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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 431 The War Burns

Under the Supreme Being, all are ants.

The Supreme Being has stood at the top of the Ultimate Way, enough to sit across the starry sky and overlook all worlds.

In the face of this force, the Qiongluo Realm has no power to resist.


The giant ax tore open the sky, bloody warriors poured in like a flood, and the iron hooves sounded the melody of war.


The light of many giant city runes flickered, the light of countless runes rose up, and the beams of light condensed with majestic energy, like a giant sword that opened the sky, swept across the nine heavens.

The powerful war weapon that belongs exclusively to Qiongluo Realm showed its fangs for the first time in a long time.

In an instant, the void was turned into a sieve, and the iron cavalry riding on the wild and alien species was blasted numerous times, and blood spilled across the sky.

But compared to the huge number of cavalry, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Shi Lan’s true energy surged around his body, and he deflected the blood rain falling in the air. Looking at the approaching cavalry not far away, he turned around and escaped into the space.

She didn’t want to collide with the army head-on. As long as the Supreme One was there, there was no chance of winning in Qiongluo Realm. The most important thing now was to protect herself and find a way out.

“There once was a world of supreme beings, and perhaps there are still remains of the supreme weapon…”

Outside the starry sky, Emperor Yuan stood up from his chariot and raised his legs to enter the Qiongluo Realm. A black abyss suddenly opened in the starry sky not far away, swallowing up several nearby stars.

A gray-haired old man walked out slowly, his supreme pressure undisguised, and the stars in the sky behind him were shaking.

Looking at the gray-haired old man who suddenly appeared, the light in Emperor Yuan’s eyes gradually turned cold, like an eternal cold pool:

“Fellow Taoist, why are you here?”

The old man did not look at Emperor Yuan, looked at the Qiongluo Realm, and said calmly:

“I want this Qiongluo Realm, so let your people retreat.”


Emperor Yuan was extremely angry and laughed:

“The great authority of Taoist friends.”

“I can’t speak of majesty. If you don’t want to, then your journey will end here today. It’s not easy for you to practice so far.”

The old man’s expression was calm, and his movements showed strong confidence.

“You know, your actions are tantamount to Li Long grabbing a pearl…”

Emperor Yuan raised his battle ax again, a cold light bursting out of his eyes:

“There is a way to die!”

As soon as Emperor Yuan finished speaking, the gray-haired old man turned around, and the glow surged behind him. When his eyes opened and closed, divine light overflowed, burning with blazing law energy:

“Junior, you are digging your own grave!”

He suddenly took action, and the terrifying power instantly exploded in the starry sky. His fist split thousands of miles of galaxies, and the energy of destruction swept across all directions.

“This emperor will crush you to ashes, so you won’t need a grave!”

Emperor Yuan let out a sharp roar, and the battle ax collapsed into the void. With great power, it struck at the gray-haired old man, crushing countless stars along the way.


The majestic chaotic energy exploded, and the starry sky shattered.

The power of the Supreme Battle is unimaginable, and as soon as it starts, it will almost completely destroy the starry sky.

“If you are stubborn, I will kill you today, and then I will collect Qiongluo!”

The old man spoke in a cold voice, reached out and took out a black war spear, with a shocking murderous intention entwined on the tip of the spear.

Emperor Yuan stopped talking, and the monstrous blood energy fluctuations belonging to the Supreme roared. The battle ax shone with a dazzling red light. The stars in the distance exploded one after another before the ax blade moved…

The fierce battle in the starry sky affected the Qingluo Realm. Countless star fragments smashed down and turned into meteorites, destroying countless cities and villages. Many of the invading cavalry also lost their lives under the meteorites.

The weak ripples of the Supreme War are enough to cause catastrophe to the creatures on the ground.

But the meteorites that landed one after another did not affect the intensifying war on the ground at all.

Countless ferocious beasts emerged from the mountains,

Shi Lan quietly immersed himself in his journey, taking advantage of the chaos and self-destruction of the city to collect the rune stones left behind to feed the extremely talisman in his soul.

The right way is to improve her strength as quickly as possible. Every time she gets stronger, she has more hope of escaping safely.

“Another Supreme One has arrived.”

Samsara sensed the battle in the outer starry sky and felt even more uneasy.

For Shi Lan, the best ending is for these two supreme beings to die together.

But there is no one who can practice to the level of the Supreme. This possibility is extremely slim.

But if the supreme leader of the Reincarnation Hall is beheaded, the possibility of Shi Lan escaping unharmed will undoubtedly increase a lot.


Before Shi Lan could reply, there was a loud noise, and the void suddenly exploded, squeezing her out of the space channel.


More than twenty wild warriors surrounded her. The leader was carrying a bloody halberd. He had no intention of talking nonsense with Shi Lan. He thundered and shot with murderous intent.

Shi Lan’s eyes were cold, his expression was calm, his energy and blood surged, and he directly launched the red black war halberd, and the light of the halberd swept in all directions.


More than ten cavalrymen were chopped up on the spot, with blood and flesh splattering everywhere. In the blink of an eye, less than ten cavalrymen were left.

The leader’s halberd shook violently in his hand, and there was a striking break mark on the halberd blade, which was shocking.

Shi Lan followed closely, not giving the remaining people any chance to breathe, and waved the black halberd in his hand again.

She was like a war fairy, with her long hair fluttering and her eyes filled with cold electricity.


The earth cracked, and the light of the halberd seemed to shock the entire world. The continent with a radius of hundreds of miles exploded instantly. The remaining iron cavalry had no resistance at all. They were killed instantly, and the wild beasts under them were turned into blood and mud. .

“These people should have sensed my presence, otherwise with the strength of these people, they would never have discovered you.”

Samsara spoke in a low voice:

“Shi Lan, untie the binding. Without me, maybe you still have a chance to escape.”

While he was talking, the figure of the cavalry appeared again on the horizon in the distance.

Shi Lan put away his halberd, gathered up his slightly messy hair, reached out his hand, and smoothed the violent energy fluctuations between heaven and earth. He raised his legs and took a step forward. He was already a hundred miles away.

She did not open the space channel again, but teleported on her way.

Although teleportation is much slower than space passages that can easily span tens or millions of miles, the location is now easily exposed. In the space passage, one has no sense of the outside world and is easily ambushed. Relatively speaking, it is much safer.

“There are special means in the Reincarnation Hall that can sense my presence. Being with me will only increase the risk of exposure.”

Seeing that Shi Lan had no intention of paying attention to it, Samsara became a little anxious.

“Shut up.”

Shi Lan’s eyes were cold, and he raised his eyes and glanced behind him. Some of the cavalry were already biting them like hyenas that had smelled the meat.

“What’s scary is that I kill them or be killed by them.”

The speed of Shi Lan’s feet was a little faster, his breathing accelerated slightly, his heartbeat quickened, the sound of blood flowing in his body became clearer, and his fingertips trembled faintly.

Her whole body was almost extremely excited, and the light in her eyes was extremely bright.

“He’s just a Supreme, but he’s not bound to die!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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