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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 443 Fall

Shi Lan looked up at the cyan giant in front of him, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Her cultivation has grown fast enough, but she still has no power to fight back against an opponent of this level.

She is still far away from the supreme realm.


Sensing the ridicule in the Giant Spirit King’s eyes, Shi Lan suddenly smiled:

“How many years have you spent in practice so far?”

“This king has been enlightened for tens of thousands of years.”

Such a question made the Giant Spirit King seem a little emotional. He looked down at Shi Lan with a penetrating compassion in his tone:

“Perhaps you once thought that you were the pride of heaven, selected by the system, destined to be extraordinary in this life, but in fact you are just an ordinary person who was taken advantage of, which is sad…”

He originally thought that these words would make the ants in front of him look shaken or in disbelief.

But to his surprise, Shi Lan’s face remained calm and his smile did not diminish:

“Under the law of heaven, all people in the world are mortal, and you and I are common people. But if I were the same age as you, I would kill you like a pig or a dog.”

The smile at the corner of the giant spirit king’s mouth suddenly disappeared, and the light in his eyes surged, obviously he was irritated.


The giant cyan palm pressed down like a mountain, and the void collapsed instantly.

Shi Lan did not move at all, nor did he open the space-time channel. The Sword Emperor Dao Fruit in the Consciousness Sea was trembling, and a familiar Qi machine appeared in the sky above his head.


A ray of sword light fell from the sky, and the killing opportunity of the sword energy filled the entire world. The laws were clanging, sonorous like dragons roaring and tigers roaring.

The sun and moon faded, leaving only a bright sword light. This sword seemed to be not of this world, cutting off time and space.


The giant cyan palm was broken at the wrist, and the blood of the Supreme Being was poured out like a heavy rain.

There is no trace of blood in the world, but it is filled with strange fragrance. The vitality is rising like crazy. Countless spiritual treasures and medicines break out of the ground, bathed in the blood of the Supreme, exuding a soft glow.

The power in the Supreme body is too terrifying, and the blood contains unimaginable power.


A roar escaped from the Giant Spirit King’s throat, he retreated violently, and raised his eyes to scan the sky.

A gray-robed figure stood in mid-air. He looked like he was in his early twenties, holding a gray sword in his arms. His sword-shaped eyebrows were flying into the temples, and there was no fluctuation in his clear eyes.

Shi Lan, who had already retreated far away, could not help but feel relieved when he saw the figure in the sky.

She had never seen Wuxu since the end of the Boundless Demon Realm. This reunion was completely beyond her expectation. If it weren’t for the Sword Emperor’s Dao Fruit, she would have been trying to open the space-time channel just now.

She wasn’t quite sure about Wuxu’s strength, but the scene in front of her already showed the result. As the imperial weapon sword spirit left behind by the ancient swordsman from Lingyang, his strength had completely surpassed that of ordinary supremes.

“Who are you……”


The giant spirit king had just uttered half of his words when the long gray sword in Wuxu’s hand was unsheathed again, the blade was like autumn water, and time seemed to be flowing on it.

A green divine light flashed, and the Giant Spirit King’s figure suddenly skyrocketed. In an instant, it expanded to hundreds of millions of feet, comparable to the sun and the moon, like a divine king, and its huge shadow enveloped a large area of ​​land.


There was no trace of emotion in Wuxu’s eyes. The sword blade slashed out, piercing through the heaven and earth. The world-destroying thunder exploded in the void, as if the doomsday was coming. The light covered the ages and shocked the past and present.

The sword’s supreme sword fills the entire universe, and the sky-striking sword light is everywhere outside the starry sky.

The overbearing energy blocks the heaven and earth, and the point of the sword is like a king suppressing the world.

The Giant Spirit King stood there blankly, and the mysterious Dao patterns flowing on his body stopped instantly. His eyes were full of horror, his heart was filled with turmoil, and his expression was full of disbelief.

He is the invincible supreme being who has been enlightened for tens of thousands of years and has ruled the universe, but now he has become an ant at the mercy of others, without even the strength to fight back!

This situation is so similar to just now. In an instant, the two poles are reversed!

His eyes were bloodshot, and light flickered in his huge head. His soul was pinned to the spiritual platform by an invisible hand, unable to escape.


The billions of miles of divine body was as brittle as tissue paper in front of the sword blade, and was instantly torn and divided into two halves.


Bloody lightning pierced the sky, and blood rained from the sky.

When the enlightened supreme being falls and the fruit of the Tao disintegrates, there will be visions in heaven and earth, and the scenery will be horrifying.


The moment Wuxu entered the realm, the other four supreme beings on the other side of the continent noticed it.

Sharp fluctuations reverberated in the heaven and earth, and before the supreme beings could react, there was a rain of blood in the sky and the earth.

Among them, the Giant Spirit King was already in the upper echelon of strength. In just two snaps of his fingers, a supreme king fell without even a chance to escape.

How appalling is this?

“Who entered the realm?!”

“Why no warning? What on earth is Yang Fuji doing?!”

The expressions of the four people suddenly became solemn. The mission given by the Samsara Palace is still in progress. They have no right to refuse. This battle must continue.

“What now?”

Emperor Yuan’s expression was a little ugly. He had always dealt with many supreme beings indifferently before, but now that he was dying, right in front of him, how could he remain calm.

“Kill the Giant Spirit King with two moves. The strength of the attacker has surpassed our level. Either call for help or wait to die!”

Yun Sheng discerned the pros and cons and shook his head:

“I do have some friendship with Shengjun Liuyun, but the price he paid for it is quite high…”

“Survival is the priority, please call for help!”


“Thank you, senior, for your help.”

After glancing at the huge body of the Giant Spirit King, Shi Lan stepped forward and bowed.

“I felt the fluctuation of Guiyun’s Dao Fruit, so I came here.”

Wuxu frowned slightly and explained, with a somewhat puzzled look on his face:

“Why didn’t you accept Guiyun’s inheritance?”

He originally thought that Guiyun’s Dao Fruit had found a suitable successor, so he left Ling Yang with peace of mind.

When Shi Lan broke the long sword he gave him, he felt something in his heart, but he was so busy with things at the time that he couldn’t return to Ling Yang immediately.

Later, the message from the incarnation confirmed that Shi Lan was fine, and he continued to wander in the starry sky.

Until two days ago, Guiyun’s Dao Fruit fluctuations reappeared in the world. He was full of doubts, thinking that Shi Lan had encountered another accident, so he hurriedly put down all his affairs and came with all his strength.

“Emperor Guiyun’s way is not in line with mine.”

Shi Lan shook his head, turned over his hand and took out the Dao Fruit of the Sword Emperor, and presented it to Wuxu.

“Since senior is in front of me today, why not take back the inheritance and choose another candidate.”

This piece of Dao Fruit had no effect even if she held it in her hand, so it was better to return it to its original owner.

Wuxu stared at the small sword in Shi Lan’s hand and remained silent for a long time. After a while, he sighed and looked at Shi Lan.

“Guiyun has chosen you, so naturally you will keep this Taoist fruit…”

As soon as he finished speaking, Wuxu was suddenly startled and said with some disbelief:

“Have you entered the Yuanshen realm?!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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