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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 474 Qinglan

After silently memorizing the Divine Phoenix Immortality Sutra, Qing Lan led the three heavenly demons and walked towards Huang Ze’s body.

The main purpose of Yuhuang’s entry into the world this time was to find the Dao-Destroying Flower.

This kind of strange flower would only grow on the corpses of strong men in the Imperial Realm. Perhaps this kind of strange flower would grow on the remains of Huang Ze.

In addition, Qing Lan also wanted to try to see if he could temper some true blood from the remaining corpses.

Looking at Qinglan’s retreating figure, Tu Shanyuqi looked a little haggard, and the doubts in her eyes became heavier.

Whether it was the terrifying scene of the sun’s collapse or the fall of the sky demon, Qinglan’s expression never fluctuated, as if everything was within her expectation.

This woman who suddenly appeared in the demon realm has too many secrets.


Huangze’s body was not difficult to find, but within half an hour, a black mountain of flesh appeared in Qinglan’s field of vision.

Two heavenly demons from the Divine Phoenix clan have arrived here first and are cleaning the battlefield.

No trace of blood could be felt on the huge corpse, and together with the flesh and bones, they were burned into charcoal by the domineering power of thunder in an instant, and were completely scrapped.

Only a few feathers scattered on the ground occasionally survived and could be used.

Mie Daohua obviously doesn’t have to think about this outcome.

Qing Lan carefully scanned every inch of space, searching for Huang Ze’s energy fluctuations.

After a while, she withdrew her spiritual thoughts and found nothing.

Not far away, two heavenly demons from the Divine Phoenix clan were digging holes to collect the bones of their ancestors.

Qing Lan did not touch the feathers scattered around. She still looked down upon the filthy remains. She took one last look at Huang Ze’s corpse, then jumped into the air and flew towards the sky alone.

Tian Bai is still hiding in the east. Shi Lan can’t get away at the moment, so she has to go look for him.

The Heavenly Demons under the Emperor Yu were still searching nearby unwillingly, trying to find some trace of the Dao Mie Hua.

After searching hard for several days and finding nothing, we could only end in despair.

The remaining body of Huangze has been buried in a deep pit. The two heavenly demons stood quietly by the pit with complicated expressions.

With a newly promoted Demon Emperor and the Divine Phoenix Immortality Sutra, the original Divine Phoenix clan will almost become the biggest winner in this entry.

However, things took a turn for the worse, and most of the middle-aged and young generation were lost, their vitality was severely damaged, and even the Divine Phoenix Immortality Sutra was not replenished.

A gust of dark wind suddenly blew through the void, and a celestial demon felt a sudden chill in his heart. He shivered, and a golden light flashed across the depths of his eyes at high speed.

January passes by in a hurry.


The ground cracked, leaving a wide crack. Shi Lan stepped out, relaxing her muscles and bones. She received a message from the Human Celestial Lord, and Chu Hanzhou was ready to take action to take them back.

After being in seclusion for a period of time, excluding the burning spirit technique that consumed nearly three hundred years of life, the injuries on his physical body have long since recovered.

The Yuan Shen had not been well cultivated to begin with, and he was forced to fight. His injuries became more serious, and it would take a long time to recuperate.

A figure in green clothes stood not far away, with her long hair tied up casually and hanging down past her waist, and her eyes as clear as water were filled with indifference.

Tian Bai kept a certain distance from Qing Lan, standing far away, his fair face stained with some stains, his silver hair was uneven, and the ends of his hair were a little burnt.

She listened to Shi Lan’s words and did not run around. She remained huddled in a mountain range until Huang Ze was executed by Heavenly Punishment and the sky filled with real fire lit up countless mountains, and she was forced to run out.

After walking and stopping along the way and picking up a few fairy medicine plants, Qinglan found them.

Shi Lan looked at Tian Bai and found nothing unusual, then looked at Qing Lan.

It is inevitable that Qinglan will go outside the territory.

Ling Yang does not allow Qing Lan to join forces. If he does not want to die, he must go outside the territory. The only trouble is how the Lan clan will deal with themselves after Qing Lan leaves.

“I want to take the Lan tribe with me.”

Shi Lan, who was meditating, turned her head to look at Qing Lan in a daze. The moment Qing Lan spoke, this idea appeared in her heart.

For a moment, she couldn’t tell whether this idea was hers or Qinglan’s.

The woman in front of him stood quietly, her expression unchanged from beginning to end, wrapped in a dark world, like a porcelain doll that had lost its emotions.

Shaking his head slightly, Shi Lan shook off some absurd thoughts in his mind and began to seriously think about the feasibility of this matter.

In fact, as long as there is a space passage, it is not difficult to take away the Lan clan. The problem is where to send them.

The Middle Thousand World is too small, and the Great Thousand World is a bit troublesome.

That is not one monster with two heads, but a group of millions of monsters.

No matter what world it comes to, this force will have an unparalleled and huge impact on the ecological pattern of that world.

The first problem to face is the rejection of other worlds. Even if those worlds are not as exclusive as Ling Yang, with the emergence of such a large number of other world forces, it is difficult to guarantee that the heavenly laws of these worlds will not have an overreaction.

Entering the Qiongluo Realm and joining the Dao will treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Qinglan is also equivalent to disappearing completely in the Lingyang Realm.

If we hold on to the worst plan, if she falls one day, it will be difficult to preserve the Qiongluo Realm. If Qinglan stays in the Qingluo Realm, this clone will have no meaning at all.

The more he thought about it, the more headache he felt. Shi Lan rubbed his eyebrows. Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind and he asked silently:

“Reincarnation, those great worlds that are transcendent from the vast world, will their heavenly laws exclude foreign creatures?”

“This…probably won’t happen.”

Samsara understood Shi Lan’s thoughts, thought for a moment, and responded:

“The awareness of the way of heaven in this type of world is originally annexed and merged with each other. It has become some kind of alternative collection. It is open to all rivers and is extremely tolerant. However, it spends most of its time sleeping, with certain powerful beings controlling the way of heaven. authority.”

Having said this, Samsara paused for a moment and then said:

“However, in this type of world, the control of source power is extremely strict. Once the world’s source power is lost, it will inevitably alarm the supreme being.”

“Then just don’t touch the source power.”

Shi Lan gradually made up his mind. For a big world that often swallows up other worlds, the sudden appearance of some more creatures should not cause much attention.

The big world is vast enough, at least for a long time, enough for Qinglan to grow.

One day, she will also jump out of the Lingyang Realm. Qinglan will go out first and explore the way for her.

After confirming the idea, all that was left was to implement it. Shi Lan took Tian Bai away and rushed towards the direction where the human race’s heavenly kings were sending messages.

Qinglan stood quietly, looking up at the sky.

The dome of the great world has been completely shattered, the vitality of the heaven and earth is passing away, and there is no starlight visible, it is pure black.

The corners of her mouth slowly raised a slight arc, and a smile appeared unexpectedly in her indifferent eyes.

“I am Qing Lan, the leader of the Lan clan.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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