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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 404 Closing the Mountain

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty days have passed in Yunlai Wonderland, and Shi Lan’s period here is about to expire.

Her cultivation level is only at the early stage of Yuan Shen Realm, but her golden body of Yuan Shen has grown to more than nine feet, which is even more powerful than the ordinary late stage Yuan Shen Realm.

Moreover, this was far from reaching her limit.

According to the method of condensing the golden body in the Yuqing Creation Art, the limit of the Yuan Shen realm, the Yuan Shen golden body should be able to reach 999 feet, and the energy required during this period is like the vast ocean.

This kind of accumulation is a hundred times better than ordinary Yuanshen realm monks.

Under the stimulation of the golden body of the primordial spirit, the immortal primordial spirit entered the realm faster than ever before.

Although his body has not changed, his magic power has made great progress. He has entered the middle stage of the spirit transformation state and his power is even more powerful.

This feeling of soaring strength made Shi Lan a little addicted, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel a little regretful.

This kind of secret realm is rare in the entire Lingyang world, and it almost recreates the holy land of cultivation in Lingyang’s ancient times.

If she could have a secret realm like this, it wouldn’t take long for her to perfect the realm of Yuanshen, point her sword at heaven, and use this to build up a huge force.

While practicing, Shi Lan separated a ray of spiritual thought and pulled out the system panel that he had not seen for a long time.

She hasn’t paid attention to the changes in her faceplate for a long time. She knows every increase in her own strength and doesn’t need to look at it at all.

[Host: Shi Lan]

[Cultivation: Martial Arts: Early Stage of Yuanshen Realm, Immortal Dao: Middle Stage of Transformation into God Realm]

[Physique: Innate spiritual body, divine phoenix body, true martial immortal body (first level of perfection)]

[Skills: Yuqing Creation Technique (fifth level), Vajra Divine Fist (Dacheng), Forged Jade Technique (Perfection), Tianji Seal (Small Success), Burning Spirit Technique (Incomplete), Tiancan Lingxuan Jing (Fifth Level) layer)】

[Supernatural powers: Heavenly Eyes (three stars), Black Domain (eight stars), Xiaoyue (five stars), Divine Phoenix Wings (seven stars), Candle Dragon Demon Eyes (six stars)]

[Strength evaluation: Entering the room]

[Reputation: 25561781 (famous town, mountains and rivers)]

[World coordinates: 900 in the Small Thousand World, 120 in the Middle Thousand World, and 37 in the Great Thousand World. 】

[Currently owned world: Small Thousand World x1]

[Current time and space coordinates: Lingyang Star Territory, Lingyang Realm, Taishi Calendar Year 48928]

[Current remaining energy: 2.94 units of nine-star energy body. 】

[Current main task: Forming a force. Reward for preliminary completion of the task: Fairy Mountain Cave Mansion x1. There is no penalty for task failure. 】

As her cultivation level entered the Yuanshen realm, her magical powers were greatly enhanced. Both the Black Domain and the Divine Phoenix Wings increased by one star, and her combat power increased with each passing day.


Ripples appeared in the space, and a black iron gate emerged in the void.

Shi Lan slowly finished his work, his eyes as clear as water.

Between the eyebrows, the golden body of the Yuan Shen, which is more than ten feet tall, sits cross-legged over the sea of ​​consciousness, like a god.

The Immortal Dao Yuanshen occupies another sea of ​​consciousness, sitting cross-legged on the Dao foundation. The two forces are clearly distinct, and the water in the well does not conflict with the water in the river.

Shi Lan stretched his muscles, stood up, followed the emerging portal, and left Yunlai Wonderland.

This month, she didn’t move an inch, staying where she was, not exploring Yunlai Wonderland at all.

This is the forbidden area of ​​Yunlai Immortal Sect. If you accidentally touch something that you shouldn’t touch, I’m afraid it will cause some trouble.

The rewards of this line of work are already great enough for her.

After Shi Lan left, the white-haired woman sitting cross-legged in the void outside the Black Iron Gate slowly opened her eyes, with dim starlight flowing in her eyes. She raised her hand and shook her sleeves, summoning a disciple.

“Let Su Wei come to see me.”


Half a moment later, Su Wei, the current master of Yunlai Immortal Palace, came to the woman and bowed.

“Meet Song Zun.”

“Recall the disciples who have gone out to travel, and seal the mountain gate for thirty years.”

Su Wei’s expression changed slightly:


“Be careful when harvesting. The tree is big and attracts the wind, which can easily lead to disaster.”

“I, a disciple of Yunlai Immortal Palace, have a good reputation outside. There is nothing out of the ordinary.”

Su Wei didn’t understand. Closing the mountain gate was not a child’s play. Thirty years would have a huge impact.

The most obvious thing is that there will be gaps among the younger generation of disciples. Secondly, the disciples will not be able to go out to practice, so they will not be able to do many things, and they will no longer be able to manage some territories in the outside world. The losses will be extremely heavy.

“Times change, and every time there is someone who stirs up the world with one person, and it is the same today.”

Song Zun stepped on the ground, stood with his hands behind his back, and shook his head slightly.

“The reason why Yunlai Immortal Palace can be passed down to this day is to know how to advance and retreat. Thirty years is enough to see clearly the general trend of China. It will not be too late to make a decision at that time.”

“But the Spirit King…”

“Li Jingzhou, I will explain it myself.”

“Disciple understands.”

Shi Lan returned all the way to the palace where he was staying. There were many lights hanging in front of the palace, and there were talisman edicts, most of which were greetings from various forces, as well as some scattered congratulations.

Basically, they were congratulating her for reaching the top of the human race’s genius list. In addition to these, there were also several battle posts.

An unknown person just wants to use her to become famous.

Shi Lan glanced at them and had no intention of arguing with them. He threw them all aside, opened the protective formation, and walked into the palace.

Tian Bai was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the hall, practicing meditation. After sensing movement, he opened his eyes.

“Your Majesty.”

“Follow me to the Demon Realm.”

Tian Bai nodded. It was the same to her wherever she went. She had no concept of home or hometown in her mind. The place where Your Majesty was was her favorite place.

Shi Lan still remembered what Chu Hanzhou had said before, and she wanted to refine an external incarnation for herself.

After thinking about this incarnation for a long time, she decided to condense a demon body.

Firstly, it is more suitable for activities in the boundless demon realm, and it is much more convenient to take care of the Lan clan. Secondly, the demon body may bring her some unique surprises, such as innate magical powers.

Chu Hanzhou had already left Yinshuang City at this time. Nowadays, the vast land of China is in turmoil, and he also has a lot of matters to deal with.

Shi Lan hid his whereabouts, retrieved his bicycle frame from the disciples of Yunlai Immortal Palace, and left Yinshuang City all the way.

After leaving Yinshuang City for thousands of miles, eight Pegasus horses flew across the sky, driving across the sky and speeding towards the west.

Among the Lan clan, Shi Lan once left a space array, and that space node was known to reincarnation.

Now that she has entered the realm of the soul, she has a more thorough understanding of the laws of space. Under the guidance of Samsara, it is not difficult to set up a teleportation circle, which can save a lot of traveling troubles.

Shortly after Shi Lan left Yinshuang City, talismans soared into the sky and rushed to all parts of China.

There is only one command in the talisman.

“Within three months, deal with the matters at hand and return to Silver Frost City!”

At the same time, the news that Yunlai Immortal Palace was going to close the mountain gate spread like wildfire across the vast land of China, causing huge waves.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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