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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 480 The Great World of Shenwu

“These are troubled times, and the situation will change. You can also notice that the decline of heaven and earth is accelerating.”

The Demon Emperor was silent for a long time and sighed softly.

The universe is full of temptations for enlightened people, and fewer and fewer enlightened people who have left Ling Yang are willing to come back.

In recent years, except for the emperors of the three clans, Lingyang no longer even allows new enlightened people to appear, and more and more powerful people are stuck in the extreme realm of the emperor.

If not, judging from the demonic forces in the Middle Ages, it would be difficult for the human race to have a chance of victory.

The competition for the Fantasy Star Realm has allowed the human race to gain an additional three points of luck, which may lead to the favor of Heaven and reopen the door to enlightenment.

This was the real reason why Feng Yichuan was targeted by many demon emperors. Feng Yichuan’s standing aside was almost equivalent to giving away the opportunity of enlightenment. Several demon emperors at the extreme emperor level almost hated him to the core.

After hearing what the Demon Emperor said, Feng Yichuan fell into silence.

With Ling Yang’s exclusive nature, he needs to start devouring other worlds to replenish his strength. This is enough to prove how weak the heavenly law has become.

Fear appeared in this world.

“This matter needs an explanation.”

The Demon Emperor did not bother any more and shook his head slightly:

“Going to a foreign battlefield to temporarily hide for a hundred years is considered a punishment to the outside world.”

Feng Yichuan did not speak and silently bowed to accept the order.

“I heard that Qinglan’s appearance is somewhat similar to this emperor?”

“Maybe it’s a coincidence.”

Feng Yichuan’s expression remained unchanged, and Qinglan left the Lingyang Realm, and the specific truth could no longer be explored.

“A sky demon once saw her using the Nine Transformations of the Sky Demon.”

The Demon Emperor tilted his head, half-smiling.

“In the battle of Chengtian Domain, a woman stole my blood with a secret method. At that time, Taishi was in front of me, and I had no time to care, so I allowed her to succeed. It is indeed a coincidence. The appearance of the woman is similar to that of Shi Lan. Somewhat similar.”

Feng Yichuan lowered his head slightly and his pupils involuntarily shrank slightly.

“Being able to draw magical powers and secrets from blood is indeed a gift.”

Seemingly regretful, the Demon Emperor slowly shook his head:

“Unfortunately, it’s the human race.”

The Demon Emperor’s words made Feng Yichuan feel more and more depressed, and his heartbeat could not help but become somewhat disordered.

“Maybe it’s just a coincidence as you said.”

Feng Yichuan suddenly raised his head, and the figure of Demon Emperor Chen Xin had disappeared into the main hall.

The great world of Shenwu.

The nine-round bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the stars are falling down, swallowing a huge amount of moon essence and earth essence, and the rich vitality of heaven and earth is floating in the void.

Even ordinary spiritual grass can channel spirits and transform into monsters on its own after many years in this world.

Countless big stars are floating in the sky, as if they are very close at hand, within reach. From time to time, streams of light will streak across the sky, falling from the big stars to the earth, or rising into the sky from all over the world and sinking into the layers. Between the stars.

Five hundred thousand Lan clan monsters suddenly appeared in a mountain range, startling countless birds and beasts.

Terrifying divine energy is surging, and the changes brought about by the upgrading of the world have caused the power of countless monsters to skyrocket. The shackles of the world have disappeared without a trace. Coupled with the massive replenishment of heaven and earth energy, the power of the entire Lan clan has jumped up.

Hundreds of Tiangang realm monsters can sense the existence of the sea of ​​consciousness in just a few breaths. As long as they accumulate enough and gather their spiritual thoughts, they can enter the realm of the transformed demon king.

The rapidly growing strength in her body made Cang Yue’s eyes overflow with joy.

It has not been long since he entered the Yuanshen Realm, but now he has touched the barrier of the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm. This speed of entry gives him the possibility of entering the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Going forward, he no longer dared to think about it.

Beside Cang Yue, stood a red-haired man in blood-clothed clothes. He was none other than Chi Xun, another primordial spirit demon who followed Qing Lan.

Chi Xun’s strength is much stronger than Cang Yue’s. He has already entered the middle stage of the Yuan Shen Realm. At this moment, he is rapidly approaching the late stage of the Yuan Shen Realm, and his breakthrough is also imminent.

Qing Lan scanned the world in front of her, her eyes shining brightly. This world was very vast, even enough for her to aspire to the top of the Immortal Dao.

After looking around, Qing Lan directly took out the ancestral blood pool of the Lan clan and placed it in the middle of the entire mountain range. The mountain range they were in at the moment was considered a good spiritual land in the Lingyang Realm. Within that time, it was enough for the Lan clan to settle down.

Qing Lan had just set up the ancestral blood pool less than half a day ago, and before he had time to set up the magic circle, two figures cut across the sky and hovered over the Lan Clan’s headquarters.

One person was wearing a robe with dark patterns on a black background and a hat on his head. He was about forty years old and had a sense of grace. Behind him was an attendant with a sword. He was wearing an arowana suit with a blue background and gold threads, exuding a somewhat domineering air.

Without letting Qing Lan come forward directly, Cang Yue took Chi Xun up first and came to the two of them.

“Where are you from? Do you know that this place is under the jurisdiction of our Tianyun Dynasty?!”

Before Cang Yue could speak, the sword-carrying attendant shouted and asked. His voice was like a thunderous explosion, reverberating in the sky with a powerful pressure.

Cang Yue’s silver hair shawls, his narrow eyes slightly narrowed, with a faint flash of fierceness. He is a big demon who runs rampant in the demon realm, and his temper is naturally not gentle. He is just a little more submissive in front of Qing Lan.

Chi Xun’s expression on the side has turned cold, his long red hair is gently moving in the wind, and his demonic power has begun to operate.

“Yan Pan must not be rude!”

The forty-year-old man in the lead turned his head and scolded him in a low voice. When he turned around, his face was filled with a gentle smile and he was approachable:

“Looking at your appearance, have you just arrived in the world of Shenwu?”

Facing the man’s temptation, Cang Yue had no reaction. The person who spoke first, as the man’s attendant, could not have spoken first without the man’s tacit consent, and also spoke like this.

Such behavior is obviously a display of power.

Although he has been in the Demon Realm for a long time and has never experienced much intrigue, Cang Yue has lived for a long time after all, and this extremely simple trick cannot escape his eyes.

As the matter concerned the Lan clan, Cang Yue could no longer make her own decisions, so she secretly sent a message to Qing Lan.

In the past half day, Qinglan has quietly gone out. She has the magical power of soul-eating. It couldn’t be easier for her to get some information from the depths of the souls of some creatures.

The worlds that Shenwu Great World annexed in a year ranged in size from one thousand to five hundred. From time to time, there would be some aborigines from other worlds who came to this continent to wander for various reasons.

For this kind of creatures, if there is a strong person in charge, they will be recruited by many dynasties or powerful forces. Otherwise, most of them will be reduced to labor slaves in the mines, free coolies, or reduced to prostitutes, making fun of the world.

Undoubtedly, although the world is different, the taste of the law of the jungle has not changed at all. The law of the jungle will never go out of style.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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