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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 49 Battle Armor (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 49 Battle Armor (please vote for recommendation~)

As long as the total number of people boarding the Yunxiao Treasure Ship remains unchanged, Nie Yangze doesn’t care who the quota belongs to.

“This time’s bounty combined with my past savings can bring together 20,000 gold. I would like to exchange the 20,000 gold with Brother Shi for this spot.” Jiang Li tentatively said.

Shi Lan didn’t speak, just shook her head. Gold and silver were of no use to her now.

Jiang Li didn’t feel disappointed, he was just asking tentatively.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Li took out a brochure bag from his arms and placed it in front of Shi Lan, “Twenty thousand gold, plus these.”

Shi Lan picked up the kit and it was quite valuable.

Inside the kit are three crystal-clear stones, all the size of a baby’s fist.

“This is?”

“This is spiritual crystal, a hard currency that only circulates among warriors above the Xiantian realm. Although these three are only low-grade spiritual crystals, one can be exchanged for at least seven or eight thousand gold.” Jiang Li’s eyes flashed with a hint of physical pain.

These three spiritual crystals were originally intended to be kept by him to attack the innate realm, and it took a lot of effort to get them into his hands.

As if he was afraid that Shi Lan would not agree, Jiang Li then added: “Your injured friend boarding the ship alone will definitely have a lot of inconvenience. My wife can also take care of her on the way.”

Shi Lan rubbed the spiritual crystals in his hand, and with a look on his face, he nodded, “I will accept these three spiritual crystals. Forget about the 20,000 gold, keep them for your family.”

Jiang Li took a deep breath, stood up and bowed, “Thank you!”

Jiang Li did not stay long and left soon.

After Jiang Li left, Shi Lan closed the door tightly, held the spiritual crystal in his palm, sat cross-legged on the ground, and started the jade forging technique.

When she came into contact with the spiritual crystal, the forged jade in her body suddenly reacted, and she agreed to Jiang Li’s request.

As soon as the Forged Jade Technique was activated, a stream of cool air surged out from the spiritual crystal in her palm and flowed into her body. This stream of air felt different from the previous sensations of refining medicinal materials or the flesh and blood of monsters.

Transparent, pure and refreshing.

Moisturized by this burst of cool air, Shi Lan’s body strength began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was much stronger than the effects of medicinal materials or monster flesh and blood.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the cool air flowing out of my palm became less and less, and eventually there was no trace left.

Shi Lan slowly opened his eyes, and a stream of white air came out of his mouth, like a horse, shooting out for nearly three feet before slowly dissipating.

Shi Lan felt unexpectedly relaxed at the moment. In the past, she would always feel hungry after practicing the Jade Art, but this time she didn’t feel hungry at all, and her whole body felt full.

Glancing down, he saw that the originally crystal clear spirit crystal in his palm had turned grayish-white, and was obviously no longer usable.

He raised his head and glanced at the already dark sky. Nearly two hours had passed since the training session just now.

In just two hours, Shi Lan’s physical strength increased a lot, and he could almost faintly touch the barrier of the eighth level of the Body Tempering Realm. His progress was astonishing.

Suddenly, Shi Lan felt the wound on his left arm itching. He couldn’t help but remove the fine cloth that wrapped the wound. The wound became much shallower and was not far from being completely healed.

Shi Lan suddenly remembered what Jiang Li said before. This spiritual crystal can be exchanged for at least seven or eight thousand gold…

My heart suddenly twitched, seven or eight thousand gold, how much is this?

Seven or eight thousand gold was spent in two hours, which even the gold mine at home would not be able to withstand.

Looking at the only two spiritual crystals left, Shi Lan fell into deep thought for a moment.


A knock on the door interrupted Shi Lan’s thoughts. Shi Lan stood up, lit the candle, and opened the door.

It was Huangfu Yun who stood outside the door.

Huangfu Yun held a wooden box in his hand and asked, “Is it convenient to go in?”

Shi Lan turned sideways and gave way, “Please come in.”

Huangfu Yun walked into the room and put the wooden box in his hand on the table.

“The women in the demon-suppressing army form their own battalion, and most of the time they operate separately from other departments. There were no female soldiers who retreated with our army at the beginning, so there are currently no women’s armors in Shuangyue City. Fortunately, you have a good figure He is tall and can be worn by ordinary men in battle armor.”

Huangfu Yun opened the wooden box as he spoke, and a pair of dark battle armor lay quietly in the wooden box.

There is an obvious crack on the front chest of the armor. Although it has been repaired, it can still be seen that it is a tooth mark.

“This armor was taken from my dead comrade. In the current situation, there is no way to make a new armor. I can only repair it and use it again. Let’s make do with it. The demon-suppressing army’s battle armor The armor is made of black iron that has been refined for more than a hundred times, so it can resist the minions of ordinary monsters.”

After Huangfu Yun finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Shi Lan called out to stop him.

“Centurion, I would like to ask, is there any healing elixir in the current city lord’s palace?”

Huangfu Yun was not surprised at all when he heard Shi Lan’s question. He had already learned that Shi Lan entered the city lord’s mansion with an injured person.

“Where are the people you brought?”

Shi Lan was stunned for a moment, then pointed inside.

Huangfu Yun walked into the inner room and saw Shi Feng lying on the bed. He strode to the bed and reached out to grab Shi Feng’s wrist.

Shi Lan followed in and stood aside.

After some investigation, Huangfu Yun’s eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and he said with a little surprise: “Young people are terrible, Shi Lan, who are you?”

“This is…my brother.”

“Although your brother’s injury is serious, it does not threaten his life. He will recover slowly after boarding the Yunxiao Treasure Ship and arriving at the territory of the Shengwu Immortal Sect.”

“Nowadays, various supplies are in short supply in Shuangyue City, especially elixirs for healing, so… I hope you can understand.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan nodded, “I understand, thank you Centurion.”

Huangfu Yun came to the outside room, and before leaving the house, he turned around and said, “If you have any other needs, just tell me, I will help you if I can do it.”

Shi Lan thanked him again.

After closing the door tightly, Shi Lan took out the armor from the wooden box. The armor was very heavy. It weighed at least more than two hundred kilograms. For ordinary people, it would be difficult to even move if they put it on. But for today For Shi Lan, it is no longer a big problem.

He put the heavy armor on his body, locked the joints of the armor pieces, and moved a little. After adapting to the weight of the armor, Shi Lan put the helmet with the mask on top of his head.

The cold mask pressed against her cheek, bringing a bone-chilling chill.

After putting on the helmet, Shi Lan faintly smelled a vague smell of blood. It was very faint, but mixed with the iron smell of the armor itself, making it impossible to ignore.

She walked to the inner mirror and stood in front of it. The person in the mirror was no different from the black-armored soldiers she had seen before. The same armor gave people the same cold feeling.

Thanks to Chu Heng* for the dream sacrifice and the reward from the smiling book friends of the Puppet. Also, even though I’m just a seasoned fish, I really want recommendation votes~


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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