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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 478 Returning Home

Luan Jia turned into a purple rainbow and headed straight for Zhongtian Territory.

At the moment, Qing Lan is rectifying the Lan clan, which will take a few days. Taking advantage of this gap, Shi Lan wants to go home first.

The time away from home was not long, but the successive twists and turns made her physically and mentally exhausted.

As for the Yu family, Shi Lan did not kill them all. Now she has enough confidence to resist the wind from all directions. It means nothing to her to kill in vain.

She gives these people the opportunity for revenge, and they have to bear the consequences of doing so.

The void around the mansion fell into silence. Killing Tianjun was like searching a bag for something. This was a real pseudo-emperor level combat power.

With this level of combat power rising, Shi Lan has become a figure that cannot be ignored in the vast land of China. Without the Human Emperor, she is already the pinnacle of the first level and can be regarded as the ancestor of a religion.

In a corner of the city, an old man looked at the Middle Heaven Territory from a distance. There was a hint of disillusionment in the starry sky in his eyes. The energy of the Imperial Law was flowing around him, and the mighty force that penetrated the barrier of heaven and earth with his raised hand distorted the void.

Beside him, there were several great masters in the Heavenly Realm.

“Holy Lord, was that…domain next to Shi Lan just now?” A celestial being spoke up and asked softly.

“Yes, it is the prototype of the imperial realm. She already has the foundation to become an emperor.”

The old man nodded slightly, with a hint of sigh in his eyes:

“If I remember correctly, the ancient Linglong Emperor was more than a hundred years old when he became emperor, and his future life was formidable.”

The vast land of China may soon have one more prince.

And he is the youngest prince in the entire ancient history of the human race!


The speed of news transmission has always been extremely fast, and not many people have mentioned the Huangze Mausoleum.

But the news that Shi Lan had entered the Heavenly Realm spread like wildfire.

At the same time, a piece of news shocked the three clans.

The list of geniuses has changed!

The quotas for most of the geniuses have not changed. Shi Lan, who was originally ranked twenty-seventh, has risen all the way to the top of the genius list.

The original Imperial Rakshasa was trampled under his feet.

Compared with the promotion in the rankings, there is an extra message in Shi Lan’s record column, which is even more shocking.

With his cultivation level that had just entered the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, he fought across great realms, went retrograde to defeat immortals, and defeated a demon king who had just entered the Heavenly Tribulation Realm head-on!

Zhongtian Territory, Yisha Mansion, Liuyuan City.

Shi Lan got off the carriage a hundred miles away, without disturbing anyone, and quietly entered the city with Tian Bai, heading home.

There are very few villages and towns in Zhongtian Territory. News about Shi Lan has reached here early. Shi Lan can hear many rumors about her while walking on the road.

After filtering out the complicated information, Shi Lan went straight to the door of Shi Mansion.

The front of the house was a bit deserted and there were no visitors. Apparently no one knew that this place was Shi Lan’s home.

“Eldest…eldest lady.”

When the concierge saw Shi Lan’s figure, he hurriedly ran out. After a hurried salute, he rushed to the house to report.

Shi Lan slowly crossed the threshold. A gust of wind flashed in front of her eyes, and the thick corpse aura hit her face. A purple figure about ten feet tall appeared in front of Shi Lan. It was the thousand-year-old purple figure she had given to her home before going out. stiff.

After a brief glance, Shi Lan found no trace of the battle and walked towards the house.

There were not many servants coming and going in the mansion, and there were only a few maids, making it seem a bit deserted.

Within the main hall.

Shi Tianlu held the latest list in his hand, the joy in his brows gradually disappeared, and a little sadness overflowed in his eyes.

“What are you worried about?”

Su Lanyue on the side noticed something was wrong with Shi Tianlu’s expression and was a little confused.

“The big tree attracts the wind. With such a great reputation, A-Lan can easily become the target of public criticism. Not to mention the threats from the two demon clans, the vast land of China is not necessarily safe.”

Shi Tianlu shook his head slightly and sighed:

“The Shi family is not qualified to be A-Lan’s backing. Instead, it can easily become her weakness, and even become a bargaining chip for others to blackmail her.”

“That’s not what you said before.”

Su Lanyue still remembers that when Shi Lan first appeared on the Tianjiao List, the joy on Shi Tianlu’s face never faded.

“It’s different at this time.”

Shi Tianlu threw the Talent List in his hand on the table:

“The top of the list of Tianjiao is too eye-catching. The one from the Demon Clan was once hunted down by the Human Emperor and the Demon Emperor.”

