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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 472 Huang Ze

The permeating fragrance is getting stronger and stronger.

In the silent space, any movement would be infinitely amplified, and the only sound left in Shi Lan’s ears was the sound of his own heartbeat.


Suddenly, a sharp look flashed in Shi Lan’s eyes, blood surged, and the red-black war halberd tore through the void and shot towards the woman in red who was lying on the phoenix chair.


The neck of the woman in red suddenly bent to the left, her neck bones twisted, and the war halberd scraped against the side of her neck, but failed to injure her at all.

“Interesting little guy.”

The interested voice echoed in the palace, and the woman in red slowly opened her eyes. The originally dark red pupils were dyed pale gold by an invisible halo.

The moment her eyes opened, the figure of the woman in red disappeared instantly, and the next moment she was standing in front of Shi Lan.

With Shi Lan’s current reaction speed, he didn’t have time to make any move. He recalled the halberd and was completely imprisoned by a golden divine ring.

“Your bloodline is very weird.”

The voice that came out of the woman in red was extremely ethereal, lacking a bit of the flavor of the human world and full of gloom.

She leaned forward, her body slowly floated up, and she raised her head and licked the side of Shi Lan’s neck. Her three-inch spiritual tongue was like a bone-scraping steel knife, instantly cutting off a large piece of flesh and blood.

The clear sound of chewing lingered in Shi Lan’s ears, as if he was savoring it carefully.


“Hmm… the long-lost taste is indeed that of the human race. It has absorbed the blood of the phoenix, and is also mixed with the blood of a powerful creature. It is as sweet as the blood of the ancient gods, but it is actually delicious.”

She licked the corners of her mouth with a look of recollection and a smile on her face.

Shi Lan’s upper body was soaked with blood. The gush of dark purple spiritual blood gradually stopped due to the strong recovery power, and the wound began to heal faintly.

The familiar scene before her eyes evoked some unpleasant memories for Shi Lan, making her eyes darken.

“You are Huang Ze.”

Shi Lan wasn’t asking a question, all the signs were enough to show the identity of the person in front of him.

“This body of yours should have been carefully polished. It has a strong foundation and great talents. It is indeed a fine body.”

Huangze ignored Shi Lan’s words and whispered to himself:

“It’s a pity that the human body and my Dao fruit are incompatible with each other, and it would be unsightly to force the fusion.”

She circled Shi Lan several times, as if weighing, and fell into a long silence.

In the end, she slowly retreated and sat back on the phoenix chair. Her pale golden eyes were filled with a heavy imperial power, and she stared at Shi Lan from above.

“The time has not come yet, and it is inconvenient for me to walk in the world in person. If you are willing to walk in the world like me, I can spare your death today.”

“Then thank you Demon Emperor for your love.”

A sneer escaped from the corner of Shi Lan’s mouth, and her eyes were filled with murderous intent. She was not interested in some of the information from Huang Ze’s mouth.

The demons in the medieval era had no education, and their ferocity was far beyond the comparison of some demon clans in today’s boundless demon realm. Huangze’s words had no credibility at all.

“Little guy, you are still young. There are many secrets in the world that are far beyond your imagination. Ling Yang is just a corner of the universe. In this life, I am destined to transcend it.”

Huangze was not angry, waved his hand to put away the golden divine ring that imprisoned Shi Lan, and said calmly:

“This is a rare honor. I think your talent is extremely rare, and your practice is not easy. This is why I give you a chance.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a pair of blood-colored wings suddenly spread out from Shi Lan’s back, and a spatial vortex appeared in the void behind her.

“Want to burn the small world and fight to the death? It’s so whimsical.”

Huangze supported his chin with one hand and stopped trying to persuade him. A brilliant golden light emitted from his fingertips, and imperial power flowed within it.

“It’s okay, it will satisfy my craving.”

Shi Lan’s ignorance made her a little disinterested.


However, the expected attack did not appear, and the overwhelming rain of blood suddenly fell, filled with thick law energy.

“The essence and blood of the Supreme Being is a rare and powerful supplement. It is my gift to you.”

There was a trace of ridicule in Shi Lan’s eyes, and he attracted the power of heaven and earth from the Qiongluo Realm into his body, and then instantly activated the Burning Spirit Technique, igniting his own life force, and retreated desperately and frantically.

Huangze never expected that Shi Lan would act like this, and was covered in blood by the overwhelming Supreme Essence.

The essence and blood filled with majestic energy exuded an alluring fragrance, and she subconsciously licked it.

“It is indeed the blood of the enlightened…”

The laws in the blood and the energy like the vast ocean cannot be faked, and they are extremely fresh and have not been corroded by time. For her who is now weak, it can be regarded as a great tonic.

Where did the little celestial being get the blood from? While Huang Ze was wondering, the laws in the blood suddenly became vaguely repulsive to the world.

“This is…the supreme being from another world?!”

A somewhat distant term popped up from the depths of his mind. Huangze’s pale golden pupils suddenly shrunk, fear flashed across his face that had always been indifferent, and he let out a sharp roar:

“You bitch, you deserve to die!!”


Outside the golden palace, the dome of the entire world exploded in an instant, and thick clouds of heavenly punishment tribulation emerged layer by layer.

Before the calamity thunder fell, the heavy power of heaven had already crushed the entire sky. The shadow of the slowly rotating sun collapsed, and the entire world fell into boundless darkness. Only the occasional flash of thunder brought A glimmer of light.

“It’s a divine punishment!”

“Retreat quickly!”


All the celestial beings and demons felt their scalps go numb for an instant and lost the courage to continue fighting. They just wished they had lost a few legs and dispersed crazily in all directions.

Nie Lin’an and the others were closest to the golden palace and close to the center of the Heavenly Punishment, and even more souls were at risk.

“Shi Lan is still in the palace!” Tian Xuanjing said.

“I can’t care about that much anymore, let’s go first!” Nie Linan shouted lowly and left without looking back.

Under the thunder tribulation, all space nodes were blocked. Unless the entire void was moved, the only way was to escape quickly. Time was of the essence at this moment.

Taoist Yunzhen walked the fastest. He majored in Yuan Shen Dao and his spiritual sense was the sharpest. He had already noticed the slightest clue of the divine punishment.

This time, the divine punishment was much faster than what Shi Lan experienced last time. Almost in a snap of his fingers, a thunder dragon struck straight down and hit the golden palace.


A layer of formations bearing the mark of the Divine Phoenix suddenly rose from the golden palace and enveloped the entire void.


The formation collapsed at the first touch, and the thunder dragon struck directly at the center of the palace, piercing through the golden palace and the floating island in a snap.

Tian Xuanjing, who had just walked a certain distance, stopped and looked back.

The energy of the thunder was extremely concentrated without any spillage, which made him have a bold idea in his mind.

He quietly took out the Five-Color Divine Sword, approached the floating island, and began to pry up the gold bricks made of Chiming Gold on the ground.

“Why are you still here?!”

The magic circle collapsed, and Shi Lan had an unimpeded path. He broke open the palace gate with one kick and rushed out.

Seeing Tian Xuanjing squatting on the edge of the island, he couldn’t hide his surprise.

Faced with this level of divine punishment, there are still people who dare to stay here without fear of death? !


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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