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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 425 Jidao Seal


The golden divine light penetrated the void, and a large seal crashed down, crushing the rune light covering the body of the ink dragon, and shot it into the mountain, causing the dragon’s blood to splash everywhere.

The entire cave was trembling, almost collapsing, and rubble rained down, splashing waves on the cold pool.

Shi Lan followed closely behind the golden body of Yuanshen. The Red Crow War Halberd fell from the air, its size shrank sharply, and she reached out to hold it.


The snow-white light of the halberd was like a star hanging down from the river, chopping down. Among the lightning and flint, the dragon’s head was cut off by Shi Lan. The dragon’s blood was wrapped in violent energy fluctuations, like a raging river, dyeing the cold pool red.

Shi Lan was extremely sensitive to the bloodline of the demon clan and immediately noticed something was wrong.

This dragon was far more powerful than the ferocious beasts she had killed before, but its bloodline power was not pure, and its runes did not have many secrets, so it should not have such strength.

“This dragon has undergone a huge transformation. There may be a rare treasure here.”

Shi Lan’s eyes moved slightly, he put away the dragon corpse, recalled the golden body of his soul, protected his body, and jumped into the water, diving like a fish.

The water in the pool is extremely cold, and the air is so cold that ordinary warriors in the Myriad Phantasm Realm cannot stay there for long without the protection of spiritual treasures, and their bodies will be cracked by the frost.

The cold pool looks ordinary, but it is bottomless.

Shi Lan dived tens of thousands of feet all the way, and the surrounding water became colder and colder. Even with the golden body of the soul to protect her, she had to start activating her luck and blood to prevent her body from being frozen.

The surrounding rock walls are already covered with a thick layer of ice.

Between the layers of ice, there is faint light of runes flowing, almost turning into rune stones.

Living beings who practice the way of runes will benefit greatly from practicing here. The dragon has been living here for a long time, so it is not surprising that it has undergone transformation.

Shi Lan dived thousands of feet again before finally seeing the bottom of the pool. The ice on the surrounding rock walls had been completely transformed into ice-attribute runes, and they were of extremely high grade.

The surrounding rock walls are covered with ice, but the bottom of the pool has not changed at all. It is covered with a shallow layer of mud, and there is also a picture of the dragon’s shed body.

A fist-sized transparent ice crystal hangs quietly in the pond, and a rune that looks like snowflakes condensed into substance is wrapped in it, emitting a soft divine light.

The power of the runes around him was so strong that it almost seemed to take form.

There was a chill in Shi Lan’s golden body of the soul. The runes that had been intertwined in one place were gradually merging, and gradually condensed into an ice crystal, which was rapidly transforming towards the rune.

“It’s the Jidao talisman!”

There were fluctuations in Samsara’s voice.

Shi Lan’s pupils shrank. She had seen some records about the Ji Dao sigils in the books and classics in the Rune Tower.

The ultimate talisman is also a rune stone. It is the limit of a certain category of runes. It is a unique treasure that can help people ascend to the supreme position. It has unparalleled terrifying power.

The runes surrounding the Jidao sigil will be assimilated by it, and the runes in Shi Lan Yuan Shen are no exception.

This talisman can be identified at a glance as belonging to the ice system. After fusion and absorption, it is enough for people to touch the realm of the ice system supreme.

“This talisman has not fully grown yet. Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of miles around will be frozen and turned into frozen soil, which will attract the prying eyes of the peak powerhouses.”

Samsara felt a little regretful, but also couldn’t help but felt lucky. If the talisman had fully grown, Shi Lan would have had no chance of reaching here, and the talisman might have been taken away long ago.

Shi Lan came back to his senses and concentrated on sensing the changes in the golden body of the soul, thoughtfully.

As Mo Lun said before, the strength of the ferocious beasts nearby has been slowly growing, which is inseparable from this talisman.

That ink dragon has extremely high wisdom and a heart as high as the sky. He wants to wait until the Ji Dao talisman is fully grown before swallowing it in one gulp.

If he is allowed to succeed, he will transform into a dragon, and there will be an ice dragon supreme in the Qiongluo Realm.

Shi Lan walked forward slowly and tentatively touched the Jidao sigil. The moment his fingertips touched the sigil, a reminder suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Unknown item found, item level: nine stars, absorb it? 】

“When you integrate this rune into your soul, extremely huge changes will inevitably occur, which will qualitatively improve your strength.”

Samsara gave his own advice. It would be too wasteful to simply convert this rare treasure of heaven and earth into energy, which would be a waste of natural resources.

On the other side of the ferocious beast’s lair, a team of more than ten people slowly entered the valley.

Among the dozen or so people, there are young girls with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing tight leather clothes, and there are also middle-aged Taoist priests with black hair and black eyes, wearing blue and gray robes, and their styles are very different.

The leader was a muscular man with a shaved head and a sky-blue shorts. He had a scar on his face from his forehead to his chin, and his face was cold and stern.

The skeletons spread on the ground and the large stains of blood made the dozen or so people involuntarily become nervous and held their breaths.

“Relax, if this mission is successful, it will be as hard as ours for ten worlds.”

The leading man looked back and smiled, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

“That’s right. I don’t know why the main god is so angry. He has issued so many tasks and given such generous rewards.”

“Pindao heard some news from some high-level reincarnations. The Lord God suddenly issued so many tasks about the Qiongluo Realm, as if he was preparing to open the gate, start a cross-border war, and completely defeat the Qingluo Realm.”

“real or fake?”

“Another death…”

Some people sighed softly, war is a mandatory task and cannot be refused.

In the face of a huge war of this magnitude, no one can be completely sure of surviving to the end.

After walking for a long time, it was still quiet. Except for the increasing number of blood stains, even the bones were gone. The atmosphere, which had relaxed a little, became more depressing.

“Could it be that I went to the wrong place?”

A woman in smart clothes couldn’t stand the oppressive atmosphere and couldn’t help but speak.

The leading man stopped and a transparent light curtain opened in front of him. After looking at it for a moment, he shook his head slightly:

“It’s correct. The coordinates given by the Lord God are here.”

A person walked out from behind and squatted in front of the blood. After observing for a moment, he said:

“There are traces of battle around here. The blood hasn’t cooled down yet. Someone came here first.”

“Speed ​​up!”

A hint of impatience flashed in the burly man’s eyes, and he spoke in a deep voice:

“If someone gets there first, the trip will be in vain!”

The group of people stopped talking and accelerated their speed, tearing apart the sound barrier and rushing towards the valley.

Outside the valley, Morun paced back and forth, feeling uneasy.

In the valley, there was no sound for a long time, which inevitably made people think too much.

“Lord Morun, how about I go in and take a look?”

“Be careful, there shouldn’t be any danger.”

Several guards were also waiting anxiously.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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