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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 498 Changes

‘If there really is an immortal, why don’t you take action directly to eliminate Chao Gang? Why bother with so much trouble. ’

The two people behind Zhang Jiao suddenly came up with this idea and sighed inwardly.

I’m afraid that if I’m kept in the dark, I’ll be the target of someone else’s mistake.

But now Zhang Jiao obviously couldn’t listen to what they said.

In desperation, the two of them could only get up one after another, walk out of the cave, follow their words, and rush towards Kyushu.



Tianyu Tower, Zhuojun, Youzhou.

In a guest room, Shi Lan was sitting cross-legged on the bed, studying the Boxing Sutra word by word.

As she went deeper, her eyes became brighter and brighter, her breathing rhythm changed slightly, her fair skin turned slightly red, and the blood in her body began to rhythm with her breathing, an energy hidden deep in the blood. It was dug out and circulated among the muscles and bones.

The development of the physical body by Lingyang Martial Arts has almost reached a limit. The body tempering state can perfectly control the strength in the body and gather it at one point. The Tiangang realm warriors who have access to the acupoints in the body can control every inch of the skin of the body. You can control everything, and your muscles and bones can relax as you please.

But now, the breathing method contained in this boxing sutra has almost subverted her understanding of blood and energy. There is still some untapped potential between flesh and bones.

After a while, Shi Lan put away his fists, his consciousness sank into the system’s virtual space, and he started the battle simulation.

Under the starry sky of the universe, three figures stood in front of her. They were all foreign supreme beings who died in the Qingluo Realm, and their cultivation levels were suppressed at the peak of the seventh level.

As a supreme being who has cultivated the Dao Fruit, even if his cultivation is at the peak of the seventh level, his combat power is still extremely terrifying. Normally, if he reaches the seventh level, he will be killed as soon as he raises his hand.

During the more than twenty years of practicing martial arts in the virtual space, these supreme beings have become her regular sparring partners.


Under the starry sky, an ice lotus suddenly bloomed. A Supreme of the Shuangjian Clan took the lead and froze the void. She had long ice-blue hair shawl, and her expression was cold and lifeless.

The glaciers carrying fragments of black ice poured down, crushing several Death Stars one after another, and pulled the world into an extremely cold purgatory.


Shi Lan slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, his hands were empty, the light of the soul in his eyes was restrained and dim, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into silence.

Under the calm appearance, inside the chest, the pulse of the heart was unprecedentedly violent. Several times more blood than before was flowing through the heart, like a violent wave rushing to the limbs and bones, with an explosion-like sense of fullness. Then they rushed to the spiritual platform.


Shi Lan raised his leg and took a step forward. The light blue glacier sloping down seemed to be split into two by a sharp blade.

The next moment, Shi Lan was already standing in front of the Supreme Being. Without any hesitation, he stretched his muscles and bones, raised his arms and punched.


The void collapsed, and a sharp, roaring sound exploded instantly!

The figure of this Supreme Being of the Shuangjian Clan was simply unable to bear such violent force. His chest was torn apart instantly, his bones shattered, and his blood spattered, condensing into tiny bits of ice crystals and scattering across the starry sky.

He killed a fellow supreme being with one punch, and it seemed like endless power was still flowing through his body.

Shi Lan’s eyes were like lightning, locking on the remaining two supreme beings, like a tiger coming out of the gate, thunder across the starry sky, the punch was powerful and heavy, and in an instant, he once again shattered the skull of a supreme being.

Before she could catch her breath, a bloody ax shadow fell from the dome of the starry sky. The ax blade was filled with cold light, and in an instant, it reached the top of her head.

Under the giant axe, Shi Lan bowed and tightened his legs. With a sudden step, the void beneath his feet collapsed layer by layer. His figure suddenly elongated, turning into a black shadow and rising into the sky against the ax blade.


The edge of the fist cut through the brilliant starry sky like a sword blade, tearing the last Supreme One in half from bottom to top.


Shi Lan raised his hand to touch his heart, slowly calming down the surging energy and blood in his body. In a moment, the surrounding starry sky and the remains of the three supreme beings disappeared without a trace, turning into a vast white space.

She did not adjust her state, but carefully experienced every change after the battle.

This battle was different from the past when blood and energy surged into the sky at every turn. All the blood and energy fluctuations were locked within the body, without any leakage.

The Zhenwu Immortal Body has been completed, and the potential contained in the body is beyond her imagination. Under this breathing method, her combat power has almost increased exponentially. With the three supreme beings from the same realm joining forces, she still had to work hard before. Arms and legs, now she only threw three punches.

But relatively speaking, this kind of fighting method is too fierce. If combined with Lingyang Martial Arts, if it is used to the limit, it will be too heavy for the physical body. In just a few breaths, the heart will be overwhelmed.

However, if the blood flow speed in the body can be controlled, this load may be reduced.

After pondering for a moment, Shi Lan’s mind moved slightly, and the virtual space was distorted and turned into a wilderness.

At the end of the wilderness, five figures appeared.




A knock on the door reached his ears, Shi Lan exited the virtual space, stood up and opened the door.

Standing outside the door, in addition to Zhang Fei, who had not seen him for several days, there was also a young man who seemed to be less than twenty. He was dressed in spotless white clothes and was more than eight feet tall. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, with sharp edges on his face. dignified.

“This is Miss Shi Lan.”

Zhang Fei said something and was about to introduce Shi Lan when the man beside him bowed his head and said:

“My surname is Zhao, my given name is Yun, and my courtesy name is Zilong. I am a man from Zhending in Changshan, Jizhou. I am not yet married, and I have no parents or relatives at home. Now I am serving under the command of Governor Gongsun.”

“I’ve admired you for a long time.”

Shi Lan looked Zhao Yun up and down, and as expected, another eighth-level man replied with a lukewarm reply, then gave Zhang Fei a puzzled look.

Since that day, she left Liu Bei’s house and has not seen Zhang Fei again. The exchange of martial arts was obviously just a polite word. She did not come to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. Now that she came suddenly, there must be something important.

“Zilong is a close disciple of Tong Yuan, the world’s top Penglai spear prodigy. Tomorrow he will return to the mountain gate to visit his master.”

Zhang Fei glanced at Zhao Yun with unknown meaning and said:

“Girl, if you go out to sharpen your martial arts, if you have an expert to give you some advice, you will be able to save yourself a lot of hard work. Why not go with him and save yourself some trouble on the way?”

After hearing these words, Shi Lan’s eyes couldn’t help but light up. To be respected as the pinnacle of the world in such a big world, he is at least a peak powerhouse in the Supreme Realm, and he is also the supreme person who practices martial arts in this world. For martial arts There must be great insights.

It is undoubtedly an opportunity for her to get guidance from such a person.

Thinking of this, Shi Lan’s eyes suddenly became much kinder when he looked at Zhao Yun.

“Brother Zilong is here to help.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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