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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 421 Exposed

The rune stone Shi Lan absorbed was the size of a fist, like glass, and the runes wrapped inside it were clearly visible, like a bolt of lightning.

A mysterious energy ran along the palm of the hand, through the meridians, and landed on the Baihui Lingtai. It turned into a ray of lightning and merged into Shi Lan’s soul, just like a drop of water blending into the ocean without causing a ripple.

Shi Lan slowly opened his eyes, a trace of lightning leaped from his fingertips, and suddenly shot out.


After a muffled sound, a dark dent the size of a fingertip was left on the bluestone wall.

“The energy contained in this rune stone is too little.”

Shi Lan shook her head slightly. She just used the energy contained in that rune stone.

The only strange thing is that although the energy is exhausted, the lightning-like rune is preserved in her soul.

If she used her golden body as a soul to cast this rune, the thunder that would erupt would be enough to destroy the city instantly, which could barely be regarded as an inferior attack method.

Compared to putting in the effort to practice the secret techniques of attack, runes are much more convenient and faster.

“The energy contained in high-level rune stones is enough to qualitatively improve your golden body. The runes in them are not so easy to understand.”

Samsara melted the remaining runestone and turned it into a layer of rune light, hidden on Shi Lan’s body.

Although the light of this layer of runes is extremely weak, warriors who have mastered the runes can feel it.

Shi Lan transformed into a new face and walked towards the rune tower again.

“You can only move around on the first and second floors, and there is a restricted area above the third floor.

This time Shi Lan did not encounter any obstruction, perhaps because she was a stranger, so the guard in front of the door reminded her and let her out.

Entering the rune tower, Shi Lan felt as if he had passed through a magic circle.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see rows of bookshelves.

Among the more than ten people who were reading the classics, only two looked up at Shi Lan and quickly looked away.

A newcomer who has just entered the path of runes is not worthy of attention at all.

Shi Lan walked up and took out a book at random, leaned against the bookshelf, and slowly read through it. There was no focus in his eyes, and his spiritual thoughts had slowly dispersed.

His spiritual thoughts swept through the rows of bookshelves, and the vast information turned into a torrent and poured into Shi Lan’s mind.

The golden body of the Yuan Shen moved slowly, but in just a short moment, all the classics on this level were absorbed into her mind.

After briefly going through all the books, Shi Lan filtered out some of the information he needed.

According to the historical records in the classics and confirmed by reincarnation, Shi Lan calculated that nearly 40,000 years have passed since the last arrival of reincarnation in the Qiongluo Realm.

More than 40,000 years ago, there was a shocking battle. The records of the battle are very vague. However, in that battle, the last Supreme of the Qiongluo Realm died in battle. Since then, no one can compete with Rune. Go to the top.

Today’s Qiongluo Realm has been integrated by several powerful tribes, and various academies have been opened to communicate with each other. The Rune Way has prospered a lot, but it still has not been able to give birth to the most powerful person.

In addition to these historical materials, there are more experience in the cultivation of runes and some superficial methods of using runes.

In the Qiongluo Realm, some people are born with rune talents, and those who stand out will also have their own accompanying runes, which possess incredible power.

With Shi Lan’s current cultivation level, from a high position, he had completely digested these contents in less than half an hour, and had a general outline of the cultivation method of Rune Dao.

Shi Lan closed the book, stuffed it back, and slowly walked up to the second floor.

There are much fewer books on the second level than on the first level, and the content is indeed much more advanced.

The overall layout of the second floor is similar to that of the first floor, but there are many fewer people. There are only three or five figures. In the center is a black boulder nearly human height. The surface of the stone is as bright as a mirror. If you look closely, you will find many carvings.

This is the ‘black stone’ used to measure mental strength.

The clearest judgment of strength in the Qiongluo Realm is whether the mental power is strong or not. The higher the scale value of the mental power, the stronger the power of the soul will naturally be.

A silver-haired girl of fifteen or sixteen years old was standing in front of Wushi, stimulating her mental power with all her strength.

A golden line emerged from the center of the black boulder, rising slowly upward from the bottom.

In just a few breaths, the girl’s face turned red, her back was completely wet with sweat, and wisps of white smoke even rose above her head.

After a moment, the girl stepped back, let out a long breath, clenched her fists, and jumped three feet high, her rosy face full of excitement.

“The mental scale finally exceeded twenty!”

Several people around him turned their gazes over. Except for one person who looked calm, the others all had a bit of envy in their eyes.

It is rare for a girl at her age to be able to reach such a level of mental strength.

The golden thread on the black stone slowly fell back as the girl retreated, and finally disappeared.

After the girl left, the surrounding area slowly returned to calm.

Shi Lan glanced at Wu Shi and couldn’t help but feel something in her heart. She was also curious about the strength of her current mental power.

To avoid causing too much noise, Shi Lan took a few steps further, released one-tenth of his soul power through the air, and slowly sent it into the black stone.


A dazzling golden thread suddenly lit up and crossed across the surface of the black stone, followed by a crisp and soft sound.

The entire black stone cracked instantly and was full of cracks. It immediately exploded and turned into rubble.

Shi Lan frowned slightly and slowly retreated behind the bookshelf, blocking his body.

Obviously, the strength of this black stone is too low to measure her current golden body.

There was a rush of footsteps not far away from the entrance to the third floor. An old man walked quickly towards Wushi with several guards wrapped in powerful runes.

Seeing the broken black stone, the old man stepped forward to check it out. He seemed to have discovered something. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes and he asked:

“What just happened?”

“Lord Morun…”

Several rune warriors gathered around him. It was obvious that they were very familiar with the old man, and they briefly described the situation just now.

Shi Lan stood aside without speaking, lowering his presence.

The old man slowly glanced at the few people, glanced at Shi Lan in the corner, and then turned around and ordered people to clean up the remnants of the black stone.

After doing this, the old man drove the rune warriors to the first floor, walked slowly to Shi Lan, and performed a strange courtesy.

“Dear guest, please come with me.”

Shi Lan quickly realized that she had been too calm just now. She was the only stranger on this floor and was undoubtedly the most suspicious person.

She shook her head slightly, followed the old man, and slowly stepped onto the third floor.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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