Linyuan’s soul was like a huge golden mountain, unshakable, and directly hit Bu Bingyan’s golden body.


Bu Bingyan’s soul instantly disintegrated and returned to the center of her eyebrows.

Her vision instantly went dark and she staggered.

Gao Linyuan’s footsteps did not stop at all, and the golden sword of Yuanshen manifested again, slashing down with a bang, without any fancy intention, he wanted to chop Bu Bingyan on the spot!

“I surrender!”

The golden blade hovered in front of Bu Bingyan’s forehead, and the melodious flute sound stopped abruptly.

Bu Bingyan breathed a sigh of relief, took two steps back, sat down on the ground and adjusted his breathing, then took out several pills and drank them.

“Brother Gao is stronger than before. I hope that in the future when my Heavenly Sword can be fully unsheathed, we will have the opportunity to spar again.”

After a while, Bu Bingyan stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and bowed his hands.

She didn’t pay much attention to winning or losing.

As a descendant of the ancient divine religion, she has defeated many of the most favored men in the world and has extremely strong self-confidence. She will not let this mere failure damage her Taoism.

Although you won’t die if you fight here, if the injury is too serious, it will definitely affect your subsequent practice, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

So she gave up decisively.

Although her sea of ​​consciousness has been greatly shaken now, the fundamentals have not been damaged, and she can recover within a few days of adjusting her breath.

In just a few rounds of fighting, she also gained a lot, and her connection with the ancient sword in the soul became even closer.

“I made four moves.”

Gao Linyuan replied calmly, Bu Bingyan was stronger than he thought.

With the strength of a new soul, it is not easy to survive several moves in front of him.


Gao Linyuan stood on the ring with his hands behind his back, restraining the energy fluctuations around him, like an ordinary mortal.

There was silence all around, and for a while no one dared to step onto the ring.

Bu Bingyan, who was ranked third on the Heavenly Ranking, used the ancient sword in his Yuanshen, but he only lasted four moves before giving in. How could they be their opponents?

Gao Linyuan’s strength is too terrifying and cannot be compared to others of his generation.

Li Jingzhou’s eyes flashed with satisfaction, he nodded slightly, then turned his head and looked at Chu Hanzhou aside:

“King Xuan, do you think I won the bet between you and me?”

“What’s the rush? It’s not over yet.”

Chu Hanzhou half-closed his eyes and leaned on the chair, the old god was there.


At the edge of the ring, Shi Lan climbed up the steps and slowly walked onto the ring. He looked at Gao Linyuan who had a calm face and said slowly:

“Do you need some time to rest?”

Gao Linyuan was not weak in strength, Shi Lan did not take him lightly and was fully armed.

Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail with a golden crown, hanging down to her waist. She also wore a set of pale golden armor, like a god of war, shining with dazzling brilliance.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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