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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 455 Heavenly Power

[Task settlement completed. 】

[Task rewards are distributed. 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting: two advanced lottery opportunities, and the Zhoutian Star Array. 】

Shi Lan didn’t pay attention to the two high-level draws, but the formation diagram of the Zhoutian Star Formation was extremely extraordinary.

This is a combined formation that integrates the four types of magic formations: ‘killing’, ‘trapping’, ‘defending’, and ‘confusing’. Its power is extremely terrifying.

If the three hundred and sixty-five stars are used as the eyes of the formation, and powerful practitioners are allowed to take charge, it will be enough to burst out the supreme power that subverts the universe.

This includes not only the formation diagram, but also the method of refining the formation flags. If 365 formation flags are refined and the stars are used as the formation eyes, one person can also form an formation and exert some of its power. For today’s For Shi Lan, it is also an extremely powerful means of self-defense.

As for the two high-level draws, she has no urgently needed items now, but she can save them for emergencies.

As Tianyan Sect’s sphere of influence expanded, her reputation soared faster and faster. Shi Lan was interested in accumulating reputation and wanted to try an extreme lottery that could only be activated with one billion reputation points.

With a ceiling of ten stars, it was hard to keep her from being tempted.

After confirming that nothing was missing, Shi Lan walked towards the remaining creatures of the hundreds of races in the Qiongluo Realm.

As soon as Shi Lan arrived outside the gathering place, he saw several rune masters, Chi Junyu and the white tiger.

Obviously, they had expected Shi Lan’s arrival.

Shi Lan had had a relationship with these people before on the sea, but now there were only a few missing, with only five remaining.

“I will set aside an area in the Qiongluo Realm for you to recuperate and keep a rune.”

Looking at the seven people in front of her with combat power equivalent to the level of the Human Emperor, Shi Lan felt a little regretful. If this power could be used for her in the Lingyang Realm, she would be able to pull up an incomparable warrior in a very short time. A powerful force.

Shi Lan will not interfere too much with the development of the Qiongluo Realm. The power in this world, no matter how powerful it is, cannot escape from her palm.

She is now in charge of the way of heaven in this world, and she can treat all the creatures in it equally. After that, she will extradite the disciples of Tianyan Sect into the world. As time goes by, this world will naturally go to where it should go.

Shi Lan climbed up to the sky, looked down at the entire Qianluo Realm, and began to sort out the world.

The mountains, rivers, lakes and seas are squeezed and piled up in an irregular manner, and the dragon veins deep in the earth are entangled in one place, mixed up in no order.


Following Shi Lan’s thought, the vast oceans and lakes in the entire world rose into the sky and flowed backwards into the sky.

Countless giant peaks of rubble were reorganized, the dragon veins deep in the earth were straightened out one by one by invisible giant hands, and the mountains of corpses were pressed into the ground. The remaining energy in them, after countless years, will eventually turn into spiritual treasures and be reborn. Return to heaven and earth.


A divine light flashed from Shi Lan’s eyes. As her sight moved, the earth sank, revealing rivers, valleys, and finally the mouth of the sea.


Endless torrents pour down, from streams to rivers, and from rivers to seas. A continent millions of miles across is separated by itself, serving as a breeding and habitat for the remaining creatures in the Qiongluo Realm.

During the leisure time of reorganizing the world, Shi Lan’s eyes turned slightly, and he suddenly became a little playful. He extracted tens of thousands of spiritual lights from the storage magic weapons left by the army of the Palace of Samsara, and hid them in rivers, lakes, seas, mountains and deep ravines. among.

Perhaps one day, these rare treasures will be discovered by chance by someone who is destined to do so.

“Thank you…God.”

All the rune masters were silent for a long time, and finally they all knelt down and worshiped the sky. The white tiger beside them also bowed their heads.

For them, “Shangtian” may be the best title for Shi Lan. As creatures from the Qiongluo Realm, they can’t think of any rebellious thoughts in front of Shi Lan now.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye…

Shi Lan did not have much communication with the creatures in the Qiongluo Realm. After roughly putting the world into order, he returned directly to Ling Yang.

The moment she stepped out of the Qiongluo Realm, an extremely obvious energy locked her, and the calamity cloud reappeared.

The momentum of the thunder disaster this time far exceeded that of the last time.

The black calamity cloud almost completely engulfed the entire Yunyanxing. Before the lightning could move, the earth could not bear the power of the sky and burst into pieces. No matter whether they were traffickers or powerful practitioners, they were all forced to kneel on the ground. .

Shi Lan instantly realized that Jie Yun’s target was her storage bracelet!

To be precise, it is the bloodline left by the six supreme beings in her storage bracelet, as well as the remains of those supreme beings!

The heterogeneous Tao Yun of the Supreme Blood was so obvious that it instantly aroused the vigilance of Lingyang Heavenly Dao and brought about divine punishment.

Not daring to delay, Shi Lan took off the storage bracelet and threw it into the Qiongluo Realm, cutting off the energy.

The calamity clouds in the sky lingered for a long time, and the thunder light disappeared and appeared, repeating for nearly an hour, and then gradually stopped. The heavy power of heaven wandered around, and the suppressed people could not breathe.

For a moment, Shi Lan was a little worried. Ling Yang’s Heavenly Dao was too sharp, and she had some vague doubts. If she was not in the Fantasy Star Territory at the moment, but on the Ling Yang Continent, she might have turned into ashes in an instant.

Tian Bai covered his eyes and lay in the yard with his butt stuck out, his body trembling slightly and his hair standing up uncontrollably.

Monster beasts are undoubtedly more sensitive to the power of heaven, and since they are in the center, it is not surprising to have such a reaction.

Shi Lan stepped forward to pick her up and sent someone to deliver the news to Li Canglan.

In less than half a cup of tea, Li Canglan came to Shi Lan and recounted what happened in the past few days.

The four major royal families headed by the Qin family still handed over invitations to Shi Lan, asking her to come forward to discuss the opening of a branch residence.

The wording on the invitation was extremely polite and there was nothing rude about it.

However, the ancestor of the Qin family who had achieved the King Realm led the Seven Saints of the Qin Clan and the King Realm experts from the other three families, a total of more than 20 people, to hold a gathering on the top of Jinding Mountain. Anyone could go and watch the ceremony. .

Obviously, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the four major royal families have launched such a huge battle. It is menacing and the attackers are evil.

“I won’t cry until I see the coffin.”

With the Qiongluo Realm as the foundation, Shi Lan no longer values ​​Yunyanxing as much as before. In her opinion, the ambiguous attitude of these royal families can only be summed up in four words:


Jinding Mountain is located within a mountain range and is nearly four thousand feet high. It is considered to be one of the highest peaks in the entire Yunyanxing.

On weekdays, when the sun shines brightly, standing on the top of the mountain, you can see all the mountains and seas of golden clouds, just like a fairyland.

Now, the sky is as dark as ink, and the sea of ​​clouds is also dark, adding to the eerie color.

The ancestor of the Qin family sat high on a huge rock, thinking about the calamities that had occurred one after another in the past few days, and felt inexplicably uneasy.

I’m going to work soon, so I don’t have to wait for updates in the past few days. I’ll post them when I’m done.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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