If the talent is too outstanding, it is very likely to destroy the invisible balance of the three clans, which will lead to drastic changes in the structure of the entire Lingyang Realm, and even the reappearance of the ancient and medieval times.

Humanity is prosperous, or demons are rampant.

Shi Tianlu rose to prominence at a young age and lived in a frontier wilderness. This did not prevent him from seeing clearly the general trend of the world.

The clearer he saw, the more powerless he felt.

Who would have expected that his daughter, who was harmless to both humans and animals, was now under his wing a few years ago and would now be able to run amok in China.

“The eldest lady is back!”

A loud shout came from outside the hall. Shi Tianlu suppressed the sadness on his face and put away the list on the table.

Su Lanyue’s face was filled with joy and she went out to welcome him.

Before Shi Tianlu could walk out of the hall, Su Lanyue had already pulled Shi Lan in.


Seeing that Shi Tianlu looked much better, Shi Lan felt relieved a little. After saying hello, her eyes moved to Su Lanyue beside her and she had some ideas.

Time is ruthless, youth is fleeting, beauty grows old quickly, and time is like quicksand on the fingertips, fleeting.

Shi Tianlu has already entered the Tiangang Realm, and his lifespan of a thousand years is now less than one-tenth. And with Su Lanyue’s cultivation in the Xiantian Realm, his lifespan is only two hundred, which is too short.

With Shi Lan’s current strength, it is easy to help others forcibly improve their skills, but she is unwilling to do so. Reaching the sky in one step is often accompanied by a huge price, which will be harmful to Su Lanyue.

The best strategy is to use elixirs to gradually recuperate, promote cultivation, and warm and nourish the blood.

Shi Tianlu didn’t ask in detail about Shi Lan’s experience outside.

Shi Lan asked about the current situation at home.

Shi Qinghu is not at home now. He has gone out to practice. He will not turn around in the short term. A warrior who has not experienced the blood and rain will hardly become a warrior.

After giving up martial arts and studying literature, Shi Yiming showed talents that were different from ordinary people. He recently entered the Holy Spirit Academy and was highly valued by a great scholar.

In the study, father and daughter sat opposite each other.

“What are your plans for the future?”

Shi Tianlu was silent for a long time, then slowly spoke:

“In terms of cultivation, it is difficult for dad to help you, but your life has just begun. Maybe you can still use some advice.”

“After ascending to the imperial level, I may go outside the territory.”

This idea was not a spur-of-the-moment idea. The shackles of Lingyang were too heavy. As her cultivation level improved, it would be difficult for the help she received from outside the territory to be of use in Lingyang.

For example, after refining those supreme remains in the Qiongluo Realm, her strength will increase by leaps and bounds.

In comparison, there is no doubt that overseas is more suitable for her growth.

Moreover, the previous catastrophe between heaven and man had left a shadow in her heart, and she always felt that the world in Ling Yang wanted to destroy her.

“Outside the territory?”

This answer was somewhat beyond Shi Tianlu’s expectations. This was a path he had never imagined.

Born under this dome, his thinking is also limited here and cannot escape from it.

“I’ll go alone.”

Shi Lan nodded. The risks outside the territory were unclear. She didn’t even dare to connect her family to the Qiongluo Realm.

Once she unexpectedly dies, the Qiongluo Realm will also collapse, and everything will stop.

For her, the Lingyang Realm is a restriction, and for her family, it may be a kind of shelter. With the relationship of King Xuan, it is much safer.

“If you have a plan, just do it.”

Looking at Shi Lan in front of him, Shi Tianlu’s eyes were solemn.

“But there is one thing I hope you will keep in mind.”

“A truly strong man does not need too much affection for his children. No matter what your circumstances are in the future, don’t let your emotions become your shackles and interfere with your judgment.”

Looking at Shi Tianlu’s serious expression, Shi Lan was slightly startled and lowered his head in agreement.

“take note of it.”

After a few days of short rest at home, Shi Lan got a response from Qing Lan’s side.

Through the spatial coordinates, she directly established a spatial passage directly to the ancestral land of the Lan clan.

Shi Lan has obtained the coordinates of the big world from Samsara.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

It’s the end of the year recently, and meetings are becoming more and more frequent. Leaders are habitually ill. Updates may not be stable. You don’t have to wait for updates. Sorry, there is also the issue of water. I really didn’t mean to be watery. I tried to write it as concisely as possible. I’m sorry if it doesn’t look good.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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