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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 497 The sky is dead

Facing Zhang Fei’s inquiry, Liu Bei did not speak for a while, glanced at Shi Lan, and changed the subject.

“Miss Shi Lan has a good cultivation level. I wonder which master in the world she studied under?”

“I came from overseas, and my master is not visible in Kyushu. I am traveling around Kyushu this time just to hone my martial arts.”

Faced with this kind of inquiry, Shi Lan had already made preparations and thought of the wording. In this world, there are countless fairy mountains and islands overseas, and some masters are cultivators. It is normal. Moreover, her background in Kyushu is It was completely blank. Even if Liu Bei went to check it, he would not be able to find any traces.

Nothing was found, so there was no way to prove that her words were false.

Faced with this answer, Liu Bei smiled faintly, not knowing whether he believed it or not. He did not ask further questions, but turned around and asked again:

“I wonder if the girl has ever been married?”


A question mark popped up in Shi Lan’s mind, and his brows furrowed slightly. It was obviously rude to ask such a question when they first met.

“Girl, please don’t misunderstand me.”

Liu Bei shook his head slightly, and the smile on his face grew thicker:

“Although the dogs in the family are not said to be the best among men, they do have some extraordinary qualities. They have never married. If you don’t dislike them, you can pass them by and see if they suit your liking.”

“I have good intentions, but I have no plans to start a family.”

Shi Lan’s expression faded, and he obviously didn’t want to talk more about this matter.

“The first time we met was in Xiameng Lang.”

Liu Bei laughed, walked down the jade steps, took out a gray book from his sleeve, and placed it on the desk in front of Shi Lan.

“If you want to sharpen your martial arts skills, you must gather the leaders of hundreds of schools. This gift should be regarded as an apology just now. I hope you will show your kindness.”

The book is unremarkable, with only the words “Boxing Sutra” on the cover, and there is a light and refreshing atmosphere.

Moving the book in front of him and flipping through two pages, Shi Lan’s eyes flashed slightly. It recorded many changes in boxing techniques, as well as a set of formulas for cultivating Qi. It was equivalent to a general outline of boxing techniques, which was extremely profound.

Moreover, this is the handwriting of a master of martial arts, not a manuscript. It is mixed with a trace of the true meaning of martial arts, which makes it even more precious.

“Thank you Mr. Liu.”

The unhappiness in Shi Lan’s heart dissipated a lot. She came to this world just to improve her strength. She couldn’t refuse this kind of thing.

Zhang Fei glanced outside the hall and said doubtfully:

“Why haven’t I seen my second brother? Where has he gone?”

“That girl from Yinping captured and killed a dragon in Beihai and provoked an old dragon. It was a bit troublesome. Yun Chang went to deal with it. It’s no big deal.”

“After all, they are father and daughter, exactly the same.”

Looking at the two brothers who were talking and laughing, Shi Lan stood up and said goodbye very wisely:

“I still have some personal matters to deal with, so I won’t be here for a while today.”

Some words were obviously not suitable for her to listen to.

After Liu Bei tried to persuade him to stay, he summoned his servant and led Shi Lan out of the house.

“After finishing the work, if you don’t have a place to stay, you can go to the ‘Tianyu Tower’ in the city to stay. It is also my property. If you are free tomorrow, you and I can also exchange martial arts.”

Zhang Fei sent Shi Lan outside the hall, gave instructions, and then turned around and returned to the hall.



“I will take this opportunity to raise an army to put down the rebellion. If I can have some luck in the court, you and I, brothers, will become dragons in one day.”

In the hall, Liu Bei stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes full of ambition. How could a man not have lofty ambitions? As a descendant of the Han royal family, it is obviously unrealistic to say that he has no reverie for the Nine-Five-Year Dragon Position.

No matter what your ambitions are, you can only have a chance if you step into the court, otherwise everything is just empty talk.

