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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 400 Ending

On the high platform, Li Jingzhou’s expression did not change much. He was as steady as a mountain. His eyes looked up and down at Shi Lan, thoughtfully.

In an attic not far away, a middle-aged monk wearing cassocks recited the Buddha’s name and murmured to himself:

“You can actually manifest the phantom of Vajra just by using the Vajra Divine Fist. What an amazing Buddha nature…”

His skin was bronzed, there was Buddha light lingering behind his head, and his face was solemn, like an Arhat Vajra.

The surrounding arenas gradually stopped competing, and a group of young prodigies, including Shi Feng, gathered in front of the arena one after another, staring at the arena intently.

This is not just a martial arts fight, but also a battle for the throne of the first genius of the human race.



Gao Linyuan’s body surface lit up with a faint golden light, blocking Shi Lan’s punch. His mouth could not stop bleeding, but his breath did not weaken at all.

His eyes became extremely deep, and there were hidden traces flowing in the depths.

Shi Lan keenly sensed something was wrong, turned his fist into a palm, and shot out the Tianji Seal.

Gao Linyuan didn’t stop him at all, he made a fist seal with his hand, and there were traces of laws intertwined on the fist, and suddenly hit Shi Lan’s lower abdomen.


Fists and palms intertwined, and Shi Lan flew out like a meteor and landed on the ring. The whole ring shook violently. If it was not protected by the formation, the whole ring would collapse.

The Tianji Seal hit Gao Linyuan’s chest, and the violent force as heavy as an ancient mountain caused the golden light around him to scatter. The light curtain behind him rippled like water.

Shi Lan stood up from the ring, the armor on his abdomen was shattered, and his palms were numb. Looking at Gao Linyuan who fell down from the ring, he had some guesses in his mind.

This should be a strange fighting method that integrates the golden body of the soul into the physical body and obtains an extremely powerful increase in power.

Gao Linyuan stepped forward, his whole body sharp and sharp, and the power of law was hidden.


Shi Lan’s whole body sank, and the space around her instantly became extremely heavy, like layers of shackles, slowing down her movements more than ten times.

The Yuanshen Realm can already open up an extraterritorial space on its own in the Lingyang Realm. The realization of the laws of space is far better than the Wanxiang Realm.

“I’m older than you, and it’s undeniable that your beauty is far better than mine. I can’t defeat you because you’re young, but I can’t lose today…”

After the words fell, the golden light around Gao Linyuan became brighter and brighter, and he reached out and made a palm print.

The palm prints wrapped in golden light rushed towards Shi Lan like an arrow from a string, raising layers of thunder in the void, leaving behind a series of dark cracks and roaring sounds.

Shi Lan restrained her energy and blood fluctuations. If she had some enlightenment, her current martial arts combat power would be enough to defeat an ordinary middle-level Yuan Shen realm.

But if there is a being like Gao Linyuan who can fight across steps, she is beyond her capabilities. Without the edge of the Red Crow Halberd, she cannot break through the defense of the Golden Body of the Great Spirit without paying some price.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the immortal soul suddenly opened his eyes, and pointed out the magic formula. A soft clear light reflected in the depths of Shi Lan’s pupils.

The five elements of vitality were continuously drawn out from the void, condensed into five-color Gang Seals, wrapped in the bright fairy light, falling from the nine heavens, with terrifying fluctuations that could suppress the galaxy, and rolled down!

The Five Elements of Heavenly Evil Seal, a magical combat method derived from the Heavenly Cang Xuanling Sutra, possesses incredible terrifying power.

Shi Lan’s immortal cultivation has already entered the realm of becoming a god. The magic power in his soul is extremely powerful, and the magic power he exerts when he displays the immortal power is even more powerful.


Gao Linyuan’s palm print hit Shi Lan’s left shoulder, and she flew away instantly. Her pale golden armor shattered, a wound opened in her body, the bones of her left arm broke, and a piece of spiritual blood was scattered.


A loud roar followed immediately, and the entire arena was instantly destroyed. The golden light on Gao Linyuan’s body dissipated, and his whole body was shot directly into the depths of the ground by the Five Elements Heavenly Evil Seal.

The center of the arena was instantly in a mess and turned into ruins, with a huge palm print lying across it.

Shi Lan stood up and reset the broken and dislocated bones. In just a few breaths, her bleeding stopped and her bones began to heal.

Her physical body already has a bit of immortality, and she can recover from this injury very quickly.

In the eyes of outsiders, they could not see the process of Yuan Shen casting the spell. They only saw Shi Lan raising his finger, and a five-color Gang Seal fell from the air, knocking Gao Linyuan deep into the ring.

“What kind of method is this?!”

“The soul casts a spell? But she is clearly in the Vientiane Realm!”

“Incredible, too terrifying…”

On the high platform, the tea cup in Chu Hanzhou’s hand fell to the ground with a soft splash. His spiritual thoughts roared out, sweeping away the remaining mana fluctuations in the center of the ring, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Not far away, Li Jingzhou’s eyes gradually deepened, and he also noticed something was wrong.

This power does not belong to the Lingyang Realm.


Gao Linyuan stood up from the ruins, his clothes were torn, and blood was flowing uncontrollably all over his body. It was obvious that he had been severely injured.

He stared at Shi Lan, his eyes blazing, his brows shining slightly, and the soul in his body once again glowed with golden light.


A figure suddenly appeared on the stage, wearing a navy python dragon robe and a jade crown. He was handsome and handsome, with a calm and calm demeanor.

“Spirit King, I still have the strength to fight again!”

Seeing Li Jingzhou’s fate, Gao Linyuan showed shame on his face and couldn’t help but speak.

“The future is long, so why should a man fight about the length of time?”

Li Jingzhou shook his head slightly and looked around.

“This fight is over, is there anyone else who wants to challenge?”

After a few breaths passed, there was silence.

“In this case, Shi Lan is the leader of this martial arts meeting.”

Li Jingzhou made the final decision and directly brought the martial arts meeting to an end.

“Do you still remember Shi Lan’s age?”

“It seems that I am not yet twenty-four years old…”

“Simply unheard of…”

There was a vague thought in the hearts of everyone around, could the ancient emperor’s appearance be so evil?

It is foreseeable that as long as Shi Lan continues to grow up safely, her name will inevitably be engraved in this era, leaving an indelible mark on the entire Lingyang world.

This makes all the geniuses unable to help but feel a little envious. From the ancient times to the present, the human race has produced as many outstanding people as stars in the sky. How many of them are inspired by the saying, “My name should be in the history of the human race”!

Shi Lan slowly walked down the ring. Those with sharp eyes found that Shi Lan’s injuries had healed in just a few moments, and after his energy and energy returned to their peak, they sighed secretly again.

Shi Feng hid among the crowd, looking at the unfamiliar face in the distance with a little loneliness in his eyes.

Along the way, what he encountered and felt was that he had already recognized some realities. There would always be a big gap between what he expected and what he actually got.

Maybe he had been full of enthusiasm, looking forward to the impossible happy ending.

But now, he has long since given up on the unattainable dream, the desire that was entangled in his heart, and the only thing that was once to him.

Perhaps many times, what Shi Lan once represented was more like a dream of his, which was constantly beautified in his mind until it was perfect.

The ravine of desire always deepened unknowingly, making him greedy to make an illusory dream blossom and bear fruit.

The flowers bloom and I don’t know where to look, but a thought is etched in my bones.

After taking a deep look at the retreating figure, Shi Feng shouldered the long knife tightly behind his back, turned around and stepped against the flow of people, walking into the world of mortals.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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