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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 40 Medical Clinic (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 40 Medical Clinic (please vote for recommendation~)

Shi Feng recalled the previous battle, and a wave of reluctance surged into his heart. His strength was still too weak. If he were strong enough, Shi Lan’s situation would not be what it is now.

Shi Feng’s body was too weak at the moment. After thinking for a while, he fell asleep from exhaustion.

Shi Lan was awakened by Shi Feng and worried about what might happen at night, so he stopped falling asleep and started practicing the Jade Forging Technique.

As soon as she activated the Jade Forging Technique, Shi Lan discovered that her cultivation was already at the seventh level of the Body Tempering Realm.

After wondering for a while, Shi Lan then thought about it. Although Samsara only borrowed her body for a short time, the powerful energy had stayed in her body after all, and it was reasonable to tear apart the seventh level barrier of the Body Tempering Realm.

Stay overnight until dawn.

At dawn, Shi Lan put out the fire, started packing the packages, and walked to Shi Feng. As soon as he touched Shi Feng’s arm, Shi Lan was startled. He reached out and touched Shi Feng’s forehead, which was hot.

Apparently, a fever was starting to set in.

“Samsara, can you help him burn it?”

“There is no other way. Helping him hang on to his life is the limit of what I can do.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan sped up his movements, put away his things at once, picked up Shi Feng on his back, and hurriedly left the cave.

Shi Lan sped up his pace and soon left the mountains. After entering the plains, the road became much easier and his speed increased again.

Finally, at sunset, Shi Lan arrived at that city.

This city is called Shuangyue City. It is small in size and similar to Tenglong City. Demon-suppressing troops in black armor are guarding the city gate.

After the interrogation, after entering the city, Shi Lan took a few people to ask for directions, and carried Shi Feng to a medical center.

There was a long queue in front of the medical center, and the injured patients, most of whom were mortals, were covered with scratches and bites.

Shi Lan looked at the long queue that was almost at the intersection, feeling the increasingly hot temperature behind him. He felt a little anxious for a while, waiting in line, fearing that the day lilies would be cold.

If the fever persists for a long time, it can easily turn you into a fool.

“Sorry to bother you.”

“Let me go over there.”

Shi Lan finally squeezed through the crowd and arrived at the entrance of the medical center.

“What are you doing? Why are you joining the queue? Get in line at the back!” A strong man in his thirties was waiting in line at the door of the medical center. When the man saw Shi Lan walking towards the medical center, he shouted.

“Brother, please do me a favor. I’ve had a fever on my back for a day. If I don’t seek medical treatment, I’m afraid it won’t work. Can you let me go in and ask the doctor first?” Shi Lan smiled flatteringly.

The strong man pointed to his arm wrapped with a cloth strip, “How many of you here are not in a hurry? If everyone is like you, will others still get their turn?”

“Why don’t we let this little brother go in first? The people queuing up behind are all with flesh wounds. It won’t be a problem.” A sixty-year-old man lined up behind the strong man said.

“What’s the matter with you?” The strong man glared at the old man. The old man’s lips moved, but in the end he said no more.

“Brother, please do me a favor.” Shi Lan didn’t want to cause trouble, so he took out a silver coin from the package and handed it to the strong man.

The strong man’s eyes lit up, he took the silver, weighed it, and stuffed it into his arms. He didn’t move at all, looking left and right, sometimes looking up at the sky.

Seeing the strong man’s reaction, a chill flashed in Shi Lan’s eyes, and he took out a piece of silver from the package again and handed it over.

The strong man took the silver, smiled with satisfaction, and stepped aside to make way for a path.

Shi Lan carried Shi Feng on his back and took two steps forward. He was about to enter the medical center, but was stopped by the strong man again.

“What do you mean?” Shi Lan said coldly.

“Only one person can enter.” The strong man raised his finger and said with a smile.

In just three seconds, Shi Lan’s remaining patience was completely exhausted.


The long box in Shi Lan’s hand fell to the ground, and spider web-like cracks instantly appeared on the road paved with blue bricks.

“Say it again?” Shi Lan stared at the strong man and said.

The strong man looked at the cracked road, swallowed, and subconsciously took two steps back.

“Please come first, please come inside.” The strong man came back to his senses, laughed twice, nodded and bowed out of the way, and at the same time took out the silver in his arms and handed it to Shi Lan.

Shi Lan didn’t have time to argue with him, so he took back the money and pushed the door open and entered the hospital.

There were several injured patients in the hospital, clutching their wounds and groaning in pain, and the environment was a bit noisy.

There is a wooden table in the middle of the hall. Behind the wooden table sits an old man with a goatee in his seventies, bandaging the wounds of a middle-aged man in his forties.

Standing next to the old man was a little girl who looked to be thirteen or fourteen years old. The little girl was wearing a white skirt and a double bun. She had lively eyebrows. Apart from her slightly immature appearance, she was already a pretty girl.

The old man raised his head and saw Shi Lan coming in with someone on his back. His expression changed slightly. He whispered to the little girl next to him. After handing over the bandaging work at hand to the little girl, he walked around the wooden case and came forward.

“How is the patient?” The old man walked up to Shi Lan and asked, leading Shi Lan to the side of a simple wooden bed.

After Shi Lan helped Shi Feng lie down, he replied, “I have a fever. I’ve had it for a day.”

The old man reached out his hand and felt Shi Feng’s pulse. After checking the pulse, the old man’s frown became tighter and tighter.

After a while, the old man took back his hand and sighed, looking at Shi Lan: “Forgive me for speaking frankly, we can prepare for the funeral.”

Shi Lan’s expression changed, “Old sir, what do you mean by this?”

“This man’s internal organs are damaged, his sternum is broken, and he is hanging on by an unknown aura. Unless there is the legendary elixir of living dead human flesh and white bones, it will be difficult for gods to save him.” The old man shook his head and said.

Shi Lan was silent for a while and then said: “Old sir, could you please help him get rid of his fever first?”

“I’ll give him some heat-clearing medicine to try first. If something goes wrong, please don’t blame me at the clinic.”

“This is natural.” Shi Lan nodded.

The old man nodded slightly, tilted his head and said to the little girl standing next to the wooden case: “Yueer, come here.”

The little girl ran over in three steps and two steps, “Grandpa, what’s the matter?”

“Rebandage this little brother.” The old man pointed at Shi Lan and said.

Shi Lan was stunned, lowered his head, and after looking at the cloth strips on his arms that were stained red with blood, he realized what he was doing and quickly thanked him.

The little girl smiled at Shi Lan and said, “Follow me.” After that, she walked towards the wooden case.

Shi Lan followed the little girl to the wooden desk and sat down. The little girl first went into the back room to get a basin of water, and then began to untie the cloth on Shi Lan’s arm.

After all the strips of cloth were untied, and after seeing the horrific wound that was so deep that one could see the bone, the little girl took a breath, looked at Shi Lan’s calm expression, and said in surprise: “Don’t you feel pain?”

“It hurts.” Shi Lan told the truth.

“Then why didn’t you scream?” the little girl asked in surprise as she started to clean Shi Lan’s wound.

Thanks to the book friend “The name is too difficult, I just picked twelve characters” for the reward, please invest, please collect ~ please vote for recommendation ~


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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