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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 494 Source Power

“The demon emperor’s essence blood…”

The girl fell into silence and sighed for a while.

“If you encounter the Demon Emperor, the fact that you can escape with your life is all due to the merits of your ancestors.”

Even the demon-suppressing generals who command tens of millions of demon-suppressing troops dare not say that they can kill a demon emperor in the demon realm and take his essence and blood, especially when the relationship between the two clans is so tense. of the moment.

Shi Qinghu stopped talking and silently dragged the predator forward slowly.

After working hard outside for so long, he is no longer as impetuous as before, and he is not willing to bother arguing with others.

Before the evil disaster came out, his goal in this life was just to become an earthly evil warrior like his father, guarding a city and covering a thousand miles.

But now, his horizons have been opened, and he is no longer limited to a corner of the world. Sister A has reshaped the Daoji for him, which is equivalent to giving him a chance to reverse his fate in this life.

If he can’t make a breakthrough in the world again, he will be a man of the Shi family in vain.



The great world of Shenwu, the northern domain of the Great Meng Holy Court.

A dark demon cloud streaked across the sky, with more than a hundred demon kings incarnation protecting Qing Lan in the middle, and they flew towards the ancestral land of the Lan tribe at high speed.

Qing Lan sat in the middle of the demon cloud with a pale face. There was a huge hole in her heart. Her heart had been completely torn into pieces. The arrow energy was raging near the wound and it never healed. If her body was not a green lotus, this arrow would have Completely kill her body.

The performance of the Lan clan on the battlefield was so eye-catching that it had already attracted the attention of the Tianyun Dynasty. In order to kill her, the Tianyun Dynasty even directly dispatched an eighth-level marksman. Fortunately, the Dameng Holy Court also had strong men. Supporting her from the sidelines solved her fatal situation.

For the rest of her life, Qing Lan didn’t feel much joy in her heart. After being shot by a divine arrow that day, she cut off contact with Shi Lan.

Logically speaking, this is a good thing for her, but in this way, all information about Shi Lan becomes unknown to her, and she doesn’t like this feeling very much.

Thinking of this, she ignored the hollowness in her heart and summoned Cang Yue and several new Yuanshen Great Demons.

“After returning home, prepare to migrate immediately.”

“Where to move? I’m afraid your injury makes it difficult for you to move.”

Cang Yue was slightly stunned. The Lan tribe had finally adapted to the environment. If they migrated, they would have to start all over again. Moreover, Qing Lan’s injuries were so serious. If they encountered a strong enemy during the migration, the consequences would be disastrous.

“The further away from here the better!”

Qing Lan has made up her mind. If one day, she wakes up from seclusion and opens her eyes, Shi Lan is standing in front of her. What a terrifying thing it will be.

Her character is very similar to Shi Lan, and she is even more insecure than Shi Lan.



In the Qiongluo Realm, Tianyan Sect is stationed.

Within the Cave Heaven Paradise, Shi Lan’s whole body was immersed in the spiritual pool. Above his head, the completely purified World Source Crystal was slowly rising and falling.

Wisps of source power flowed out of the source crystal and merged into her limbs.

The moment the source power entered his body, Shi Lan was keenly aware of the changes in his body. His body, which had been strengthened to a certain limit, began a new round of transformation again.

Under the nourishment of the source power, her physical strength began to skyrocket at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if there would be no end.

This transformation has no obstacles and no bottlenecks.

In the source crystal, in addition to the source power, there is also a very special energy that not only nourishes her physical body, but also her soul feels a rare sense of comfort.

At this moment, Shi Lan seemed to be integrated with the entire universe. All the distracting thoughts and worries in her heart were washed away, and she entered into the unity of heaven and man. Even her own existence was almost forgotten, and the whole person fell into a state of ’emptiness’. state.

This feeling was so wonderful that Shi Lan almost ignored the passage of time. It was not until the source of power flowing from her head was interrupted that she gradually regained some consciousness.

The World Source Crystal above her head has disappeared without a trace, completely integrated into her body, and her physical body has completely completed its transformation.

At this moment, even if she doesn’t use her soul, she can use her physical body to destroy the small world with one punch and kill the ninth-level perfection of the Heavenly Realm.

After absorbing the World Source Crystal, she seemed to have an extra space in her body, enough to accommodate nearly three times the previous amount of true energy.

“No wonder those forces are so thirsty for source power. This feeling of increasing power without any hindrance is so wonderful. Reincarnation, does this kind of power only exist in many worlds? Can people live forever?”

Shi Lan stared at his palm and asked in a low voice.

If it were the core of the Great Thousand World, I don’t know what kind of strange power it would contain. It might be able to directly push her into the imperial level, or even higher.

“In addition to the world, other places may exist, such as the underworld, but I have never been to that place. Source power is the basis for the existence of all things. If the source power is sufficient, you can naturally achieve eternal life.”

Samsara is very familiar with source power, and what the forces in the heavens and worlds are fighting for is nothing more than this thing.

“Now that you have the Qiongluo Realm in your hands, even if your lifespan is exhausted, as long as the source power of the Qiongluo Realm has not been exhausted, you can continue to survive.”

With a vast world in his hands, some weaker Supremes do not have this opportunity. In this regard, Shi Lan is already at the forefront of the universe.

“I originally thought that my physical body had reached its limit, but now it seems that it is still far away.”

Shi Lan stopped thinking about it and stood up from the pool. The spiritual liquid slid down his legs and feet. In a moment, his smooth body was covered with a layer of robes.

“Help me choose a suitable world. I want to start polishing my own blood again.”

True Yuan is limited by her cultivation. Even if she reaches the peak of the Heavenly Realm, the growth of True Yuan is still very limited. It is better to focus on the physical body and Yuan Shen. Yuan Shen is nourished by the seal of the Supreme Dao, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being. , in the end only the physical body is left.

“There are not many worlds like the Qiongluo Realm. Most of the great worlds have supreme first-level experts. You have to be prepared.”

Samsara reminded aloud that there are only a few in the vast world without the Supreme Being. Even in the Qiongluo Realm, there was still a Supreme Being tens of thousands of years ago. If the power of the Heavenly Dao was not too weak, the Qiongluo Realm would not have fallen to this point. .

“It’s okay, just be careful.”

Shi Lan shook her head slightly. She now had four emperor-level warriors beside her. As long as she avoided the supreme-level figures, she should not encounter any danger.

Samsara didn’t speak again, this was just a reminder.

In order to meet Shi Lan’s requirements, it looked back on the past, listed the coordinates of the past world one by one, combined with the system data, and started screening.


A few hours later, a message came into Shi Lan’s mind.

[Information parsing…]

[The analysis is completed and the coordinates of the world x1 are found. 】

I’m a little tired after riding for a long time today. There’s only one update left. Dear book friends, take a rest early and pay attention to your health.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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