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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 440 Everyone goes first

Tens of thousands of miles around were swallowed up by the blazing true fire of the sun. The flames soared and the void melted, turning everything within it into ashes.

Shi Lan was hiding tens of thousands of miles away, taking a deep breath and staring at the center of the flames. Her mission panel did not change at all, that person was not dead yet!

It was beyond her expectation that a tool with such terrifying lethality failed to kill the already exhausted man in silver armor.

A figure staggered out of the blazing real fire, its entire body charred black, its silver soft armor no longer as bright as before, and traces of charred cracks appeared.

His eyes were fixed on Shi Lan’s direction, with no expression visible on his torn face, and his eyes were cold.


Shi Lan put the World-Destroying Divine Thunder into his palm, and when he was about to activate his back hand, a clear and long cry sounded again.

The red ferocious bird went away and came back again, opening its mouth and sucking in, like a whale swallowing water from the sea, swallowing all the true sun fire scattered around into its belly.

Its feathers stretched instantly, its scarred body also showed signs of recovery, and the light of the runes flourished.


The monstrous true fire went and came back again, sweeping across the sky.

This fierce bird is too terrifying in the realm of the fire element. It already has some of the true meaning of Suzaku. The real fire it spits out at this moment is three points more domineering than the real sun fire just now.

The man in silver armor was already at the end of his game, and suffered heavy losses one after another. In front of the divine flames that were comparable to the explosion of the stellar sun, he retreated steadily and was surrounded by dangers.


When the man in silver armor was tired of dealing with the continuous fire, a shrill wind howl suddenly sounded in his ears.

A black halberd appeared in his peripheral vision, its sharp edge almost tearing his pupils apart.

Seeing Shi Lan’s figure in the distance through the light of the halberd, the man in silver armor was extremely frightened and angry.

He never expected that an ant with such low strength would have the courage to attack him.

‘How dare she? ! ’

The timing of the halberd’s attack was extremely tricky and there was no way to avoid it. The man in silver armor could only raise his arms to resist.

The sharpness of the halberd blade far exceeded his expectations, and the soft armor wrapped around his arm was instantly pierced, almost cutting off his forearm.

Shi Lan recalled the Red Crow Halberd. The blade of the halberd was red and trembling slowly, and the spirit of the weapon was almost revived.

In Shi Lan’s hands, it was the first time it drank the blood of an eighth-level creature, and it seemed extremely excited.

The flame runes in the air shone brightly, and the red ferocious bird stepped up its offensive, forcing back the silver-armored man who wanted to attack Shi Lan.

Shi Lan did not miss the opportunity and took action again without any hesitation. The increasingly terrifying halberd flew into the air and streaked across the sky like black thunder.

The pressure brought by the red ferocious bird became even greater, and with Shi Lan’s constant harassment, the silver-armored man, who was already at the end of his strength, was unable to continue.


The extremely angry man in silver armor coughed out a mouthful of blood, resisted the real fire, and suddenly rushed a short distance in the direction of Shi Lan. The murderous intent in his eyes was blazing, and a ray of light suddenly flashed above the broken body.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, like thunder on the ground, and a ball of pale golden flames caught Shi Lan’s eyes.

The man in silver armor exploded in mid-air, with flames soaring into the sky. The majestic air wave was like a heavy hammer, pushing Shi Lan thousands of miles away and piercing countless mountains and rivers one after another.


Shi Lan crawled out from the rubble with a disgraceful face. Apart from being slightly embarrassed and with surging energy and blood, he did not suffer any trauma.

After coming back to his senses, Shi Lan opened the system panel and saw that the progress of the task was completed, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The fierce wind swept across, and the red ferocious bird retracted its wings and settled beside Shi Lan. Her face was reflected in its pale golden pupils.

“Thank you.”

The crisp sound sounded in Shi Lan’s ears, like beads rolling on a jade plate, which was extremely pleasant.

“My name is Chi Junyu.”

“No need to thank me, my name is Shi Lan.”

Shi Lan shook his head. If she hadn’t taken action, she would most likely be the one who died now. In a head-on encounter, she didn’t think she would have a chance to use those props.

The power of the eighth level was still somewhat beyond her expectations.

“Qiongluo is very dangerous right now. If you can leave… leave quickly.”

Chi Junyu had already seen that Shi Lan was not from the Qiongluo Realm, but he didn’t care. After saying that, he spread his wings and prepared to leave.

Nowadays, Qiongluo is full of wars. It has no time to waste and has to go elsewhere to defend itself against foreign enemies.


Shi Lan stopped Chi Junyu, his eyes flickered slightly, and an idea came to his mind.

“Take me with you, maybe I can help you.”

Red Junyu is undoubtedly a very powerful thug. With its support, he may be able to kill a few more eighth-level monsters. The reward for this mission will definitely be high.


Extraterrestrial sky.

Several star fields were penetrated, and the universe was in a mess. The supreme blood was floating in the starry sky, exuding a strong pressure, and the law and rhythm were wailing, all of which showed how terrifying the previous supreme battle was. .

There are only six supreme auras left in the starry sky, all belonging to the Samsara Palace.

With six against five, they already had the upper hand in terms of numbers. In addition, among the supreme beings who came to the Samsara Palace on this trip, except for one Yang Zun who was a newcomer, most of the others had been enlightened for a long time and had profound knowledge.

Although they won, there was not much joy on the faces of the few people. The Supreme had too many life-saving cards. Even if they had the advantage, they could not save even one person in the end, which was like a wasted battle.

Without external enemies, the six supreme beings were clearly separated and divided into three parties. Standing beside Emperor Yuan were two supreme beings. In addition to Yun Sheng, there was also a young man in black robes. The Yin and Yang figures loomed in his eyes, which was mysterious and unpredictable.

The Giant Spirit King stood in the distance, playing with a few stars with his fingertips. Beside him, stood a middle-aged man in a dragon robe, exuding indescribable nobility.

On the last side, there is only Yang Zun. He is the new Supreme, and his relationship with these veteran powerful men is still shallow. The forces behind Emperor Yuan and the Giant Spirit King are not simple. It is not easy to stand in any team at this moment. He can only stand alone. .

“We’ll enter the boundary first and prepare to send Qiongluo back to the palace. If those few people get away, reinforcements will be called in if they don’t know. Then it will be another fierce battle.”

Seeing that several people were silent for a long time, Yun Sheng spoke first to smooth things over.

Yun Sheng had a special status. Although he was standing beside Emperor Yuan, the Giant Spirit King did not have much ill will towards him and just nodded slowly.

The rest of the people had no objections. Yang Zun was about to go along with the situation when he suddenly remembered Mr. Dongfang’s reminder and fell into deep thought for a while.

If the hexagrams at that time were correct, then the Supreme Being would definitely fall in this battle, but it has obviously not happened yet, and things are going extremely smoothly…

After a few breaths, he made up his mind, looked at the other five supreme beings, and said solemnly:

“Everyone, take a step forward. I am stationed here. If any enemies come, I can still resist them.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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