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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 418 Leaving

Bai Weiyang recovered most of his energy after two days of training.

Zhu Xiyang remained silent for the past two days, silently recovering from the injuries in his body.

“I am going to return to the vast land of China immediately. What are your… plans next?”

Bai Weiyang looked at Zhu Xiyang’s lowered eyes, as if by mistake, and whispered:

“How about… you follow me…”

Halfway through the words, Bai Weiyang paused and swallowed the rest of the words.

If you follow him back to the Bai family, the relationship between the two will only become more entangled in the future. Now is the best time to end it. If you end it immediately, it will be clean.

“I have my own plans.”

Zhu Xiyang stood up, opened the door and walked out.

Although she had not left home for the past two days, her spiritual thoughts had been echoing around her, and she had some understanding of her current situation. She already knew it.

Her origins have been greatly depleted and she needs a long period of recuperation. She is no longer suitable for running around. Moreover, she doesn’t know what attitude she should use towards Bai Weiyang now.

At least during this period, she didn’t really want to see him.

What she needs most now is to find her future path.

Bai Weiyang stood there for a long time and did not follow him out. He slowly sat back on the couch and closed his eyes. His originally complicated expression gradually returned to indifference.

“I…I want to see the sect master.”

Zhu Xiyang stopped a passing disciple and softened his tone with some discomfort.

“Allow me to speak to the elders, please wait a moment.”

The disciple returned the salute and turned around to deliver the message.

The disciples of this mountain peak have long been reminded that the two people living here are guests of the sect master and should not be treated lightly.

Half an hour later, Zhu Xiyang arrived at the main peak hall of Tianyan Sect and met Shi Lan.

Shi Lan sat high on the throne, looked Zhu Xiyang up and down, and said slowly:

“Do you want to stay in Tianyan Sect?”

“I am now regarded as a traitor by the demon clan, but I am looking for a place to live.”

“Humans and demons are two tribes at odds. Even if I kill you now and use you to make elixirs, there will be no problem.”

Shi Lan looked calm and tapped the throne with his jade-like fingertips:

“Give me a reason to keep you.”

Having said that, Shi Lan had already thought in his mind that although the development of Tianyan Sect was on the right track, it was still blank in terms of high-end combat power.

A celestial demon is not considered weak in the Lingyang Realm and can save her a lot of trouble.

The relationship between Bai Weiyang and her is also unclear, but she has no interest in getting involved in the affairs between the two.

“My true form is the Purple Heart Bamboo. Has the sect master ever heard of it?”

Shi Lan recalled it in his mind, and within a few breaths he had some impressions.

The Purple Heart Bamboo is a seventh-grade fairy root. It usually grows on the side of the top-quality spiritual springs. It is extremely rare, and the person who can channel demons is rare.

The spiritual liquid contained in its body is of great benefit to the great monks in the Yuanshen realm in condensing the golden body of the Yuanshen.

“The reason why I can channel spirits and transform is because I have been baptized by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, which caused changes in my body. If I take the spiritual liquid for a long time, it can enhance my resistance to the catastrophe. It should have some effect on the sect master.”

Zhu Xiyang directly explained that in her opinion, Shi Lan was now in the Yuanshen realm and was about to enter the heavenly realm. She would definitely prepare for the upcoming heavenly catastrophe.

Her current situation is quite unfavorable. Once she leaves Yunyan Star, no matter if she encounters a strong person from any of the three human, demon and demon clans, she will not be able to escape death.

Now that her origin has been severely damaged, she has to take action forcefully, and the only way out is to perish. She urgently needs a place to settle down.

“I will designate a spiritual peak for you. No one will disturb you. You can rest in peace and recover. We will discuss the purple spiritual liquid later.”

Shi Lan didn’t care about the catastrophe, but the purple spirit liquid should have some effect on the disciples in the sect.

In fact, what Shi Lan is more interested in than this is how beneficial the purple spirit liquid is to the golden body of the soul.

The energy required by her golden soul body is too great, and it will undoubtedly be much slower to cultivate on her own.

“I will not force you to stay. If you want to leave one day, just leave on your own.”

Shi Lan marked out a spiritual peak for Zhu Xiyang in the sect’s area, then summoned a disciple and took him away.

The next day, Bai Weiyang came to say goodbye. He had not returned home for a long time and there was no news. The Bai family was probably going crazy.

After Shi Lan held back for a few words, he arranged a teleportation array for Bai Weiyang that reached directly to the Zhongtian Territory.

From beginning to end, Bai Weiyang never mentioned Zhu Xiyang, as if he had forgotten that there was such a person.

A beam of teleportation light appeared in the sky and disappeared in an instant.

Bai Weiyang left alone, and in a corner of Tianyan Sect, a sea of ​​purple bamboo trees quietly appeared.

In the center of the fantasy star field, a solitary life star hangs.

Nowadays, the war is everywhere, but it has not affected this star in the slightest. It is like a paradise.

This star has a diameter of hundreds of thousands of miles and is extremely huge. The mountains, rivers, land and vast oceans and swamps each occupy half of it. The aura of the heaven and earth is extremely rich, almost not inferior to that of the Central Heaven Region.

In an unknown mountain range, there stood a wooden house with an open space in front of it.


A figure flew out and hit the ground, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

A middle-aged man in black robe stood on the spot with his hands behind his hands. He had long white hair, deep eyes, and a calm expression. He said lightly:

“Come again.”

In the smoke and dust, the young man with long hair and shawl slowly stood up. His whole body was alternating with black and white, as if surrounded by fairy light. His energy was sharp and sharp, his chest rose and fell sharply, and his face was stern.

He said nothing, like a young tiger, with no distracting thoughts in his eyes, as clear as crystal, he pounced forward again.


In an instant, he flew back faster than before.

“That’s it for today.”

Taishi turned around and walked towards the wooden house, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

After staying on the other side of the underworld for thousands of years, the Yin Qi in Ling Chu’s body was so thick that it was almost impossible to fathom it. In addition, he injected Yang Yuan balance into it. With this accumulation, Ling Chu’s cultivation speed could be said to be thousands of miles per day.

In the short time since I came back from the underworld, I have already passed through the 21 levels of the three realms and entered the Tiangang. All the 36 fatal points have been opened, and I am very close to entering the realm of all phenomena.

Lingchu was silent for a while, then slowly followed Taishi’s footsteps.

His memory has been stagnant for thousands of years. According to Taishi, his parents, relatives, and old friends have long since expired, and their souls have returned to the Netherworld. Looking back at the past, there is only nothingness left.

Nowadays, the only person he knows is Taishi. Even Taishi has gray hair on his temples and is nearing his end of life. He is far from the man in his memory who is like a god descending from heaven.

“When can I get out of here?”

“When you enter the realm of all phenomena, I will take you away.”

“Going back to China?”


Taishi turned around and raised his head to scan the sky.

“Go outside the territory and take you to see the real genius.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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