“I’m afraid that there will be many people who will take the opportunity to cause chaos. There are heroes all over the Jiangdong area, and many aristocratic families in the Central Plains are also powerful. They are watching with eager eyes. You and I, three brothers, are weak and weak.”

Zhang Fei frowned slightly and was a little worried. There was no shortage of ambitious people in the land of Kyushu. It was just because the fate of the country was still intact and the Han Dynasty did not dare to rebel.

“If I have a foundation, all the ordinary people in the world will have nothing to worry about.” Liu Bei waved his hand and said:

“Bogui (Gongsun Zan) has agreed to join forces with me. As long as he has military exploits, he can easily get an official position. Once he enters the court, there are many ways to deal with those gelded dogs.”

Having said this, Liu Bei looked outside the palace:

“What do you think of Shi Lan?”

“The blood and energy cultivation is not weak, and it is considered second-rate in this world. It is rare for a daughter to reach this stage in this world. She is still young. If she is trained by an expert, she has the opportunity to become the first-rate in the world. If she is taken under her command, she will be able to take on an important task. “

Zhang Fei obviously admired Shi Lan, but he still had some concerns:

“His origins are unknown, and he is said to be from overseas. But from what I have seen in his words and deeds, he has the aura of killing in a military formation. I don’t know if he has any agenda, and I have not considered his character.”

“I’m not afraid that she has some agenda, but I’m afraid that she doesn’t want anything.” Liu Bei’s eyes were half-squinted, and after pondering for a moment, he spoke again:

“Since you want to hone your martial arts, then give her a chance. Zilong is going back to the mountain gate to visit his master in the past two days, so let her go with him.”

“Penglai Gunslinger, Tong Yuan?!”

Hearing what Liu Bei said, Zhang Fei’s eyebrows jumped:

“That’s one of the top people in the world. He has been closed for a long time. I’m afraid he may not be willing to give any advice.”

If Zhao Yun hadn’t been extremely talented, he wouldn’t have been able to become a disciple of such a legendary figure.

“I have my own arrangements for this matter, just let her know.”



To the west of Yongzhou, millions of miles away, is the West Sea. Above the sea stands a fairy mountain called Chaoyao. It is full of strange objects and rich in fairy mines for forging magic weapons.

In the mountain, in a cave, three figures sat side by side.

There is a person in the middle, wearing a long robe, with a slim build, delicate appearance, and a bookish look on his face. He is holding a book in his hand, staring intently, and the sun shines brightly in the depths of his pupils.

After a while, the glow subsided, and the man put away the book in his hand with a slightly happy expression:

“The Book of Heaven shows that it will snow early next year and the Jiazi cycle will be a good time to do something. The water vapor of the heaven is sinking and collides with the fire and virtue of Yanhan, so there will be a natural disaster. At that time, I will ascend to the heights and call out, and all places will respond. Great things can be expected. That’s it!”

There was not much joy on the faces of the two people on the left and right, but they were full of solemnity.

“Brother, the country’s destiny is still at its peak. What we are doing is tantamount to acting against nature. Once defeated, I am afraid that I will die without a burial place.”

The person on the left sighed and looked hesitant:

“With the abilities of my three brothers, being an overseas immortal is not the same as being free and easy.”

After hearing this, the remaining person also echoed:

“Although Taiping Dao disciples are now spread all over Jiuzhou, with more than ten million of them, through the ages, how many of those who have acted against heaven have ended up with their bodies intact?”

“How can I defy heaven? The current government is in chaos. I, Zhang Jiao, have been instructed by the immortals to follow the destiny of heaven. I should bring order to the chaos and clear the world!”

Zhang Jiao stood up and raised his hand to stop the two people who wanted to persuade them again:

“You two prepare separately and wait for my news. It will snow early next year, natural disasters will occur, and you will raise troops to devour the Han!”

After saying that, he raised his head, looked through the stone wall, and scanned the sky:

“The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, and the age of Jiazi will bring good luck to the world!”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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